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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Tell you what Rob. I'll stop jokingly encouraging utter simpletons to commit suicide if you stop flooding the forum with dreadfully constructed posts, thinking everyone's your mate, regaling us with your "expertise" on well, nothing and using punctuation like a Facebook full-time mummy. 

    Sounds fair MATE![emoji6] if you punt your sanctimonious sneering playground pish, your Ricky Gervais/Stephen Merchant/Karl Pilkington patter is fuckin nauseating!!
    Behind MT, the most tiresome and incredibly boring poster to occupy these pages, sorry.
  2. For that to make sense, I'd have to have been laughed off the forum previously myself. Given that, unlike H_B, I've never made boastful/ludicrous election predictions, or had to create a new account because I couldn't cope with the humiliation of same, or been laughed at by almost everyone on the board after the Northern Rock fiasco, I can quite categorically state that I've never been laughed off the forum, so your comeback was, like yourself, utterly woeful and pointless. 
    Please put some more thought into these efforts in future, or just kill yourself. I'm good with either tbh. 

    F*ckin hell Jupe, that's a bit strong, nae need for that!
  3. There wasn't the same array of omnipresent drunken or druggy w**kers looking for an audience that you get in Glasgow & the West of Scotland (esp. Paisley) & every tenth local isn't walking around with slash scars on their faces, so yeah, I think Bradfordians are a decent bunch - in a state of being permanently pissed off, but decent. Unlike up here, it didn't take them fifty years to learn from their mistakes at the ballot box.

    It's a great city mate, fallen times though, in the shadow of Leeds, but aye Bradfordians are a warm and friendly lot. Friends down there who f*ckin love Glasgow mind![emoji6]
  4. I like when Rob mentions beers and exact place names.

    Jmo, until I can trace your opinions through Google Maps, I don't want to know.

    I'll go a couple of miles for a decent curry Stubbsy,, Chennai, Rawalpindi &.Ratnapura, that's just Charing Cross btw! [emoji6]

    Know Bradford/Leeds very well btw, go on test me? Go on, anything you want? Geography, History, Literature, Sport, Music etc.. don't google f**k all, just ask me what you know about?

  5. I worked in Bradford for almost two years and whilst I would never claim it to be my favourite place in the world (hence why I lived in Leeds) there was nowhere there I felt I couldn't go or that were 'lawless'. Tbh I felt more worried when I worked in Springburn than I did Bradford.

    I think Bradford's image is a lot worse than its reality. It's a pretty dull place but it's not lawless. Birmingham, London, Hull, even Glasgow would be higher on my list of dangerous places than Bradford. I think a few issues in the past have tainted the image of the place.

    So you travelled in from Leeds, then went home, ever been up Oak Lane for a Curry, you'd f*ckin shit yourself! Used to be a fine stop off after a few beers, not any more!
  6. The SNP went into a minority government in 2007 and have spent their entire time in office in one of the worst recessions in modern history so the New Labour comparison is a bit pointless IMO. 

    But have secured more devolved powers than they could ever have dreamed of after the 97 Labour win, after 10 years, we're still waiting!?
    The noisy voice without the responsibility of actually taking the helm!
  7. Bradford has been problematic for ages but a lot of it is down to distrust between the white English and the Muslim part of town in the centre-east (part of it was downright childishness & petty oneupmanship). More recently the main bother has been between the Asians & Eastern Europeans over the local taxi trade & hotels, but the Galloway fiasco knocked some sense back into them, plus a lot of disillusionment with the City council (who make Glasgow's appear competent & honest) has provided a focus for more unity.
    They're a decent enough bunch down there, just very "Yorkshire" in temprement (ie.blunt!).

    'A decent bunch'!? ask the former Bradford residents of Manningham, Drummond, Whetley Hill, Toller Lane, Leeds Road, Girlington/ Thornton Road, Lidget Green, Thornbury, Great Horton, Little Horton, Bierley, Dudley Hill, Laisterdyke, Duckworth Lane, Killinghall Road,White Abbey, Eccleshill, Undercliffe, and then give me your assessment!?
  8. Well, you can't absolutely write it off. 
    It would appear the younger generation favour Independence whilst the older generation seems to be where the core No vote is at the moment. 
    I would say it's more likely that there will be and indyref2 and a Yes vote in the next few years, perhaps in a couple of years.

    I'm not writing it off, I said I can't see it happening. You have your view and presumably and naturally it is influenced by the circles you live, work and socialise within. My view is based on exactly the same. Neither of us can be sure, but the 2014 Ref was indeed divisive, (sorry I meant decisive)!
  9. What a Yes movement that was 6% away from winning an independence referendum and you can't see them winning in your lifetime? 
    Even if I was on the No side I couldn't write the Yes side off like that - totally bizarre statement to make! 

    It just perhaps matches the arrogance of the separatist claim that it WILL happen within the next few years eh!?

