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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. I read his book on the IRA years ago and had a few others such as Michael stones autobiography but the kind of clientele that I loan these books to are the type that are not that on the ball when it comes to getting them returned.
    That blanketmen book by Richard o'rawe is a great book written from the republican perspective. Changes your perceptions of things- the Sinn Fein leadership don't come out of it too well right enough.

    Aye mate, 'Blanketmen' is a cracking read, if only they knew what we know now eh!?
  2. No mate. Read a few of Steve Bruce's but- excellent. Not heard of the second one. I've not read a book on that subject for years though. Probably never will.

    'The Troubles' written by Tim Pat Coogan (Arrow 1995) also a decent read mate. Perhaps deliberately provocative, but still a fine book.[emoji6]
  3. Aye mate all my learning is from tabloid newspapers.....

    Need to try picking up one of these books on the subject from my book shelf and learn something....IMG_1480164953.285128.jpgIMG_1480164966.360338.jpg

    A couple more to add, which I can't see, 'The Red Hand' written by Steve Bruce, & The RUC by Chris Ryder, both good reads if you haven't come across them already mate?
  4. Whereas the IRA indiscriminately targeted women, children . . .

    Former IRA Intelligence Chief, Kieran Conway wrote in his memoirs 'Southside Provisional' that the Military Republican Movement had colluded with, and received intelligence and assistance from the Irish Garda throughout the Troubles!!

    Surprises all round eh!?

  5. So not entirely credible sources then!

    I'm sure you've heard of the phrase " using statistics in the same way a drunk man uses a lamppost , for support rather than illumination " ?

    Yeah sure, but it doesn't read like the £350 Million a week figure conjured out of thin air on the Brexit battle bus. I'm judging that it's a little more reliable hopefully.
  6. Not sure if I'm misunderstanding this, but surely you can't equate one to the other. To me it reads that brits use more healthcare abroad and so we pay more to other countries rather than Britain getting short-changed by £725m per year

    Yep, fair point but even taking that into account (greater number of U.K. Visitors to Europe) the deficit surely wouldn't be over 15 times as much paid (£) out than received back into the Treasury's coffers?

    It's still a huge discrepancy no?
  7. You really have no idea do you?

    While I agree that foreign nationals should pay for elective treatment, the sums involved are miniscule compared to what brexit is going to do to the NHS

    Agree that Brexit will undoubtably impact (£) on our Health Service, but.....we (The UK) have paid out £6.2 Billion to EU countries alone since 2008, in Healthcare charges for U.K. Citizens.
    We have claimed back just £405 Million over the same period. The deficit, £725 million per year (fag packet maths) surely cannot be considered a minuscule amount?
  8. NHS is strapped for cash and Farron  is too gutless to admit charging foreigners is the  pragmatic approach.

    If Farron is the future of the Lib Dems, they'll remain firmly on the sidelines!

    Chris Leslie, a pathetic Blairite apologist, the Tories have a free run for the next 10 years at least!
  9. It  was one of the main reasons people voted Brexit.........moreso than Immigration or all the other reasons Remainers cling on to.

    The ever closer political Union favoured by Europhiles is the main reason for Brexit.

    Sadly yes! Still think it was a huge mistake to vote to leave the EU.

  10. Its a pity Bobby Philpott doesn't post on here or he could answer that the same way he answered Peter Taylor in his loyalist series.
    He was getting so many files from the Brits he didn't know what to do with them.
    His words.

    There's no doubt that a number of montages listing known (and 'suspect') Republican Paramilitaries found there way into the hands of the UFF via the Security Forces, whether that was known right at the TOP of the British Government is a different question and still remains debatable. What Brian Nelson was up to, was certainly replicated within the Republican movement.
  11. And i actually meant the uda got mixed up with uvf, not surprised bigots like you are experts in the terminology of bigotry.   Wonder what the uda and srd band think they're defending against. 



    The uda killed over 400 people btw,  almost all of them Catholic civilians targeted for being Catholic,  purely sectarian in motive.  It is estimated at least 80% of the info they used to target people was supplied directly by the British state.   The UK is the most vile country in the world. 

    Like I said, all over the place!! I'm not starting this whole thing up again Fuzzy, you might be using a different username, but we've been through all this before. No point in returning to it over and over, things have thankfully moved on with the vast majority.
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