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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Interesting document Rob. I think the key point with regards to Scotlands future is the willingness of the UK govt to allow a "differential" process.

    So far there is no indication May and the Tories are going to compromise.

    The paper talks about compromise, flexibility and cooperation which must include Theresa May and her cabinet.

  2. I've asked this before one of the last times Rob was saying this. I'd have liked to know, in practical terms, what this influencing from the inside looks like.
    Expect some guff about stamping of feet or whatever. You won't get a proper answer.

    Surely you get a better chance of ordering what's on the menu if you're actually sat at the dining table? We're left with a stark choice of independence outside both the UK and the EU at present?
  3. I'll take that as a "no, the equal partnership of nations rhetoric was a mendacious delusion". And yet you still revel in the Scottish government being "on the outside" because "the decision has been made".

    I'm not 'revelling' in anything, I'm simply suggesting that she might achieve more influence from the inside rather than threatening from the sidelines, that is all.
    I guess it was the same argument for many with the bigger picture of Brexit.
  4. But but but we're equal partners in this glorious union of nations, you said. Are you suggesting that was a lie and the Scottish government can do nothing to counter a decision made by the UK cabinet?

    It's a genuine question, what can the Sco Gov actually do whilst staring through the window from the outside? If the answer is 'nothing'. then why hold back on demanding a 2nd ref in 2017?
    Is she saying we'll just take the hand we're dealt with (on Brexit) and then decide?
    As previously mentioned, what IF No wins again, and we (Scotland) have had no input or contribution whatsoever to our future position in Europe?
    Seems a strange position to take up. But I suppose if she can mask it as 'biding her time', or 'keeping the powder dry' for the time being, the Party faithful might just buy it as a principled stance?
  5. Even after her comments yesterday about not holding indyref2 in 2017, she still hasn't changed her stance since the brexit vote. She is doing exactly what she said from day 1.
    Obviously the press need to sell papers and TV stations need good viewing figures going by some of the headlines we've seen recently. But as I've said, she hasn't veered off in another direction. She will do everything she can to keep Scotland in the single market. When it becomes clear it's not possible, she will offer the people of Scotland the choice of independence

    What can she do realistically, to keep Scotland in the single market, whilst The UK as a whole is preparing a negotiated settlement to leave. Serious question? It seems the decision has already been made, so what can the Scottish Gov do to counter that? Are we saying even at this late stage, we can somehow broker a separate deal?
  6. She is very wise to be having sod all to do with Brexit negotiations.
    In a couple of years it is likely to be toxic. Far better to be opposed and remain opposed.

    Yet should she not secure a 2nd Indy Ref (never mind win it), as a remaining and integral part of The UK, the Scottish Government will have played no part whatsoever in shaping our future outside the EU? Is that a sensible risk to take?
    Seems most on here didn't want us to be in this position but the reality is we are.
  7. Tartan gonk indeed. :blink: childish moronic levels of patter from sad auld unionists.
    Dont see why NS should do anything to assist Westminster. They brought it on themselves by pandering to the nationalist knuckle dragging element. 
    Oh and if she is irrelevant the now. Britnats must be shiting themselves for when she becomes relevant.

    My apologies the Gonk reference made me chuckle though.

    Think she's got more chance of influence from within, than pacing up and down outside furiously waving her Indy Ref2 Bill?

    She's irrelevant at present because the Gov won't involve her whilst she appears to be posturing and mischief making under difficult circumstances for them.
  8. I'm on record as deprecating Brexit and everything about it.  I've also said I'd be happy with Scotland working its own 'exit'.
    Time and place, though...and the tartan gonk considers neither.

    Tartan Gonk!![emoji23][emoji23]
    Guess she's desperate to be seen 'doing something' when it's clear that she's a complete irrelevance to proceedings. Often wonder if she's considered trying to help and advise the Government (as FM for Scotland) instead of just appearing to undermine it, or is that a crazy expectation?
    She does know that IndyRef2 is on the back burner until Brexit is complete however.
  9. Interesting. So you're cool with singing about being up to your knees in the blood of a group of catholics, but got upset by my far less serious reply to McSpreader. 
    One could almost think that you're a thick, hypocritical scumbag. 

    Please refer to my earlier post Jupe.
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