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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Why on earth does Question Time seem stuffed with morons who'd make Genghis Khan look like a liberal centrist? Oh that's right, because the person directing audience selection loves Britain First as well as UKIP candidates.

    Produced in Scotland?
  2. That's a bit like some bore predicting all day that the Sun's going to set. Of course it will. You don't win any points for predicting that. You lose points for thinking it's a worthwhile contribution to any conversation whatsoever.

    I can't be sure of course, but I'd bet decent money that the last decade's been littered with similar failed predictions about the fall of the SNP from yourself.

    They will be rightly judged on their record just like any other Government, the prediction is that their performance will not lead to a clamour for an independent Scotland run by the SNP, and yes you're right Gordon I have said that all along.
  3. No, I mean folk that have been saying 'just you wait, it's all about to come apart for the SNP, people are getting wise to them' since 2007. Meanwhile they've been crushing all opposition in election after election.

    As has been mentioned, they have completely unprecedented levels of support at the moment so realistically, they have to come down at one point. Just don't pretend you're some kind of prophet rather than a broken clock who's got to be right eventually.

    And also, absolutely nobody believes your opposition to the SNP isn't 100% down to your 'PUL' Britnattery.

    'come down at one point'? nah, I think it's when the electorate eventually realise the SNP's 'Emperor's new clothes' act for exactly what it is!
  4. Folk like you have been saying that for years and will continue to say it until the SNP eventually lose an election, then act like you've been right all along, rather than a moron repeating the same shite over and over and over.

    'folk like me' eh? Do you mean people who can see that the SNP can't manage the devolved powers that we already have, but continue to blame anyone but themselves. People like you, who will blindly follow the Independence at all costs agenda and see Scotland gradually go down the pan whilst the rest of watch aghast? No thanks.
  5. I wonder if May will be secretly quite pleased if this appeal fails.

    Nice excuse for that March 2017 target to be extended and the gullible thickos will have some bogeymen to greet about, rather than questioning May's inactivity re bringing this to parliament.

    Definitely, May and her cabinet, will be praying for some extra time to play with.
  6. Gove may be a slimy toad but Black has made a twat of herself here.

    You think she would have checked her facts first before spouting such arrant nonsense.

    She hasn't got a f*ckin clue, the same patronising, ignorant arrogance, that 'we' accuse English politicians of!

  7. Joshua aside? I'd argue fighting a part time teacher who was knocked out in a round by this thing below is quite a jokeIMG_1480696404.694961.jpg

    You don't think Anthony Joshua is a genuine Heavyweight prospect? Fair enough.
    The last time I ventured on here there was a proper sausage fest for Tyson F*ckin Fury, what a load of pish.
  8. I'd be half tempted to go myself if I wasn't working. Do you know what belt he's defending yet? 

    A rematch for the WBA Super Featherweight Title he took off Santa Cruz back in July.
    Why does every C*nt on here always seem to want an argument & where have I mentioned incorrectly which bauble he is fighting for? If I have it was an honest mistake, did I say Super-Bantamweight?
  9. Jesus Christ. "they don't make it clear there will be no borders" Note there is no "of the past" there. He means the government have not made it clear that there will be no borders i.e. customs checks, etc. He's not suggesting that the government might bring in the paras.

    Going round in circles now, McGuinness knew exactly what he was saying, designed for effect.
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