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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Unemployment is at it's lowest level since the financial crash. I'll expect you to stop crying and congratulate the SNP anytime now.

    Why the sizeable dip over the last quarter (most recent figures) going against the trend across the rest of the UK, just asking like!?
  2. A far reaching budget eh!? Didn't think so! An extra 120m per year is f*ck all matched against what the SNP genuinely want to spend. They really haven't got a clue! Who in their right mind would want to give these clowns FULL fiscal responsibility over Scotland. Once again,they show they are hungry for power but not the responsibility that comes with it.

  3. Ireland is just a better braver more proud version of Scotland

    Won't find any servile creatures over there who wish to be ruled by another country

    Tremendous country that really does put us to shame [emoji1132][emoji1132][emoji1132]

    When was the last time you visited Lichtie? For a guy that won't stump up the bus fare to the San Giro fae Arbroath, I find it difficult to believe that you've hit Dublin in a long time, if at all?
  4. Ah the holiday home defence.   Fooling nobody Johnny.   That's your new nickname wes,  after you're hero Johnny adair.   Or would you prefer to be named after one of the Shankhill butchers you probably had posters of them on your wall growing up eh.

    Are you trying to be serious here Pep, or just proper mental?
  5. It's funny seeing how even a mention of Ireland draws out robs bigotry, absolutely comical. 

    Don't mind a wee trip to Ireland at all, the golf, fishing & horse racing all good! Good grog & nosebag too, the people are warm & friendly, what's not to like?

    ETA, had a cracking time in Lyon in the summer at the Euro's with the ROI fans staying in the same hotel! All good lads.

  6. Theres rob stuck in a distant past about Ireland as usual

    It's very much the present my friend, why would the Republic be so supportive of an independent Scotland!? Hmmmm
    Sturgeon's reciprocal sucking up to the Shinners in particular is so f*ckin abhorrent!! It won't do her or the SNP any favours.
  7. I also think a far greater number of OAPs think they have a duty to vote. I reckon there's much more apathy amongst the 30-50 group than the younger folk tbh. Most guys my age in the last couple of years take a "I canny be arsed, they're all c***s anyway" sort of approach. 
    There was a local election in Carnoustie the other day here where an Independent got in on a 30% (approx) turnout, cue loads of folk moaning that it couldn't possibly be a valid result. I wonder how many of them actually bothered to vote :lol:

    You're old enough to vote!!!? F*ckin hell, that's frightening!![emoji47][emoji47][emoji6]
  8. Aye might do that, don't want your bigotry rubbing off.
    How's about this stat, under previous labour administration 85% of referrals were seen within 18, weeks.   Under the snp 96% are seen within 12 weeks.  At a time Westminster has cut our budget by a staggering 10%, something labour didn't have to content with.  That's absolutely incredible,  breathtakingly good performance from the snp at a time of unprecedented difficulty. 
    Stick that in your flute and play a bigoted song to it.

    NHS Spending per head of the population in Scotland is still higher than both England & Wales Pep. Can you explain the difference in the care standards I have mentioned? Then stick me on ignore, there's a good lad.
  9. “Over a five-year period the seasonal increase in mortality in winter is at its second lowest level ever since records began. In addition, the latest hospital mortality figures, published earlier this year, show a drop of 16.5 per cent since recording began in 2007.”
    Shows you didn't read the whole article and also shows you haven't compared Scottish NHS targets v the other health services targets.  SNPBad.

    Aye I read the whole article, care to explain the headline?
  10. Probably.
    Either way, the triple lock should be emptied imo. Pension and pension-related benefits account for nearly half of the welfare spend, and any future welfare reform is simply going to have to come from pensioners, which will result in some interesting scenes. 

    You're just another Keyboard mouth mate, your insults speak volumes.
    The report (taken from NHS Scotland figures) states a FACT taken from the last available full 12 months data comparable to the rest of the UK. How better do you ultimately measure the health of nation than its mortality rate? Our Health Service is amazing but the figures speak for from themselves, the headline didn't create itself. Would you like to talk about educational standards or the transport network next?
  11.  “January to March 2016 deaths have reduced by 6.6 per cent compared to 2015."

    Nice try.

    3 months figures compared to the previous 12 doesn't give the full picture yet does it?

    How about NHS Scotland stats that the Service did not meet its GP Referral to secondary care target (waiting times) last year or that first referral times for Cancer patient targets have not been met since 2012?

    Aye nothing to be overly concerned about eh!?

  12. The shambles of unionism Rob?

    I can't argue that it's pretty depressing at the moment DM, the Brexit vote has changed everything in the shape and direction of the UK. 6 months on and we're still none the wiser (any of us), I'll admit that I never thought it would happen, neither did the UK Parliament or the 3 devolved governments, it's clear!
  13. Will Self was definitely not on form, but the only person to come out of it well was the Tory woman. Louise Mensch is a lesson for anyone who thinks success on twitter translates to winning arguments in the real world. She looked and sounded insane.

    I'll be honest WB, watching QT makes for a very difficult argument to want to remain amongst this pish! The Brexit position in particular is an utter mess.
  14. Burgon saying Labour is an anti-establishment party, my word.

    Whether they are or not under Corbyn is up for debate, but considering their most recent performance in government it is laughable to say that without a hint of irony.

    A 'Phoenix Nights' politician who will ensure Labour under Corbyn will remain unelectable.
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