    But it doesn't need to secure a Yes vote tomorrow, m8. The SNP just have to continue doing their job while the other parties flail around being utter nonentities. Your premise that the SNP have to f**k it eventually rests on the assumption there's another party waiting in their wings. There isn't.

    Perhaps not at the moment but the opportunity and advantage will undoubtably present itself. As I said, it's a waiting game.

    New Labour won in 97 and inherited an economy at its strongest for 10 years. The SNP ( and incumbent Government) can't hope to win the same confidence (unfounded as it turned out)!

    Said many times that if Independence is the future of Scotland and is the majority view then so be it, we pull together and make it work. Can't see it happening in my lifetime though.

    Not really. The SNP going tits up or making mistakes isn't going to change the fact that the unionist parties can't field a competent side between them. The SNP dictate the agenda and the others (barely) hing on. I mean you've been saying this nigh on a decade now and yet the SNP still sit with a massive lead in the polls while I reckon if I spent six months at it I'd be on the Labour front bench.

    'A massive lead' that still wouldn't secure a Yes vote tomorrow and the separatists know it. Agree on your final point though, why not give it a shot!?
  12. Research by academics that are funded by the EU and who don't research the negative impacts such as a lack of investment in and training of the resident population , the stress on health and education services, transport and housing and the tension created by the lack of social cohesion by an unprecedented number of immigrants entering our society without any forward planning or controls.........That's not real research is it ?
    As I said, a rose tinted article written by an Eastern European immigrant funded by the EU with a vested interest in putting  a positive spin on the subject ...
    We used to manage without 300,000 immigrants entering the UK every year. I'm sure we will be fine if we reduce that number a bit.

    It's a good point that's continually ignored, the infrastructure and resources required to properly support 300,000 (net) entrants per year just isn't there, there is a huge gap (£) before a net benefit contribution can be calculated. In the meantime health, education, employment and welfare services are stretched to the limit. It isn't the 'fault' of those arriving here, but surely the numbers of migrants entering the UK from within & outside the EU have to be managed according to their needs plus the consideration of communities that will initially host them, and help them to settle here?
  13. Good luck with that, my bet is the government at Holyrood will continue to be a lot more competent than the clusterfuck Tory government in Westminster and the completely useless opposition parties in Holyrood. I don't blame you living in hope though.

    Should be a free run then eh!? We'll see...
  14. I want a 2nd independence referendum when the conditions are right and there's the best chance of winning. As do the vast majority of independence supporters. All this shite from yoons making out we are all rabid nats hanging on every word that the SNP says got old months ago. We can just sit back, patiently, safe in the knowledge that UK and their tory government will make things worse and more and more people will dislike them. 
    If the conditions for another referendum are correct in 1,3,5,10 or even 25 years then that's when we'll have one. Holyrood will vote it through, Westminster will agree and the thick raving unionists that seem to infest this forum nowadays will be able to do f**k all about it. Unless they start winning elections of course. Drawing straws to vote for Davidson, Rennie or Dugdale must be fucking horrendous :lol:

    The Unionist support on here is represented in very small numbers, but they all know the score. It's a wait and see game, to assess whether the SNP can draw enough rope to hang themselves with the devolved powers they already have access to. Another two or three years should be sufficient.

  15. Cant you tell me where some of these no go areas are please?

    Central Bradford seems to be a 'no-go' for the Police according to recent footage following the shooting of an armed drug dealer in nearby Huddersfield.

    Can't see that level of violence and intimidation happening in George Sq without a response?
  16. Recall visiting Copenhagen a couple of years back through work and learning that the crime rate committed by Somali immigrants was 10 times higher than the national average per head of population. I understand that many have left their war-torn homeland in search of a safer life, with the opportunity of a home, job, healthcare and an education for their children. Denmark is a socially liberal country, that has welcomed those seeking security and protection and although a financially prudent country, welfare and healthcare are provided by the state, through taxation. Why should the crime rate be so high amongst this particular community group?

  17. Are you going to actually address the points you moronic snake?

    He can't and isn't capable, 'the raging bigot' is the natural default position. Gotta be honest I'm getting a little bored of Pep now. There are plenty of pro-independence posters on here who are much more worthwhile in paying attention to and listening to what they have to say.
  18. I've been to Dublin about 40 times and have never met a single person who doesn't support a united Ireland.   In the Republic it would win at least 85% of any vote.   Some are reticent to discuss it at first and even feign disinterest or reluctant,  but they all actually support it as would, do you if a part of your country had been occupied for hundreds of years.   Their only real concern is the reaction of bigots like redhandrob.

    Haha, what are you smoking Pep? They don't want to talk about it, but you can still claim support at 85%, the more you post the more you lose any credible judgement. Tell us about North American Indians, Australian Aboriginals or Kiwi Maoris that you have come across on your travels and their views on hundreds of years of occupation!?

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