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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Always have trouble getting a pair of tits on my fat balls in the garden!😕

    Seriously though, seen a lone White Tailed Sea Eagle soaring off the Antrim Coast a few weeks back, magnificent bird, huge wingspan. Apparently there's a growing number of them to be seen on Skye and Mull.

  2. It was always inevitable, what with last May's yellow tsunami, that not all of the SNP's new MPs would be the greatest at public speaking.

    It's not so much public speaking ability Fide, but last night Bardell just seemed to be pulling figures out of thin air expecting not to be challenged on them. Poor presentation is one thing, but lack of well researched content is another for someone of her position?
  3. :lol: Fair fucks!!

    Tasmina Sheikh MP â€@TasminaSheikh 8 hrs8 hours ago

    Tasmina Sheikh MP Retweeted Piers Morgan

    HELLO PIERS, HOPE YOU ARE WELL. BEST, TASMINA https://twitter.com/piersmorgan/status/710605699462635522 …

    Tasmina Sheikh MP added,

    Tasmina Sheikh is hurting my ears

    Piers Morgan @piersmorgan


    Screeching from a well rehearsed script, f*cking awful!! but not as bad as the clueless Hannah Bardell on This Week afterwards!! Talk about winging it!?
  4. And it is a thousand candles that will burn for every brave soldier that marches to the steps of the drums of liberty, so that tyranny will never trample the spirit of freedom in the hearts of men, throughout a world thrown into darkness and despair. It is despots and tryants who run our rivers red with the colors of a hundred trampled flags that unfurl in the winds of liberty, blowing over centuries of deprivation ... where men who have known treachery and treason can still light torches in the caves of honor...


    You quote with crying laughter, hollow patronisation of something you hate about Scotland.

    The law of Animals, destroy what you don't understand.

  5. That is quite possibly the most deluded bunch of claptrap I have read in my entire life.

    Bravo, sir. Bra-funkin-vo!

    You take a different view, that's fine, there are millions of us across these shores that feel the same way! My delusion equals your denial?
  6. For the ordinary Joe on the street and depending on what generation he or she's from it is summed up by either mods on mopeds, Eddie the Eagle Edwards or the Spice Girls. For the thinking man it's a faded and ripped, blood-soaked rag and for the zealot it's a veil of of respectability to hide their xenophobia, insecurities and twisted sense of loyalty behind.

    And sadly, stained with the blood of tens of thousands of Scots who fought to protect these isles and those living under the flag from tyranny, fascism and terrorism. That for me is never taken for granted or forgotten, whether you agree with the motivations of the ruling powers at the time or not.
  7. Fair do's Rob perhaps Peppino is a wee bit OTT but c'mon.

    It represents, a sense of fair play, warmth, humour and kindness.

    You really are comin' the c**t aren't ye. :lol::thumsup2

    Not at all, for the ordinary Joe on a ordinary street, I think its pretty much summed up there! It's the country he lives in and the flag it flies under. It's symbolic only I suppose, but it's what's under the surface that counts, as a United Kingdom we're a pretty decent lot generally! The flag belongs to us, not the government (past or present) or the legacy of long gone British colonial masters.

    Many Scots (and indeed other UK residents) don't recognise the Union or the Flag as their own, fair enough it's their choice.

  8. Rob, in peasant parlance you're coming the c**t aren't ye?

    Nah I don't think so, Peppino gave his take on the Union flag, I gave mine, is that not allowed? We all have different views, it's a good thing, irrespective of how disagreeable you may find someone else's opinion.

  9. You don't sound offended. I'm sorry if my fair description of the most blood soaked flag in human history upsets you.

    You seem to hold some value to how upset someone is/isn't by your posts, not an attractive characteristic.

    A fair description would also consider the millions who have sought protection and safety underneath it, a flag still held up today as a bastion of hope from those seeking shelter from persecution and danger, extended and accepted across the whole world.

    It represents, a sense of fair play, warmth, humour and kindness. Yes, I think that's a much more positive reflection.

  10. Are you offended by my referring t the flag you jack off to in such Terms?

    I'm no offended at all mate, I did wonder why you've got the day off school though, I thought your Easter break started next week no?

    Perhaps move on?

  11. Tbf ifyourside lost the rreferendum you'd probably still be crying now and saluting the butchers apron with gstq on fullvolume Iif you hadn't headed straight for a bridge. So if the guy bannedhhimself it's really not that big a deal. t

    Butchers Apron!!? Deary me, and you think your stereotyping me!? Go for a lie down mate.

  12. Given your level of abuse to other posters, I fully expected this to be your reply. Seek help, your issues are clearly legion. Call this an intervention.

    Ok, Rab, since I ignored your last wee fishing trip, I'll acknowledge this one. That better? Want a wee hug while I'm here?


    Ha ha, yep gotta admit I was surprised you swerved the last one! No harm intended😀
  13. Why do you constantly feel the need to be abusive and play the keyboard gangster role?

    Fido's just a wee pussycat really, he loves trotting out his 'weak minded' mantra, but is the only poster I can think of (in my time on here) that actually banned himself from the board, such was his tantrum after the Ref result. Doesn't really suggest steadfast self control?

    I take most of his tired insults with a pinch of salt, probably not a bad lad really.

  14. Are you planning to offer a counter argument or simply abuse the poster?

    It's the default position, just revert to type, when void of reason.

    Think AdLib gets a pretty rough ride on here for a decent read tbh.

  15. millions and millions of people in England do that's why thy write that you clown if the readership wasn't receptive to it they wouldn't. As for self persecuting coming from a BritNatthats rich.

    So Millions of people buy the Sun and Mail in England because they are anti Scottish papers following a national train of thought. They are just pandering to the masses?

    Get out much do you?

  16. But we will though.

    Every thread on here relating to Europe has had the same ' how can you vote yes for independence and want to stay in Europe?' Question from the Unionists.

    Its very silly.

    Its generally because the reasons given for leaving the UK seem to be a direct contradiction of those given for remaining in the EU I suppose?

  17. So you recognise that they are two different types of union altogether, and you support one for Scotland but not the UK. Why then pretend it's strange that others support one for the UK but not a different type for Scotland?

    Yes they are both different types of Union, I am currently content with our place as a member of both. Is that clear enough?

    No need to go round in circles on this.

  18. You mean like Scotland being part of the uk where we are held in such contempt we are referred to as scrounging jocks in the national press on a daily basis?

    They are just as f*ckin bad, I don't believe it's a widely held view at all though, not through my own experiences in England over the last few years anyway.
  19. So just to be clear, you think incorporating union with a devolved parliament in return is good enough for Scotland but not good enough for the UK?

    Strange position for a committed incorporating unionist.

    It's not perfect by any stretch, but I'm content with our partnership within the United Kingdom and in turn our place in the EU. Most agreed in the 2014 Ref and reckon we'll see a similar result (% share of the vote) come June. It's not an unusual stance to take up at all.

  20. Goodness gracious me the Britnats on here are quite the bunch of servile, deferential forelocktuggers aren't they?

    You missed out craven, gutless and cowardly Fide.

    Who would want to join a group of people that held you in such contempt, it's a tough one? The levels of Nationalist seething spit and bile continue to flow unabated almost bordering on hatred. It's not particularly engaging is it. Who would want such bitterness in their life? No thanks.

    There was one guy on here who even f*cking banned HIMSELF from an on-line forum, so unable he was to contain his anger, resentment and animosity after the Ref, how depressingly sad is that?

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