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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Why do you care so much what we will do.
    Is your life just empty without the chance to dish out GIRUYs?

    C'mon MJW, isn't the boot on the other foot? How often do you read on here about, raging seething yoons!? What does it matter given that independence is supposedly a cert?
  2. That's right Bobby, if in doubt play the man.  Have a super weekend. x

    Cheers Pal, you too! looking forward to a few beers up in Dundee Sunday lunch, hopefully you lads can do us a wee favour against the Mutton Molesters![emoji6]

  3. "Wee Nippy".

    Isn't it telling that the ones who sling names about are Unionists?  As someone pointed out earlier, Unionists have pretty much a monopoly on seethe and uncontrollable rage.

    Aye Fide, you would never do that would you, (sling names about).

    I wonder what a wee dip into your post history might reveal, regarding the derogatory terms you have used to label No voters and Unionists in general?


    As for uncontrollable rage, didn't you sign yourself off from the board because ... errr well you couldn't 'control your rage'??

  4. Unable to provide answer = No right to ask  question.  


    We have moved on to neutrality in indyref2.   You might find this hard to accept.   

    An answer to what? A claim that you are unable to substantiate?

    Had to watch QT on record tonight, as I had a Lodge meeting. Swinney's fudge on Scottish education attainment was laughable, wee Nippy must have been choking on her Horlicks.


    ETA, there wasn't a single question in your post/response to HammerJag btw, I'm not sure what you want me to answer, and neither are you.

  5. The answer we sadly expected.  

    Next time you assault the SNP, best be able to argue the point.    

    Absolutely telling that you criticise the SG, then squirm away.   

    What a shitebag!!!!

    Haha brilliant, it was a straight question on employability for graduates in the subject area 'we' have invested in?
    You can't answer it in terms of return on investment, so take the default position of 'an attack on the SNP' which somehow means I'm a shitebag, typical Separatist logic.
    They're running the show at your behest, at least try and defend your position.
    If you can't back it up, just say so and we'll move on.
  6. I take answers before you are afforded questions.   This isn't loony yoons where you serve the ball and we attempt to return.  

    RedRob72, how would you assess the SG's performance on education - in all sectors, and collectively.   

    No, you sited the number of Students pursuing a Higher Education as a success, I'm questioning how you measure that. Surely that's fair, given the investment we pour into it?
  7. TBH education is a mixed bag under the SNP.  Probably a A- 


    There are more students at uni.  

    More are getting 1st class degrees.  

    We have the the highest 1st class degrees in science in the world. 

    Exam highers are up nearly 40%  

    Record number of students go on to FT college.  

    ONS suggested Scotland was the most educated country in the world.  



    PISA was poorish.   Yet most of the slides came under Labour and we know its a sub-sample.   And nothing more.   


    How many Graduates (%) get jobs in the subject area/ sector they actually studied for.

    HE employability figures never state that. They'll claim that 80-90% of their students are in work within 6 months of completing their studies. They don't tell you how many are working in call centres or part time at Subway!

  8. Anyone seen anything exciting of late? I've been hoping for the Waxwings to return to Perth but I haven't seen/heard anything about them. Very sad.

    Is there any British species that anyone's really keen to tick off their list? I still haven't seen a Golden Eagle and a Capercaillie. Going to have to make a trip north at some point to see those ones.

    Loch Erne's only about 30 miles from Perth, Golden Eagle and Osprey![emoji6]
  9. The difference is I make no bones about being unhappy with the current setup (Scotland regional status). You, on the other hand, feign jaunty jolliness, when every second post is absolutely dripping with passive aggression, projection, and not-particularly-sly digs at people commenting on the situation you find yourself in (currently one in which a second referendum has been exacerbated by the UK). You've been at it for years now.
    As for "what a future for Scotland, eh?", you've already admitted you don't give a flying f**k what Scotland's future is, so long as it remains a bit of the UK. That's the be-all and end-all of your political ambitions - to preserve the British state and Scotland's minor, outvoted part in it.

    Just more paranoid suspicion, I don't need a mask or have to make sly digs, my views are completely transparent. When have I said 'I don't give a flying f*ck' about the future of Scotland? Fabrication to prove a point when you seem incapable of engaging without spoiling for an argument. Interesting to note that you recognise passive aggression though.
  10. Mask slipping again and the seething fear making a welcome reappearance. I can almost smell the bile. I can't even see anyone here who wants a referendum immediately - as you've now acknowledged, even the bold Salmond expects a referendum only once the separatist UK manages to make the state even more of a laughing stock via Brexit negotiations.

    You can smell the bile because it's right under your nose mate. Brexit negotiations will very much shape our position either as an iScotland or a remaining part of the Union. That you wish the UK Gov 'to make a state' of this process, speaks volumes. Your seethe and bitterness is palpable. What a future for Scotland eh!?
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