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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Just shows you how bad the fight will be.

    A bit different to the Frampton/Cruz conference yesterday where two proper boxers showed each other the respect they deserve, the fans also supportive of both fighters, just how it should be.
    British Heavyweight boxing (Joshua aside) is a joke.
  2. Keep telling yourself that we,  whatever you find most comforting in the death throes of the union.

    You think most Scots will be happy to leave the U.K. and the EU, (with no immediate prospect of a separate Scottish/EU deal)? I don't, it's further away now than ever. You're so greedily full of denial, you have no appetite to consume and digest any other view my friend.

  3. What garbage you dummkopf. Everything is about separation. The wee c**t has already stated this. Anyway how do you know what was asked for? Where you there? No, thought so. 

    Baxter swallows the line that the visit was 'all about the EU' then wee Nicky pops up again at Trinity College Dublin to tell students that a 2nd Independence Ref in Scotland is highly likely, she just can't stop herself at every opportunity with every audience. Let her continue though, it just hardens the resolve of the No vote for me.
  4. There is no hard border between the UK and the RoI and the visit was about the EU, not independence. Support was expressed by the Irish members but wasn't solicited. So in what way is Ireland "sensitive"?

    The Nationalists have whipped up concern over a hard border (through pure speculation alone), as far as I can recall, they are the only ones who have mentioned it.
  5. Sturgeon was indeed warmly received in the Senead yesterday and received full backing from the Upper House in her pursuit for Scottish Independence, despite 55% of her own electorate rejecting the notion just two years ago, the Crusade continues. An independent Scotland (or otherwise) is no business of the ROI whatsoever. The sensitive neighbour issue is with regards to the border, the PM and the FM at Stormont, have already said they wish to see the long standing agreement (dating back to long before we joined the EU) maintained.

  6. Of course it is, they're pissed off about Brexit, we're pissed off about Brexit our interests are broadly aligned.

    But that's not why I compared it with going to Tokyo

    I meant in regards to the "not as if she's got much going on at home" jibe that someone made earlier, possibly you,

    It's no more time away from Charlotte square than a trip to Downing Street

    Many Unionists are pissed off with Brexit too, but blatant 'grandstanding ' with a sensitive neighbour doesn't help at all!

  7. I expected better from you Rob

    My apologies, just seems a little opportunistic in my opinion, that's all. Perhaps it's because she's granted a captive audience in Dublin, Nicola will claim that she's looking out for the best interests of Scotland, but the mischievous intent to cause further division is almost certainly there too! Again just my own take on it.
  8. On reflection she was probably the most dishonest Tory of the lot.  We can have a go at Cameron and Osborne or Johnson and Gove but at least they took a position, however much their arguments were disingenuous.  May simply sat back and bagged the top spot by keeping quiet.

    She's a vile, duplicitous, uncaring creature.

    She was certainly very very calculating on how she made her stance (or didn't) with regards to the EU. Now in place in the Big Seat, I bet she's fuckin ruthless with her cabinet and won't take any prisoners.
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