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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Of course she'll spend the next 18 months on the sidelines. May didn't shove a barrow of cash over the water so she could build a consensusof all the parties. If you paid  any attention at all to tory interviews at the weekend they all said they would build a Brexit for everyone but absolutely none said that they would work with other parties. It just won't happen. The SNP is in the same place as Labour and the Lib Dems. They'll all comment from outside because £1.5bn removes the need to share. 
    I'm not sure why you're bothered. You don't want an independent Scotland.  The SNP does. You'll never agree with them. Whenever the period of reflection and consensus building is over you'll find the same or new reasons to object. You'll be the same as every other staunch sort - Loondave and that other troll arsehole included. Nobody needs to reflect on any of you because you'll all bend over and pull your cheeks apart for Westminster. There are folk out there who can be persuaded though. 

    May will need to take the same medicine as Sturgeon with regards to building a broad consensus across Westminster and Brexit. The electorate have demanded so. Yes this might prove to be very tricky but our current divisions have to come to a head at some point. Only the most capable leaders can deliver this.
  2. What is supposed to make a difference? You think May is suddenly going to open up an all party negotiating team? You think she's going to backtrack on the single market - something Corbyn is hardly a great believer in? While there is a parliamentary majority for both - and there is - then the SNP will be on the sidelines, regardless of the imminence or otherwise of another Indyref. For the SNP, this is an exercise in repositioning, not a wholesale change in mind. As Ivo says above, the Tories get to own Brexit for a bit longer, the SNP comeback after the summer and probably glide to the left to shore up that flank. Let some of the heat go out of the Indy Ref debate so denying Colonel Blimp and Deputy Dug a major line of attack and rebuild towards the still fairly probable IndyRef legislation in Autumn 18/19.

    If that's all it is 'an exercise in repositioning' Sturgeon will remain firmly on the sidelines. It's up to her to convince May that she should have a seat at the Brexit table. A difficult pitch given that she flatly refused any cooperation after June 16 and dived straight in for a 2nd Ref with the mistaken belief that she had gained the upper hand again with regards to Independence in Scotland. She certainly took her eye off the ball concerning Westminster and Europe.

    If she's prepared to park IndyRef 2, it's up to Sturgeon to show her real mettle and influencing skills now, and that she truly wishes to be positively involved. I wish she would, I might disagree with her politics but she's undoubtedly a skilled and capable politician.

    My guess is that she will spend the next 18 months, sniping & sneering, with very little to offer in terms of 'putting our shoulder to the wheel' as she puts it.

    Will the SNP present a different proposition to the Scottish electorate in the latter part of 2018..? I doubt it.

  3. Basically for ose of you who voted No, you can now relax for another 18 months to 2 years. At that point we will be in 2019 at least and that will probably be too late to go for IndyRef2 before the next Holyrood elections. I reckon she will go to the ballot box with IndyRef2 on the paper and ask for a mandate formit to happen in the next parliament. We are looking at 2022 at the earliest IMO.
    Then it will have been 8 years. A few years too soon for me but probably a reasonable enough time given Brexit for the country to agree to go again.

    Yep, seems about right!
  4. It'll no doubt be 'resting' in the same 'staunch' accounts as the proceeds of the 'Renewable Heat Incentive' scheme. 

    I'll gotten gains eh!? I don't remember SF being too willing to share the spoils of the their wee Northern Bank venture! [emoji6]
  5. The plan is to wait until after the negotiations of Brexit have taken shape, not to wait until we've sailed merrily of the end of the world.

    It's perhaps the role of all parties then, including the SNP to make sure that doesn't happen. She's clearly seen that shouting from the sidelines, and banging the Indy drum won't make a blind bit of difference over the next 18 months.
  6. Believe that majority of Scots felt after last June that Indy Ref 2 would have to wait until after Brexit is completed. Also that the Scottish Government's efforts in the meantime should be to concentrate on influencing Westminster's exit strategy whilst maximising the most out of current devolved powers. Despite the dissenting voices still clamouring for an immediate return to the ballot box, Sturgeon appears to have listened.

  7. Are you back with us full time Rob, or just until the next time you misplace your big boy pants?
    ETA: Spittle flecked reply about "BUT BUT BUT you left too....!" incoming in 5, 4, 3.....

