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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. The more I read about this the more I think the secretary of state for NI has an agenda for direct rule.

    It may well play into the hands of SF, but its possibly the only way to get them back to work.
    As mentioned previously, it's a scandal in itself that these elected politicians are still on full pay and allowances without doing a day's work (apart from slating each other) since January.
    On the other hand, does Brokenshire really want that headache or indeed is he capable of taking up the reins, not many seem convinced thus far.
  2. As always, it's good to see our resident staunch poster obsessing over the other side whenever the opportunity arises.

    I wouldn't want to disappoint you my friend![emoji6]


    Their hypocrisy stinks as usual, Its clear that many of our neighbours in the South are just as fed up with them.

  3. dons enquiring about lewis macleod
    gers fans - whats the lowdown?

    Liked him when he got a decent tun in the side with us.
    Seemed to spend a lot of time on the treatment table through and a fairy lengthy period out of the side for non-football health reasons.
    Good touch though, happy supporting either flanks but did tend to get knocked off the ball easily some times when indecisive in the middle of the park.
    Sad to see him go tbh, given that he'd been with us throughout our Junior set up !!
    Still young enough with still a few midfield goals left in the tank

  4. I think the ska approach would work where halfway through they up the tempo, quick knees up and stop taking themselves too seriously. 

    Thinking 'Do Rock Steady' - Bodysnatchers? [emoji6][emoji106]
  5. Have any flute bands ever added a few bassoons or even contrabassoons to give them a bit more range

    Recall when I was a wee lad that there was a band who had a sole French Horn,seem to remember he only played it on the way back out of the field though. I think it was probably more of a novelty accompaniment, than a serious effort to enhance the range of the performance though.

  6. The tedious RedRob argument .
    If her no wan ae us yer wan ay thaym.

    Is there anywhere else where people react to every perceived slight by burning down their own area?

    Aw come on that's just lazy, where/when have I ever said that!?
    You've got to admit though that 'their' bonfires are a truly pathetic attempt at imitation!
    The same could be said of 'their' flute bands, a motley bedraggled crew! Just parroting without a note between them!![emoji47]
  7. Given the turn of events over in Belfast at the weekend, it emerges that Carl Frampton's position as a Director of Cyclone Promotions had been terminated just a few days before. Any significance?

  8. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jul/20/official-figures-show-biggest-rise-crime-in-a-decade
    Official figures show biggest rise in crime in a decade
    Turns out cutting thousands of coppers in England and Wales does have a downside.

    Any mention by the Guardian as to why, as a nation we seem determined to grow this destructive import to enhance our own home grown lawlessness? The figures for the Capital are truly shocking.
  9. If you attend any march in Scotland I'm sure you'll know fine well.

    Attend most of em, and agree that our walks attract some unwanted attention, but perhaps you could say that about most large gatherings.
    Believe me I'd rather those who come just to get pished and mouth obscenities would just give it a miss completely, they aren't wanted.
  10. Mate, the people that sleep on streets on pish stained mattresses are at least 2 or 3 rungs above the parade hangers on in the societal pecking order. 

    Sorry Pal I wouldn't know that, I'll just have to take your word for it.
  11. I'm not complaining and to be honest there's nothing more sadder than the dregs that follow the walks past my window once a year.

    The windae outside Greggs? I'm surprised that yer allowed to keep yer pish stained mattress there indefinitely. I blame the council!
  12. What does that mean exactly ? Are you one of those mutants that stands on the pavements cheering them on ?

    Aye that's me, are you one of those sad wee whanks, who sits on a keyboard complaining about it?
    Get yer self out a wee bit more mate.
  13. I remember the good old days when rob used to tell us he went fishing with his pals instead of all that stuff [emoji848]

    Decent 3lb Brown Trout out of the Lower Bann, and played Portrush to my handicap! Great few days thanks. [emoji6][emoji106]

  14. Do you just get wrecked for 2 weeks from the 12th onwards?

    You're a mess

    It's ok pal, I'm away for another few months, just strangely feel the need for a wee observation now and then on P&B.
    Hope that's all fine? Aw the best Rab[emoji6][emoji106][emoji636]
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