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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Involving private companies is no guarantee of increased quality.  PFI is proof of that.

    FFS, do you want me to say It a 3rd time? I said a 'different' model from the Private Finance Initiative racket (and how contracts were set up).

    How does private investment work perfectly well in other countries, and is there anything we can learn from them in exploring an alternative funding model perhaps, that will maintain quality, improve safety and meet increased demand.
  2. It will still be a racket, do you honestly think this world is full of philanthropic investors just waiting to hand over their hard-earned to help out governments they're not always going to agree with for little reward.

    Again, how is it successfully managed in other countries then mate!?
    We clearly don't hold a monopoly on how best to run a comprehensive nationwide health service?
  3. It's on its arse and becoming more private by the day.

    I don't think the yes campaign meant next week.

    The NHS needs the investment of private finance in certain functions if it is to be able to maintain current service levels AND cope with an insatiable appetite for increased capacity. I'm not talking about the PFI racket either. Our spend of GDP [%) may be less than countries in Western/Northern Europe, North America and Japan. The difference being is that a huge 98.5% of that is funded by the Government in the UK.
    Our NHS is precious to us, but it's really struggling under the current operating structure, maybe it's time we looked at another model?
  4. Murray to win it, he's had another terrific year and at the pinnacle of such a competitive sport.
    Hope wee Carl Frampton gets a decent mention too. Unified the Super Bantamweight Division before moving up 2 Weights in July to take the WBA Superfeatherweight crown from tough and previously unbeaten Mexican Leo Santa Cruz in New York. Some achievement that!!

  5. This is all I can find :

    David Dimbleby chairs the debate from Southend-on-Sea, where panellists include Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Liz Truss, Shadow Health Secretary Diane Abbott and actor-comedian Omid Djalili.

    Cheers, Abbott & Truss probably reason enough to give it a miss tonight then.
  6. N Ireland is an occupied territory of Ireland.   I bet rob considers that foreign.   You'll notice he ignores every other word though,  getting bigots to confront their own bigotry is impossible. 

    'Occupied Territory' must be difficult choking on your own poisonous spume trying to spit those words out Fuzzy!? A term recognised by no one but you and other bitter republicans. Give it a rest pal, the world has moved on. The GFA makes it perfectly clear what the situation is, live with it. I'll say it one last time, show me one example where I've posted anything that could be construed as religious bigotry on here and I'm out for good. If not gis peace.
  7. The UK isn't a country. It is a union of countries. Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England didn't stop being countries after the act of union.

    But knowing you, you probably recognize England as it's own country, while failing to recognize the rest as such.

    Ok, fair enough, Northern Ireland still sits with the Union of the United Kingdom, it is not part of a foreign country as was described in Fuzzy's post back up the thread. Happy with that?
  8. Rob/wes is a proper died in the wool 100% bigo and naked blood and soil British nationalist.  There is no getting through to people like that,  he is literally completely incapable of independent objective thought on any issue related to Scotland/n Ireland.


    Bear in mind his own words, this guy, who crosses a sea every year of his life to go to a foreign country to march in celebration of protestant supremacy in a small bit of it, says he is from the PLU community.   That's what he says,  protestant,  unionist, loyalist.

    Personally my community,  like all non bigots on here is the people in the place where i live.  Muslim, jew,  gay, straight, protestant,  Catholic,  unionist,  Scottish nationalist,  monarchist republican,  atheist transsexual,  they're all in my community if they live where i live.

    Not rob, if you're Catholic you could live next door to him he doesn't consider you part of his community,  you could believe in a united Ireland and live over the road, not part of his community,  you could have grown up with rob and live over the back from his house, but believe the monarchy should be abolished and we should elect a head of state.  That makes you not part of his community.   These are his own words.  He also describes Scottish nationalits who simply believe Scotland should be run by the people that live here 'the enemy within'.  He is a died in the wool 100% bigot right to the core who is full of hatred and sectarianism. 


    Trying to get someone like that to engage their brain on any issue related to scotland/uk/n Ireland is literally impossible.   Their prejudices have been drummed into them daily from the day they were born,  my dad is the exact same btw,  and it's so far down the line by thetime they rreach 50 or 60 years old, the brainwashing is so far gone and the bigotry so ingrained it's impossible to get through to them.  There's no point even trying,  all we have 

    to do is win, convince enough other people who aren't bigots.


    When we do the robs of Scotland will cause violence btw,  that'sssomething we'll have to be prepared for,  the angry, entitled, bigoted,  supremacist britnats will react with anger when we end the UK and there will be violence,  they were violent when they won last time ffs,  butIit will dissipate ad show them for the utter scum they are. 

    Where is this foreign country that you speak of, the last time I looked Northern Ireland was still firmly a part of the UK? The rest of your post is the usual spit and bile, you've nothing else Fuzzy.
  9. I am perfectly happy to judge you as a bigoted, cretinous simpleton, because that is exactly how your posts portray you. 

    I questioned the reason for the Chinese/Scottish Gov deal failing to materialise, that is all. The usual insults of bigotry, religious bias, usually based on my football team of choice then start to fly. It's so f*ckin predictable and has no relation to the subject matter at hand, it's lazy at best but blind hatred at worst. You're not alone Jupe, there's a number on here, that immediately resort to throwing accusations of intolerance, sectarianism and discrimination, yet don't realise that they constantly display the exact same behaviours !! Think I'm old enough and sufficiently thick skinned to take it on the chin though, carry on.
  10. Limited places in Indian universities and the fact that foreign education is seen as a bonus for Indian employers.
    We get the money they spend in return so its not really something to get to upset about.

    Who's getting upset about it? British Universities make a very lucrative business from International students my question was the motivation to request an increase in visas to the UK? is it a brain drain on their workforce or as you appear to suggest newly qualified students head back to potential employers back in India armed with a British Degree. It was a genuine question?
  11. You've posted enough about your utterly tedious existence on here for most of us to form the opinion that you are a dribbling white-van-man cretin, with abhorrent loyalist views and an utterly bizarre hatred of the SNP, and previous for a frankly weird obsession on the views of two SNP politicians with "irishy names" which you never did properly explain. 

    You're a walking fucking cliche. 

    White Van Man, ha ha ha!! Just another poster happy to judge, pigeonhole, distort and misrepresent. I have never questioned anyone based on the sound of their surnames, again your simple biased interpretation, I fear it is you that is so clearly fuckin cliched mate. You never post anything to suggest otherwise. Zzzzzz
  12. They were keen. Not so much anymore. Which was the point the poster you replied to was making.

    So the Indian Government haven't being pressing the PM today to increase the number of Visas issued to Indian Nationals as an incentive for improved access to potential trade deals.

    Do we watch completely different news programmes???
  13. And finally he admits it.

    Any argument you make from this point is completely pointless. The only thing you see when you see politics is the union jack. Nothing else matters. People's lives and futures just don't matter.

    Nice spin attempt but it's just not true, people's lives and futures matter very much indeed, just not in the direction the SNP wish to take them.
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