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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. I saw the game. The fitness levels were streets ahead of Rangers' US tour in 2014 despite the team back then already having played 3 friendlies by the time they went stateside. The RangersTV commentator linking up with the commentator for the Charlston games worked well. It would be cool if club channels did that more often. It was like a much more coherent version of Sky Sports' Fan Zone, if you remember that. [emoji4]

    I thought our best players on the day were Windass, Walsh, O'Halloran and Miller. O'Halloran in particular was excellent.

    I wasn't impressed with Onyewu although to be fair to the guy he hasn't played much football recently. He did the basics well for a centre back but he's not a player technically capable with the ball at his feet which is a must for the style the manager wants to play.

    All sounds very encouraging, cannae wait for next Saturday!![emoji3][emoji106]????????
  2. Hibs deserved it on the number of chances they created alone, no complaints on the result at all. They started far brighter and were clearly 'more up for it' throughout for me. Our defending was awful for both Stokes's goals and not much better for Gray's winner.

    High point for us, Halliday's terrific strike.

    Only the harshest of critics would deny Stubbs and his side a piece of silverware from this season's efforts, congratulations are merited.

    Disappointing to say the least for us today but we've had a cracking season, it's great to back in the mix.

    As for the stuff at the end, the least said the better.

    Roll on next season. Follow Follow

  3. The 'Old Firm' has its problems no doubt (including our own Angels) but let's not pretend that's where it begins and ends.

    Before finding ourselves in the 2nd Division, sectarian insults hurled at our support had become commonplace, from Paisley to Leith, from Dundee to Aberdeen, in and outside the ground.

    Not so much as a whisper ever reported by the press/media, radio phone-ins etc..offensive behaviour just widely accepted, because it's Rangers it's fair game.

    The vitriolic bile we will be served up again next season hasn't been missed, our time spent in Div 2 &1 in particular made a welcome change in that respect!

  4. Say it every week, but continue to watch for some strange reason, QT just gets worse. The shouting and squabbling across each other last night (including the live audience) made for terrible viewing.

    I'm sure most of those that tune in, have never felt less informed, given what this programme has become.

  5. A guy at work once told me about a funeral he had just attended, where they had met in the pub first and sunk several pints BEFORE the early afternoon service. As the mourners moved from the Church to the Cemetery, they were just about the hear the final eulogy before the old man was lowered into the ground, when one of the funeral party (his grandson iIrc) piped up, "just hang on a minute" ran towards the nearest bushes unzipped his fly and had a long satisfying pish for all to hear!! 😧😧

    Whilst the mourners stood staring, opened mouth in shock, the guy had a quick shake, tucked himself in, then shuffled back to the graveside, with a nod and then said 'cheers, sorry about that' !! 😧

  6. Genuinely can't understand the mentality of anyone who would sing the Billy boys. It's fukin absurd

    Hullo Hullo

    We are the Rangers Boys

    Hullo Hullo

    You'll know us by our noise

    We'll give anything to see our team,

    At Ibrox or away

    For we are the Glasgow Rangers Boys

    Never quite caught on despite the club's best efforts.

  7. Yes I've noticed that it's just the young ones that are singing when the camera pans round Ibrox during a Billy boys rendition.

    Said no one ever. It's interesting that your political opinions haven't changed in any other way and still resemble those of a dyed in the wool bigoted Rangers fan apart from the songs.

    No one's buying it.

    You don't have to 'buy' f*ck all mate, you're not in a position to usurp the moral order and neither am I.
  8. Why would you sing it in the first place? Seems odd

    C'mon John, young and fuelled with bevvy with your pals, it's not an excuse, but back in the 70's/80's it was the norm on a Saturday afternoon, to deny that is just folly, that doesn't mean it was right then or today. Experience and maturity lead you along a different path on reflection.

    I've been called a DOB or a H*N bast*rd at more grounds that I care to remember, I don't take that personally as an individual.

  9. So by saying no one ever calls you a bigot insinuates that you are squeaky clean when it comes to this sort of things. So have you ever fired out the odd FTP or sung about catholic blood paddling? If it walks like a duck.....

    Yes, I've said before that I've sung the the full repertoire in my younger years. As I've got older, not anymore and accept that they don't need a place in our song book at the game, I've also mentioned that on P&B a number of times.

    I suspect that's the case with a lot of older Rangers supporters.

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