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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. We ALL know why you chose Herr Salmond instead of Meneer Salmond or Monsieur Salmond or Signore Salmond or Senor Salmond.

    You are fooling absolutely no one.

    It's easy Fide, you Antlion et al, just stick me on ignore, job done.
  2. You are an absolute shambling mess of a man.

    You are all over the place.

    It's a fair point that you have no answer to though. Just another cheap petty insult towards someone you don't know on an Internet forum. Who are you to judge a guy as a shambling mess, it's f*ckin playground stuff, and yet you always seem so pleased with yourself?
  3. Same old Rob trying desperately to deflect his own bigotry on to others. You pushed too far this time, I'm afraid, you Nazi-accusing, Islamophobic bigot. No one believes your "it was an honest innocent mistake, you're the real bigots for even thinking I'm a bigot" schtick. The little jolly act was always on a shoogly peg, old top. Rumbled.

    Round in Circles pal, I've posted nothing of the sort (Nazi-accusing or Islamophobic), you're hysterical ranting and spitting remind me of Monty Pythons 'she's a witch' sketch lol!!😀😀 Crack on with it.
  4. Rob, you are, by the very definition of the word, a bigot. A man who is intoleranty devoted to your own prejudices and opinions, as evidenced by the language you have used many times before aimed at Scottish nationalists. While there's been plenty of name calling on here, you've been the only one who has made connections to the Nazi party and Hitler, while also talking about Scottish nationalists as enemies of the union before furiously backtracking on that one as well.

    You show your colours all of the time. Your bigotry is there for all to see, and if you are seriously trying to say you're not a bigot, then quite frankly, you've not done a great job of hiding it.

    Where have I made connections to Hitler and the Nazi Party!? They don't exist.

    Yes I have my own opinions but they are certainly not held to the detriment and prejudice of others.

    Those who lead the Scottish Nationalists are indeed enemies of the Union, their whole raison detre is a commitment to destroy it. What's even remotely bigoted in recognising that!?

  5. No one's actually offended - your little jolly innocent act has just been rumbled. Not that it ever really fooled anyone.

    Nothing to rumble at all, there's no jolly innocent act, it's your own fabrication! You've continually used the repellent bigotry jibe (though not offended), but don't see the spiteful intolerance in your own contributions on here, it's just business as usual pal.

    Don't worry you're not alone, there's a good core of you on here who throw around accusations of bigotry, racism, sectarianism etc like confetti. It serves no purpose whatsoever other than to firmly reinforce your own clear prejudices.

  6. Red(hand)Rob the defender of the monarchy and the uber yoon insinuating that he has never belted out slightly derogatory blue hymns...I right yeah are.

    More made up pish, show me where I've posted or insinuated that?

  7. Oh dear. Rob still trying the happy go lucky innocent approach after comparing Big Eck to a Nazi?

    And the whole "I could have called him Monsieur Salmond or Signor Salmond" schtick will not wash at all.

    Exposed as a nasty bigot.

    Deary me, another paid up member of the faux offended brigade. This from a guy who is the P&B shining beacon of unprejudiced tolerance. Aye right.

    Just have a look back on your last 12 months post history Fide and count the amount of small minded insults you have dished out, then come back and tell me who the nasty bigot is? (cue the deflection, aye it's still you)

    I'm not taking that from YOU of ALL people.

  8. "Confused" Humza Yousaf's name with that of a notorious hate preacher and friend of terrorists.

    Likened Alex Salmond to the Nazi's.

    Insinuated that the SNP have Irish republucan supporters and sympathies.

    Is a Rangers fan.

    Is a monarchist.

    Is a Unionist.

    Is a bigot.

    1) Didn't 'confuse', an honest spelling mistake

    2) Didn't liken Salmond to anyone

    3) Not an insinuation but fact, with regards to individuals not necessarily the SNP as a whole.

    Poor attempt at bending and distorting, really poor...

    4,5&6 yep, no problem

    7) A bigot? just a throw away insult with no substantiation whatsoever.

  9. So that's the reason for "Herr Salmond" then? The insinuation was there for all to see. The sort of thing that you expect from Fuzzy... or yourself I suppose, given you're an utter wreck of a person.

    You don't know me Pal, I don't know you, again stick me on ignore, that's yer best bet and then go finish your assignment for tomorrow, there's a good lad eh!?😉
  10. No one believes you. You've sailed too close to the wind for too long now, Rab. The sweet and innocent act won't work anymore, and nor will trying to turn the blame on those who have seen through you.

    I've never hidden my colours on here, they are completely transparent.

    If I have posted anything on here that displayed the views of a bigoted, sectarian racist, then I'm pretty sure the site moderators would have taken the necessary and appropriate action.

    If I offend you so much, I understand that there is an ignore facility, please use it.

    I'm away to my Golf.



