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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Wes deflecting as ever, never been able to answer this issue.  The Orange order are a bigoted sectarian organisation who March in support of a bigoted sectarian cause, asking which songs are bigoted then is laughable i m not au fait with their songbook as I'm not a raging bigot like wes, their entire existence is bigoted and sectarian it's their raison d'etre. 

    F*ckin hell, you're all over the place Fuzzy, we're back to the OO after attempting (and failing again) to besmirch the good reputation of the SRD as a band? If anyone is deflecting it's you.
    Honestly Pep, some of what you write is readable the rest is just guff. Stick to your JFK theories mate.
  2. TBH mate, no-one gives a f**k about a bunch o' clowns that use religion to drive their hatred. 

    I agree completely Strichener, I was just trying to provide some balance. It's usually Fuzzy that seem's intent on heading down this route, every time I post. It's a bit of a pain in the arse tbh. It's just going over old ground.

  3. I thought the war in Northern Ireland started because said "defenders" started burning Catholics out their homes ?

    You don't think that at the same time (the start of the troubles) there wasn't was an organised pogrom to displace Protestants from their homes, especially those small enclaves that were surrounded by Nationalist areas? Defence Vigilantes were set up on BOTH side of the divide, in attempt to stop this. Neither side felt there was adequate protection from the security forces to deal with attacks themselves.
  4. Are we too assume that the Tories have underestimated/fucked it by another £64 billion, the opposition should've been a shoe-in to boot them out in 2020.

    They've been out of Government for six years now, but it still makes me squirm when the Labour leadership criticise anyone for their management of the nations finances.
  5. Rob the whole thing is sectarian you bigot, it's a bigoted organisation in support of a bigoted cause,  everything about them their existence beliefs and values is sectarian.   Tell us what they'rethey're defending the shank hill Road from anyway

    Has it taken you THAT long, just to come back with that pish, yet still unable to answer the question? You know f*ck all Fuzzy my friend.
    It's the Shankill Road btw.
  6. The government are apparently about to ban access to porn which includes 'non-conventional' sex acts.


    There's something that makes me feel very uncomfortable about the government deciding what counts as 'non-conventional', particularly as apparently this includes female orgasms.

    Never realised the Barnett formula was the 'Four Fingered Rule' !!?[emoji15] eek!
  7. Looks like the MSM are beginning to soft soap Trump. His intervention on Farage and the U.K. Ambassadorship to the U.S. now being portrayed as a 'different way of doing things'.

    I hope this isn't the start of a trend.

    Think it's a clear indication of Britain's 'standing' with Trump in breaking protocol in this way, he has no regard for the UK and it's 'special relationship' with the U.S whatsoever. He doesn't give two f*cks, it doesn't exist!
    His unpredictability would be entertaining if it didn't feel so dangerous and sinister.
  8. Buck House certainly is a significant building in Modern British History, and is usually on the 'to do' list for the millions of tourists who visit London every year. That said, the Queen (and the Royals) are wealthy enough to make a sizeable contribution, the rest picked up by the tax payer who ultimately are the owners of the house (Crown Estates).

  9. I doubt anyone would be confident about an election at the moment. I'd imagine a lot of MPs would be against it, especially Labour MPs worried about their seat. I'd also think that, despite the polls, a lot of Tories would be the exact same.

    Yep fair enough, plus every party would be forced to include their own Brexit strategy as part of their manifesto? That would certainly have em panicking!!
  10. May doesn't want a timescale that allows the full impact of Brexit to materialise before the 2020 election.

    Perhaps that's why she should call one now, to give her and her cabinet the full five year term to put a proper plan in place, not this current shambles. I don't think Labour pose a big enough threat under Corbyn to win and replace them. The Lib Dems are shot and the English won't buy a pact with Labour and the SNP, I'm surprised she didn't call one as soon as she was elected leader tbh.
  11. Wes talking about the shankhill road defenders band there.  They're his favourite.   Revelling in his sectarianism, , classy guy.

    If you didn't have to google that or look them up on YouTube then I'm impressed! You clearly know a little bit about the band scene.

    Can you be a bit more specific though, which of their numbers/tracks do you feel 'revels in sectarianism'? I'm genuinely interested, unless that's just you talking out of your arse again?

  12. 2018 or later or not at all for triggering is only 2/1, 11/8 for us to stick to May's timetable for triggering.

    As mentioned earlier, she may well stick to her timetable for triggering article 50, but will quickly find herself (and her government) knee deep in the mud as soon as the moment they decide to wade out.
  13. So in theory, Brexit could be on the back burner until:

    A) the legislative side of things are sorted out with England, Scotland and Wales
    B) our current government actually manages to have a f****g clue how they're going to negotiate.

    The answer is yes to both, I'll go with at least another five years to sort this out, certainly longer if the Tories are replaced in 2020. Can't see Labour winning but can you imagine the confusion and indecision caused by another coalition government taking up the reins for example!?
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