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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. You are truly the epitome of a little "englander".

    Keep it up.

    Whilst I'm biting at your bait, try hooking me fully.

    What right does her majesty have to rule over me, you, or anyone else?

    Aw come on! She doesn't rule, she reigns. Her 'right' as you put it is supported by the vast majority of your fellow Britons, can't see that changing anytime soon!😉🇬🇧

    Surely you have bigger things to worry your little self about?

  2. Written by yet another dullard who doesn't understand the Scottish electoral system. A bit like yourself really.

    Its almost like these people are trying to convince themselves that the SNPs support is on the slide rather than anyone else.

    Their absolute core support is 40% minimum, probably closer to 45%. More than enough to win Holyrood for a good while yet.

    Aye that's right, don't address ANY of the points in the article just dismiss them with a condescending 'you don't understand the system'. (That's despite several positive comments on the SNP's performance included in the whole piece)

    Is this the same system that enabled an SNP majority in 2011, reliant on list votes but has denied them a majority in 2016 according to Herr Salmond?

    There were many predictions on here forecasting a comfortable 70+ seats for the SNP, perhaps they just didn't understand how the system works either?

  3. I think that is probably the high water mark for the union. It's not a tide mark though, more like the scummy ring left in a bath that has just had the plug pulled.

    A predictable response and a clear view that you have of the majority of fellow Scots.

    Jeez I just don't know why we aren't falling over ourselves to join the Nationalist ranks!?

  4. Yes Rob, you DID skip it. I replied to your nonsense about the SNP losing seats,. and you chose to ignore it because it didn't sit with your agenda. This just a mere days after you "lost your shit" as the kids say these days over me not addressing a point you raised.

    I don't "pretend" it's not a concern because it isn't. You clearly aren't all that au fait with the AMS system. It's not your fault to be fair. Most Rangers fans vote how dear old QE2 would like them to vote without looking too deeply into the mechanics of it.

    The only reason the SNP lost seats is because they did so well in the constituencies, so they picked up less seats in the lists. The Holyrood voting system is designed this way to stop an outright majority. The SNP garned almost 1/4 million more constituency votes than in 2011. With me so far?

    If you want to be content, good luck to you. Just don't keep your head in the sand too long.

    Aye, I'm with you, Big Alex blaming the system of voting too, despite it all being part of the grand plan eh!? I'm not buying that you were not completely surprised by the outcome last Thursday.

    In terms of 'losing my shit', yes my language may have been a little colourful in response to your 'Riddy' jibe, especially in light of your own embarrassing, red faced climb down. It seem so remarkably lacking in self awareness, that's all Fide.

  5. I haven't skipped anything, despite your protestations the SNP lost seats, you pretend it isn't a concern to you. Fair enough.

    I am neither frothing or seething thanks, Unionism in Scotland has been galvanised over the last 2 years plus we now have an opposition that is at last in a position to challenge the SNP's record in Government, something the SLab party has sadly failed to do over the last 9 years to the point where their support is verging on collapse all together.

    Nope the last couple of years have been pretty good, I'm fairly content at the moment my friend.

    ETA, Did I mention that Rangers were promoted this season btw and are looking forward to the Scottish Cup Final a week on Saturday.

    Aye, things are definitely looking up!😀😀

  6. How has it been gakvanised? The vote the Tories got would probably be pretty accurate reflection on how much of a unionist population we actually have.

    Not very much.

    Try 55% of those who voted on the question to remain within the Union or not? That's the only benchmark you need.
  7. I'm certainly YOUR numbers man since you skipped over my reply to you schooling you on your woeful representation of SNP votes gained. If you can't answer, just ignore and hope no one notices, eh, Rob?

    ...have all been charged with precisely nothing and are all subject to precisely zero current investigations, as far as we know.

    So what's your point here?

    You're a frothing, seething mess and your mask is starting to slip.

    I haven't skipped anything, despite your protestations the SNP lost seats, you pretend it isn't a concern to you. Fair enough.

    I am neither frothing or seething thanks, Unionism in Scotland has been galvanised over the last 2 years plus we now have an opposition that is at last in a position to challenge the SNP's record in Government, something the SLab party has sadly failed to do over the last 9 years to the point where their support is verging on collapse all together.

    Nope the last couple of years have been pretty good, I'm fairly content at the moment my friend.

  8. Once again you show your ignorance. This investigation isn't about what they are doing in office, it is about how they spent their way there.

    It matters little, whereabouts on the Gravy Train the journey starts. As I said most of them are as bad as each other.

  9. 4 vs 13/33 + David Cameron. Central office sanctioned election fraud. Surprising you like to take the side of cheats.

    Not at all, most of them are as bad as each other for getting their snouts in the trough on election to office, irrespective of the party they represent.

    It's a right of passage for all MP's isn't it!!?

  10. If we're looking at numbers, a remarkable omission from last night is that the number of Tory MP's being investigated for election fraud is vastly superior to their majority.

    Lisa Cameron, Phil Boswell, Natalie McGarry, Michelle Thompson....??

  11. After the UK parties bleating on about how the WM and SP elections are completely different, they are now scrambling to show the difference in the numbers voting SNP between the two, completely different, elections. Did you know that the SNP lost 400k votes? No. Me neither.

    Was that figure contested on QT last night? Best ask Fide, he's your numbers man!

  12. It is a very straightforward scheme clouded by utter nonsense in the media. Do some reading.

    Not a surprise to see resident frother redrob getting his panties in a mess watching a confident, articulate politician represent the most trusted government in Europe.

    Aye, so trusted, it lost seats last Thursday, so trusted it governs by a minority. There's no froth here, just a quiet knowing that the belief's that Hamza holds about Britain and Scotland's partnership within the Union were firmly rejected by the electorate in Sept 2014.

  13. More likely it hasn't been well explained.

    No one on the Panel managed to explain it properly either last night, but it's Ok, the P&B Nats have got it all sussed, anyone else who has the audacity to question how this SNP policy will work in practice is just thick!

    On a separate note, what an absolute c*nt Hamza Yousaf is, a mouthy professional politician and the epitome of a bitter seething Scottish Nationalist.

    He couldn't manage one single answer last night without an attack on the UK/UK Government, nothing else matters, his judgement is completely blinded by a naked hatred for all things British.

    Who needs enemies with friends like that etc..

  14. What is the point of Twitter and people's fascination with it?

    E-mails can cause enough problems, never mind Twatter.

    Don't use it all that much, but it's undoubtedly one of the fastest news streams out there once you cut through the clutter, depends on who/what you follow, I guess.
  15. And yet, the anger, rage and seethe seems to eminate mainly and more strongly from Rangers supporting No voters who cannot hide their hatred of the SNP.

    Funny that, eh?

    Irrespective of political affiliations Fide, I think you would be equally critical of any MP who continued to get themselves in hot water by mouthing off like a 14 year old on Facebook. Nothing to do with her being a member of the SNP.

  16. That should apply to all Parliamentarians who are on Twitter and Facebook.

    Aye definitely when it comes to just hurling insults at one another, but I guess there are some that make good use of Social Media, info on local surgery times, key voting dates, policy developments etc?
  17. Oh I can understand wanting to win this more than the play offs from a hibs perspective , can't say I would say the same myself but we are all different

    I think if hibs win comfortably then tiredness won't be much of an issue but if one of the play off or even the final goes to extra time then that might be where tiredness becomes an issue

    Hopefully Hibs have a lung busting extra time play off tie against Falkirk then an energy sapping first leg against Killie on the Tuesday. A few days to nurse the aches and pains before we hit them early with fresh legs on the Saturday!! 😉ðŸ‘
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