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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Really is slit your wrist stuff reading this. I know I keep saying this but do you honestly not realise how desperate you look here posting stuff like this? Jesus.

    When independence happens, be it 3/10/20 year, you're going to be an absolute shell of a man and I'm gutted that I'll not be able to witness your reaction when the result is finalised.

    The desperation is yours not mine Lichtie, it's always clear in your angry response, but you know I love you anyway.
  2. Not really, she's doing what she's elected to do. Fact is that Scotlands status as either being in the EU but out of the UK or in the UK but out the EU needs resolved and it's looking more and more likely like a referendum is the only way to do that.

    Aye fair enough then, call it and bring it on. The current picture will only strengthen the Unionist vote in Scotland, I'm ok with that.
  3. If she was really bothered about an unwelcome 2nd referendum she could at least try and accommodate Scotland. Her and her party would rather jeer at our elected representatives though.

    I can't argue with that, but there's plenty of room for 'accommodation' on both sides of the divide.
  4. If May had principles she would have been far more vocal in her views during the EU referendum.  She was as quiet as she could get away with, sitting on the sidelines offering minimal support for the side that looked most likely to win whilst manoeuvring herself into a position whatever the outcome.

    Probably thought (or advised) that the middle ground was the best option, where she could work with protagonists on both sides as a cabinet minister, depending upon the result? Did she really think she'd end up with complete responsibility as PM? I'm really not sure?
  5. To what end? What influence does she have on May or the rest of her cabinet?

    None at all when she's continually threatened a disruptive 2nd Ref, without even being given to the opportunity to be 'involved'! A similar stance has been taken with SF who are now looking to ditch the JMC.

    As PM, would you welcome that with the amount of political disruption already engulfing you?
  6. As we know from you and Rob absolutely shiting it every time someone's asked you to back up your claims that Sturgeon ought to be "influencing from the inside", the First Minister of Scotland is not really one of the protagonists in this particular story. Nobody is claiming otherwise, Indeed the lack of consideration for the devolved administrations (a quick meeting with some soundbites from May notwithstanding) is well documented, so I've absolutely no idea what point you think you're making here.
    The Prime Minister of the outgoing member state has the world's attention, no shit. Doesn't mean she's using that platform well.
    "Open for business" :lol:

    I honestly think May is principal led as I believe is Sturgeon, wee Nip could have offered co-operation and advice ( I've said before she is a formidable politician) on Brexit strategy, but she's between a rock and a hard place in that she can't be seen to take a backward step with more fervent Nationalists.
  7. Verhofstadt in the Graun refuting Johnson's "punishment" angle but saying Britain won't be able to cherry pick what it fancies from Europe. Also acknowledging issues like the Irish border situation.
    See when folk question the logic of favouring Brussels over Westminster? This situation is playing out my thoughts on the matter quite nicely. One is increasingly appearing like the adult in the room and the other is lead by clowns like Johnson, Davis and May.

    May's got a tough time of it without doubt, trying to cook dinner whilst her noisy squabbling toddlers keep throwing their toys out of the playpen.
  8. The locals in Spain have never liked the Brits. Mostly rude baldy people, getting too pished and expecting everybody to speak like them.

    Aye MOST British visitors to Spain are like that eh!? What do you think of our Scottish stereotype when travelling abroad? It's about just as accurate!

  9. Bitter nationalist pish, Brits hated? Aye all 15 Million of them that visited Spain last year, a quarter of their tourist numbers, not to mention how much they spend there. You had a good look at the Spanish economy at present!!? May and Gov certainly have to be guarded with the language they use in forthcoming negotiations, but you sound just as bad in your rhetoric.

  10. Utterly embarrassing stuff, from Boris!

    May put him on the front bench given his lead position on Brexit and leaving the EU.
    She wasn't letting Johnson off lightly, after Cameron and Gove were on their toes, appointing him as Foreign Secretary to help sort the shambles out that ensued.

    It was seen as a pretty shrewd move at the time by a number of high profile political commentators, but I wonder how much she's regretting that decision now!?
  11. Hahaha.

    You are fucking shitein yourself Robert.

    Just you keep telling yourself it's all going to be ok

    Guess I'd rather we didn't play out another Indy Ref Aye, but I'm reasonably confident the answer would still be No. The SNP are going to have to force the issue this time, I can't see they would get the same level of attention and cooperation if they pushed forward before Brexit is completely sorted. Not sure that's what most Scots want, but it's just my opinion.
  12. Aye but it's winning it not just holding it.Thats the fun bit and why Nicola talks a good game but feart to walk the walk.Cluck cluck..

    If Sturgeon thinks Theresa May is in a tight corner, she should examine her own position. She's played her hand now, Soft Brexit or we push for a 2nd Ref. I don't think she has any other choice but to pursue that now. It's how long she thinks Indy supporters are prepared to wait and be patient. She's made her stance and can't back down now. Despite her threats, she finds herself in exactly the same situation.
    Can't see the UK Government playing ball for another 3 years at least at the earliest.
    Would imagine most No & Undecided voters would want to see the full picture with regards to Scotlands future post Brexit (agreements made with the EU) before even considering a 2nd Ref. Will Sturgeon just Steamroll over them? Huge gamble to take!
    Moving on, if somehow the UK Gov manages to play this out, at least to a mutually beneficial agreement with Europe, will the majority of Scots be happy to stay put within the Union.
    Yes we voted to remain in the EU but even greater numbers voted to remain within the UK.
    1.66m to 2.01m votes respectively .
  13. "To be clear, what I am proposing cannot mean membership of the single market"

    Obviously been hinted at for a while, but there's the first official confirmation.

    Not sure how she can say that followed by 'what I am looking for is the best deal for Britain'!? Difficult to see how the two are symbiotic.
  14. Net benefit to whom though? There are millions of individuals whose personal economic circumstances have not been improved by mass immigration, but they suffer the negative consequences..

    Why should they support an immigration policy that benefits others but not themselves?

    No-one, it seems,  can answer that .

    Short report published by the OECD in 2014 on the below link offers a thoughtful summary.


    ETA the 2nd link from a UCL study also in 2014, gives a review that is UK focussed


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