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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. The pretence that UK nationalism is the opponent of "small minded, myopic, separatism" died in June (not that anyone really believed it). You are in effect desperate to keep Scotland wedded to (and a minor, ignorable part of) a small minded, myopic, separatist state - and all because your ideological beliefs prevent you from being able to tolerate the idea of your own country (or "region", as you prefer it to be categorised in international matters) being an open, outward-looking, modern nation state. 

    Unionism, my friend! The open, warm and welcoming country

    (a strong collaborative of distinct nations) that we've always been. And yes both modern and inventive.

  2. I'd rather call you out for being a permaseething ignorant bigot tbf. Your implications were there for all to see, and I hardly think that if it was a typo, you'd have made the same one countless times over a sustained period of time. And I'll continue to call you it for it in the future too.

    F*ckin hell, the wagons are circling quickly now!![emoji47]
  3. No one believed you then and no one believes you now. The "I'm a jolly Briton, mate" mask fell and it made one hell of a thud (my favourite was the furious back-pedalling and pleas that people just ignore you). Your posts here betray what vitriol lies beneath, and just how jittery you seem to be at the prospect of this whole "Scotland as a nation state" thing not disappearing amid a chorus of Jerusalem As for your digs being ok because apparently you and your ilk put up with them; that rather proves my point. You're happy to dish out barbs and attacks, but still demand the right to clutch your pearls when you think anyone is dissing the proud and patriotic UK nationalist cohort.

    Hardly back-peddling, I think it was a much more proactive response, if you don't like what I write, stick me on ignore, it's dead simple. We'd probably be both happier with that I feel. As a Unionist, I am clearly within a minority on here, but certainly part of a majority view outwith the parochial, small minded,myopic separatist rhetoric on this particular P&B forum.

  4. I remember it vividly and it certainly wasn't a typo, you were running with the same rubbish that mutants all over social media and even David Coburn were running with at the time. You knew fine well what you were saying and most certainly outed yourself that time.

    Outed for thinking that Humza Yousaf is another smug wee p***k!? It's a fair cop guv, guilty as charged.
  5. In addition to you suggesting that SNPS members are devoted beasts in a cage, I seem to recall you likening Alex Salmond to a Nazi and Humza Yusaf to a terrorist. Anyone who you appear to perceive as a threat to UK nationalism is apparently fair game for dog whistle attacks.

    Turn the record over ffs, if I'd said Signor Salmond, would that be comparing the fat smug twat to Mussolini!? Humza and Hamza is an easy typo to make, just try Googling 'Hamza SNP' and see what comes up first? As for 'caged' SNP members, just take a look (on any given day) how SNP opponents are referred to (or names called) on here!!? I didn't realise what a sensitive wee soul you are, my apologies.
  6. you travel to another country every year to march in celebration of protestant supremacy in a small bit of it, you're a bigot through and through wes, it defines who you are.

    I've watched the marches since I was a kid Pep, these days it's a couple of days fishing & golf and a good chance to meet up with friends and family. There's nothing bigoted about it whatsoever!
    Give it up!
  7. That's the Unionist line alright.  Do you lot get your instructions by email or do you just copy the one tweet over and over?

    Talk about pots and kettles, did you see the rows of rows of nodding dogs and mouthing goldfish in the seats in Glasgow this week!!? The blind command held by the SNP leadership is incredible. Credit where it's due I suppose.
  8. Didn't Scotland vote democratically to remain part of the UK only 2 years ago?

    Aye we did, and would get a similar result if there was a 2nd Ref tomorrow. Wee Nicola knows that, but she has to throw a few peanuts into the cage now and again to keep the 'Troop' fed and contented![emoji6]

  9. That sentence says it all Stubbsy, 'I would LOVE it if the EU started helping us out, to get it up rUK' !! The thoughts of a rational man, that will no doubt be reciprocated by companies such as, BMW, Audi, Fiat, Peugeot, BASF, Siemens, VW, Bosch & Adidas etc... Jeezus!!

  10. It's clear that the Government was totally unprepared for a leave vote, but 3 months is far too early to release even an outline plan before any negotiations have even started. Strange how Corbyn seems to have so much to say right now given his near silence prior to the ref. If we have to accept the result we should also be able to expect that parliament will work together in the best interests of the UK as a whole. The current squabbling and point scoring in the HoC isn't helping any of us.

  11. Of course they will. The key difference is that Britain will have control of its borders and immigration policy, most likely through a work permit system, rather than no control under EU membership. 

    The most shrill anti-foreigner noises are coming from pro-Remain campaigners, e.g. Theresa May and Amber Rudd. The prominent Vote Leave campaigners (e.g. Johnson, Davis and Fox) have been arguing that migrants' right to stay is or should be secure.

    But that's my point, we already have full control of our border and immigration policies for non-EU applicants, yet still fall short of managing numbers without the proper infrastructure in place to support new migrants in terms of jobs, housing, school places and healthcare provision etc... Leaving the EU isn't going to change that.

  12. That's an argument for more effective immigration controls, not EU membership. Pro-Brexit commentators have repeatedly criticised Theresa May's poor record on that very issue. Britain has had an open borders policy (under Blair, Brown and Cameron) for the last 20 years. 

    I'm not claiming it's an argument for or against EU membership, but Brexit leaders certainly played the immigration card throughout the campaign, whilst we continued to receive more entrants from outside the EU through borders that we already have control over. Migrants from the EU will still want to come here as long as there is a demand for their labour.
  13. Have they been controlling the amount of immigrants from outside of the EU ?

    Clearly not, net migration to the U.K. from outside the EU has been consistently higher over the last 20 years than net migration from within the EU. Another fact conveniently ignored by Brexit supporters spouting the 'taking back control of our borders' mantra!

    We've had complete control of who enters (and who doesn't enter) the UK from outside the EU yet the Gov (certainly since 2010) have still missed self imposed immigration targets.

  14. Brilliant, we've got that fat smug twat on next week AGAIN!! any chance of seeing some new blood from the SNP on this borefest! QT has gone downhill rapidly over the last few years! Admittedly, he usually seems to get a decent reception down south, but it would be good to hear someone else's tune?

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