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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. What kind of response were you expecting? You genuinely sound mental.

    Perhaps an answer to the original question. What was Gethins doing in Spain, what were his aims and objectives and were they achieved?

    What's mental about that Lichtie? I'm sure most of you lads who hold the very most up to date info on the the inner workings of the SNP must have a pre-prepared briefing no?
  2. ^^^ running scared, imo

    I've said recently that IndyRef is on the cards Fide, think most Scots accept that.
    That doesn't mean it's going to be plain sailing for the SNP however.
    That's why they're out prostituting themselves to any support in the EU they can rumble whatsoever. Hardly a confident approach more a feeble 'cap in hand' pitch!

    You may want to avoid perhaps even ignore that fact with what you believe to be a smart quip, but it hides nothing Fide.

    Getting into bed with Sinn Fein is also another indication of desperation that will become increasingly transparent for many over the next 18 months.

    Still lots to play for my friend.
  3. Because Unionists breathlesssly claimed Spain would veto iScotland joining the EU.

    Which has now, as we knew all along, been officially debunked.


    Why was he out there in the hope of meeting senior Spanish government officials if their support is already in the bag?

    SNP prepared to dump support for Catalonian independence and promise to not to get involved in the sovereign rights of thousands of British Gibraltarians, who are vehemently against joint rule with Spain.


    They're a principle lot eh the SNP? absolutely shameless, the way they will whore themselves around the EU abandoning the self determination rights of others, they would sell their own f*ckin Granny!!


    And we want these shysters leading us into the fabled promised land, No thanks.

  4. Don't agree, injured or not, Bellew at no point should be charging in to stop a heavy-handed heavyweight, he proved early on that he was able to take Hyes punches when he was moving away from Haye, why would he want to charge in and add impetus to any big punch that Haye might throw, Lewis showed the way to deal with dangerous opponents when he refused to dive in against a seemingly hurt Holyfield, really wish more boxers would learn to control their egos and stop feeling like they need to stop fights to impress punters, retiring unharmed with plenty of cash should be the aim of any boxer where possible.

    Similarly Lewis Vs Tua, a complete shut out!?
  5. I didnae vote @ Brexit.
    Our southern neighbours decided for me (and you).
    you'll get your way 3-5 years
    Whit, Indy in 3-5 years.
    I'll take it :thumsup2

    Aye Willie, just my own opinion, but regretfully resigned to it. It's difficult to argue otherwise. Still think it will be close, but when a 2nd Ref comes, Scotland will vote Yes.
  6. Rob, your post reminds me of the SNP back in the day.
    We used tae get one MP (if we were lucky) but come in second in most constituencies.
    We were laughed at and ridiculed but times change.

    Brexit was a huge F*ck up Willie, you'll get your way 3-5 years!

  7. Yes they do, its called Brexit and theres fcuk all left wing about it.

    Are you saying 52% of Brits are 'far right' KB? I don't believe they are. Brexit was a massive GIRFUY, after years of being ignored and telt what to think and do?
    I think it was a huge mistake fwiw, but it seems to have damaged Labour far more than the Tories.
  8. Copeland, result:
    CON: 44.3% (+8.5)
    LAB: 37.3% (-4.9)
    LDEM: 7.2% (+3.8)
    UKIP: 6.5% (-9.0)
    IND: 2.6% (+2.6)
    GRN: 1.7% (-1.3)

    An absolutely historic result, this. Governing parties should not be gaining seats from the opposition.

    Wow, not even a re-count, massive swing!!
  9. Hard to judge anything at this time of the night, but some early indications seem to say the Tories will win Copeland with reasonable comfort whilst Labour will just about hang on in Stoke.

    This could all of course be bullshit!

    Looks tight on both counts. Labour to hold both for me, might be on a knife edge, but to keep UKIP out in Stoke would be a decent effort.
    Copeland can't vote Tory can they!?
    Maybe you've just came across toooooo strongly Rob???
    My grandparents were that bad when it came to religion they hinted to my mum that they wouldn't enjoy going to her wedding if it wasn't in a Catholic Church, me and my sister had to be baptised too. They forced it on to her that much when she was younger she felt the polar opposite in regards to it when she grew up...
    You've been singing too many loyalist songs Rob. Bowing to an Alistair Darling photo before breakfast every day in their childhood too... You've put the kids off for life. [emoji6]

    Haha, all good stuff Lichtie, my kids couldn't give two f*cks about religion, or their Unionist/Loyalist heritage and don't follow Rangers, but they do their best to placate their old man, I can't complain really.
    So yes voters are kids???
    Of course there is poverty in this country. What a thing to say. :lol:
    Only 22% of Scotland think the Tories are the best party to run our country, their best result for a long time too isn't it?
    Huge swathes of Scotland think that the only thing worse than Brexit is Independence happening too??? Hahahah. No for the No voters.
    A lot of people did vote no over false threats. Maybe not exclusively the vow but still.
    A socialist utopian vision. :lol:
    And there's abuse from both sides. Of course you know this though. The only difference being is that abusing the YES campaign was carried out in the mainstream media, not just online on forums, social media and what not.

    Three kids (well adults now) they'll all vote for independence come a 2nd Vote, so they tell me, don't know where I've gone wrong?

    Nah in seriousness though I find it funny how you moan about that on here but have been perfectly happy to sit through similar every Saturday for the past 40/50 year.


    Pub were you in out of interest?


    Camperdown Masonic Lodge. Won the meat raffle![emoji6]


    eta; most of the past 40 odd years have been pretty good btw, it's shite at the moment, but it'll turn, no worries.

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