    Nah mate, it used to be fun being on here, not so much these days.
    Still have a quick look in from time to time though, but it's usually the same old, same old....
  8. I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  Why are so very many Unionists:
    a) Very angry
    b) Awful winners
    c) Stupid
    It's not just one or two of them that hit out with the above rhetoric.  You see slight variations of the above mantra all over social media and comment sections.  I can't imagine going through life so full of vitriol.

    Did you see that shower walking through George Sq last week Fidey?
    I didn't see a smile amongst em. Plenty of sneering and jeering, giving the Vickies and shouting obscenities. Certainly not a happy bunch.
    Perhaps even less so after Thursday's results.
    It isn't difficult to see why the ordinary punter is put off by the nastier side of Scottish separatism.

  9. You've spent the weekend -
    calling other posters tramps.
    Posting about other posters masturbating.
    Posting snidey child abuse related pish on a match forum.

    Have I missed anything?

    You know, you're right. Hands up, inexcusable.
    Perhaps it's time to call it a day on P&B.
    Mostly an enjoyable time spent on here while it lasted though.
  10. BlueRob's seethe alone is worth it.
    Fucking 'MON EN!!!!

    Your having a laugh Fide. 'Seethe' is it?
    Enough for me to self impose a ban on P&B and a pathetic plea to the Board Mods, then to crawl back under a new username? I think not.
    No sane person could possibly reach such a level of 'Seethe' on a f*ckin Internet forum could they?

  11. You really are slavering pish with that statement. Scotland independent and Ireland reunited, your precious union is almost over

    Ok, lets play this one out.
    Fast forward to summer 2019.
    Scotland votes No again, to leaving the UK.
    The possibility of a United Ireland remains distant because of a nervous reluctance from the Irish government to even consider the question.

    How will you fill your days then Bob? Think I'll probably have sacked P&B before then, the level of wailing, tears and snotters on here is going to be f*ckin unbearable!
  12. It's Irish in his case, but RedRob doesn't need to  worry too much as he supports Dundee United.


    Ooft that hurts! Ya F*cker!

    Enjoy the game today? It felt like a win at the final whistle tbh, but just chatting in the pub now, we had enough clear chances to steal a famous win.

    ETA, on my shitey phone, but in response to EFG.



    You haven't got a clue Pal. I've five lads, this time round, who started in 2012-2013 who are now fully qualified, one working in Portugal, the rest in Scotland/Eng two of em going out to Spain this Wed, all doing ok and earning well. They're part of a team of 35. Some of em, will admit to being able to do f*ck all 3 years ago Gordon! send me a PM if you fancy a go and helping me out!? These lads aren't backwards you patronising C*NT!



  14. Comparing the SNP to the NSDAP, which is what I assume is being so lazily implied four posts previous, is the preserve of the historically illiterate, the wilfully ignorant and the monumentally moronic.

    Sorry Drew, I've really tried, but there's nothing, get yourself off, I'm sure there's work or something in a few hours!? Cheers Rab[emoji6]
  15. Some people can't progress. We just have to wait for their backwards ways of thinking to die out unfortunately. 

    Do you include young people that feel they can't progress, because of their backgrounds? Will they only get a chance when their 'old folk' die out?
  16. I understand that folk like yourself see questioning themselves as a pointless exercise but it's generally how individuals and societies grow and progress. That's the reason folk like you tend to end up as embarrassing footnotes in history.

    That's fine Gordon, but how you help 'people to progress' is a different question, I don't know you, you don't know me? Is your smug contribution unsurpassed so far this year on P&B?
  17. Absolute Minter from right wing red rob.

    Seriously mate, I'm neither Red or Right Wing (Tory most yes, but sometimes admittedly it's a struggle)

    Not interested in the SNP mantra on here though, 'we will dismiss and blindly ignore, any comment/view or source that we disagree with'!

    There used to be a very powerful European Political party that exercised that very stance!

  18. Can't wait for the day when humanity looks back and views folk like Rob the same way we view the toothless, uneducated simpletons who used to burn women at the stake as witches.
    I just hope we reach such an enlightened era, as a species.

    You seem enamoured with that viewpoint, that's fine, it's yours to behold. Just enjoy it. Stop questioning yourself, it's pointless!
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