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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Yet you ignore the fact that England and Wales voted for separation without any plan. Apparently voting for separation "blind" (far blinder than Scotland was in 2014) is actually a thing, and much more recently exampled than 2014. Once again the blessed UK makes you look a tad foolish.

    I'm not ignoring that at all, it's a proper mess, and not time for a 2nd Scottish Ref, until it's sorted!
  2. Really?  Please explain.

    The willingness of the people of BOTH countries, West Germany was flooded with East German nationals following the fall of the Soviet block, a shared political Ideology agreed under an all German election. A West German economy strong enough to absorb the East and invest in it, that's just a couple of quick points.
    This was achieved at breakneck speed, a remarkable achievement.

    Can you see that happening in Northern/Southern Ireland even in the space of 20 years. The GFA certainly paved the way to end the strife, and made seismic changes to the political landscape at Stormont. A United Ireland is a completely different prospect however.
  3. May's said she'll publish the Brexit plan in the New Year so we'll all be fully informed, I'm sure.


    The intended strategy may emerge, but don't expect any details of the tactical plan(s), that will need to be agreed within the Government/Cabinet and then ratified by Parliament (TM has promised this). This is before our proposals are then presented to and negotiated with, the remaining members of the EU? A bureaucratic dream!

  4. Indyref2 has to be before brexit.   Robs denial doesn't change that,  sturgeon has already been offered one after brexit and turned it down.   It has to and will be this parliament and at least 6 months before brexit.   So that's what will happen amazed anyone still doubts this tbh. 

    And so you'll expect the Scottish electorate to vote again without knowing the full terms of Brexit or knowing exactly what our (Sco) future position will be in terms of EU membership. This blind approach is what led to a resounding No vote in Sept 2014. Your eager 'independence at any cost' stance will result in the same outcome.

  5. The no vote would prevail if the indy ref was tomorrow because nobody knows what brexit is going to look like yet. Once that becomes apparent near the end of 2018 there will probably be a 2nd indy ref unless the UK government agree to scotgovs demands (which they won't). Indy ref 2 beginning of 2019 and IF it's a yes vote scotland will take the place of the UK in the EU. Seems pretty simple and straight forward to me.

    Terms of Brexit agreed by the end of 2018? Can't see it at all. The remaining term of the present U.K. Gov would be stretching it.

  6. Last week orangerab was saying leave it til after brexit

    Just being realistic dlf, I think the No vote would a comfortably take the majority again if the vote was tomorrow, but it just can't happen until the UK exit from the EU is signed and sealed, however unpalatable that is for many of us. It would be impossible to achieve IF the UK separated beforehand, think about it?
  7. You say, "bring it on" I agree from a Unionist perspective that would be the logical thing to do.
    But my point is NONE, absolutely NONE of the Unionist leaders either in Scotland or at Westminster share your view!
    That's the strange part don't you agree? 

    I think they're a little preoccupied at present, it's only 2 years since the decisive referendum on Scottish Independence, it's on the back burner for at least another 3 years until this Brexit mess is sorted out, That's a less than generous timescale the way things seem to be shaping up.
  8. We keep getting told we cannot win indyref2 To lose again would finish us off for a generation at least. So why are the Unionists so against having another one? 
    Surely if they're so confident of winning then they should be backing to hold one as soon as possible...

    Bring it on, I'd go with tomorrow if possible, the inevitable increase in the NO vote would put this pish to bed forever.

  9. Yes rangers fans created the derogotary term adopted by some republicans in Northern Ireland to describe the unionist/Protestant population of Northern Ireland lhictie 
    here's one to spin yer head lhictie , the definition of the f word you seem to take great offence to has nothing to do with Catholicism . Plenty of proddies in the "brotherhood" originally 
    "if you know yer history" 

    That's the thing though FB, Lichtie knows the square root of f*ck all, his colours shine though and at least he's worth the entertainment value!
  10. Rab
    Get fucked. I post about every team when something topical comes up. I'm obsessed with Scottish football not the ****.
    When I first came on this thread I hadn't been on it since October.

    Angry wee man syndrome Lichtie !?

  11. because your the only club that cheats and thinks it's OK to carry on regardless and didn't pay there debts.Its like me buying Muhammad Ali's medals.Does that make me him ????.No so why can The Rangers do it ????

    Club History and a long, long list of silverware firmly intact my friend.
    SFA, UEFA & FIFA against the bitter view of a guy who's clearly as thick as a Whale Omelette! It's not a difficult one is it?
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