  11. Err no. Bigots, racists and xenophobes tend to be the most bigoted, racist and xenophobic peepul around.

    By the way, did you ever properly explain your irrational hatred of those politicians with irishy names?

    And did you really compare Salmond to a nazi? :lol:

    And another, wow the wagons are circling now eh!? Did I write of an irrational hatred that I had? Nah they're just your words. I simply pointed out Irish Republican sympathies within the SNP, still don't see what the problem is with that.

  12. Like I said, you're incredibly careful to ensure your bigotry can always be denied as mistakes or jokes (such as your Nazi and anti-Muslim reference in this very thread). The hail-fellow-well-met stuff is fooling no one, old top. You've been rumbled.

    Nazi & Anti Muslim!? Don't talk shite, it's your interpretation and the conclusions you jump to that speak volumes to me.

    I could just have easily referred to Signor Salmond, would that be likening him to Mussolini ya rocket?

    Hamza instead of Humza is any easy mistake to make, try putting Hamza Yousaf in Google, it immediately corrects and gives an image/link to Humza Yousaf.

    But it immediately makes me Anti-Muslim!? Jeez, what a sad and angry little man you are.

    I've been called many none too complementary things over the years I'm sure, but a Bigot isn't one of them.

  13. The PUL cheerleader's little jaunty-jolly act is pretty transparent - he masquerades behind it so that his repellent, bigoted views can always be defended as wide-eyed, totally innocent buffoonery. No one is fooled by the pretend jollity.

    Again and again you throw that line out, show me a post that highlights my repellent bigoted views?

    The ones that continually accuse others of Bigotry, Racism & Sectarianism are those who suppress those feelings the most in my experience.

  14. I'm surprised anyone is letting Rob say another thing on here without raising the whole "Salmond is a Nazi" thing. That should be tagged onto every single thing he says. To remind people that he is nothing more than a nasty xenophobic bigoted little c**t.

    Wow, some amount of venom in that, another Keyboard hardman!!

    You show me anything that I've posted on here that displays my xenophobic bigotry and I'll delete my account for good.

    In the meantime stop getting your panties in a twist and put your lip back in, jeez.

  15. Nowhere have I said that we are ruled by one family. Not even close.

    There's prejuduce in society everywhere and in many forms, Rob. It's just being a grown up that allows me to accept that.

    Anyway, I can see that you've given up on this debate and resorted to making things up so i'll bid you good evening.

    Yep, likewise enjoy your evening.

  16. I don't accept that.

    I don't accept that Scottish nationalism, which is fundamentally about the right of a nation, and it's people to democratically elect it's own government is in anyway comparable with the maintenance of a Royal family and the biases that must exist to do so.

    There are prejudices which run through the idependence movement, of course, but they are ones that lean towards the good, or the rights, of millions of people. Not one family.

    Give it a rest eh? If you really believe that we are truly ruled by ONE family, then I'm sorry for you.

    At least you recognise the prejudice that runs through the Nationalist support.

  17. They are words which are inextricably linked with elitism. That elitism that exists to revere the Royal family is often extended and in many ways, yes, hijacked by intolerant groups and individuals to promote their own brands of bigotry, prejudice and sectarianism.

    There's plenty of substantitive evidence to back that up.

    It might be an uncomfortable truth, but it's a truth, all the same.

    You only have to read the thousands of posts on here by elitist Nationalists, to realise that your argument is equally applicable when it comes to the SNP.

  18. Still absolutely refusing to answer the question as to why you believe an aristocrat family has a divine right to breed heads of state.

    Round in circles here, pros and cons, I understand all of them. A system that continues to serve this Country well though, I'm ok with it.

    You're not, and will continue to howl at the moon until your hearts content, that's fine, no problem.

  19. There really isn't a case to be made for supporting the monarchal hedgemony unless you believe that some human beings are born better, and more entitled, than others.

    It's not difficult to make the link between bigotry, prejudice and sectarianism when that idealism is extended.

    It's funny how the predictable accusations of bigotry, are always mouthed by those who have it at the forefront of their minds? It speaks volumes to me.

  20. Claiming it's popular doesn't explain your unshakable belief in the divine right of one aristocratic family to reign over us.

    We're just very different on that count Ant, in the same way that I believe the unshakable belief in a SNP led Republic would have you jumping off a cliff if you were asked to.

    I've said previously that the Royal Family should be self supportive and not subsidised by the Tax Payer, I'm happy otherwise in their role as part of the British constitution.

    Millions of other Brits are Ok with that too, your view is different, I have no problems with that whatsoever.

  21. Was that for Liz or the monarchy in general?

    Would love to see what that would be once Chucky gets his mitts on the throne.

    It'll dip, no doubt, have a look at any of the Polls over the last few years though, they're all pretty decisive.

    The YouGov poll was on the Monarchy as a whole btw.

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