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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. You have no idea why it fell through, none of us do.

    But had it not fallen through, you'd be whinging about the Scottish Government having direct deal relations with a country like China right now. It's what your kind do. You shape the narritive of your arguments against the SNP regardless of the outcomes. Just as you shape your defence of the UK Governments regardless of political outcomes at their level.

    During the EU Referendum, you were saying how outraged you would be if Scotland was dragged out of the EU if it voted to remain to stay. Well that's exactly what has happened, yet you already seem to be over it. Because to be against it, would be to be against a political outcome shaped by the UK Government. Can't have that eh?

    I voted remain pal, not sure what that has to do with this issue btw.
    Pretty sure that in my time on here though,I've criticised, the Tories, The Labour Party and The SNP in equal measure.

  2. And have the brass neck to do it whilst there are much bigger problems elsewhere, never ever criticise their own.

    Roberts fooling nobody, him and his ilk are a complete minter.
    You'll get wee tinks (not saying he is one) here living in their Ayrshire schemes or whatever voting for the political elite and the Tories purely through their own British nationalism. They'd live on the streets as long as it meant they stayed 'loyal'.

    There you go again Lichtie, 'wee timks living in their Ayrshire schemes' how f*ckin patronising, what on earth has led you to believe that you are so superior, that your political beliefs are SO right and anyone with a different view is wrong. You're in for a few disappointments in life if that's the approach you choose my friend.
  3. I'd say Rob lost the right to benefit of the doubt a long time ago with the fairly nasty insinuations he's made in the past. He can't see past the SNP's agenda and it makes him utterly livid.

    The SNP agenda is to break the Union of The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland, its their raison detre !! I don't know ANY Scottish Unionists who can see past that!
  4. Perhaps if you critised them on anything with any real substance, you would be taken more seriously. But as it is with British Unionist/Nationalists (don't know what to call them anymore) you attack the SNP on hypothetical situations, rather than situations that are occuring right now.

    Did the proposed Chinese trade deal fall through, or what is just a fabricated piece to fill in the gap on Reporting Scotland on a quiet news day? Hypothetical or Real?
  5. How long until you started attending the old lodge?

    I'll hazard a guess at somewhere between the time you started supporting Rangers and the time you started getting into politics.

    Deary me, and another one comes along, turn the record over mate, heard it all before. Criticise the Scottish Government and it always descends back into this pish.
  6. It's perfectly possible hold pro-union views first and afterwards pick a football team that reflects this identify.   

    Perhaps Rob can clarify whether he was a Brit-Nat before he first wore a Rangers tap ?   

    Happy to clarify, I was supporting Rangers a long long time before taking any interest whatsoever in politics (and the world around me).
  7. Robert, everytime I read your posts you make me embarrassed to be Scottish and live alongside other losers like you. Slit your wrist stuff.

    It really is SNP bad no matter what, a Glaswegian Tory purely because they are the Unionist party, no matter the consequence for Scotland.

    The even more frustrating thing is it boils down even further, to your religion and your football team.


    What a f*ckin state to get yourself into, you have no f*ckin idea who I am, how I live my life, what my achievements are/are not and what remain future aspirations, personal and professional, yet you are able to judge a complete stranger 'as a slit your wrists loser'!!?

    I think that suggests a lot more about you as a person and perhaps your present maturity. Your stereotyping judgement is as prejudiced as anything you choose to throw at me based on my football team or family background for example. It's a sub page on a f*ckin football forum forfuxsake, different views, different opinions that's all. Calm yersel down ya silly wee lad.

  8. You are kind of answering your own question there.

    *if* the SNP were trying to resurrect deal after it fell apart due to a heated atmosphere caused by others , perhaps they decided it best to keep it out the spotlight until everything was dotted and signed.

    You think so? I wouldn't trust this lot to run Mrs Goggins's f*ckin Post Office!!
  9. Re: May's current visit, often wondered why India is so keen to export more and more of its young talent to the UK? It would be interesting to see how many newly qualified students return to India in order that it benefits from the Knowledge, Skills, Research, Innovation and entrepreneurialism they have developed in their time here?

  10. Feel free to correct me here, but is it not mooted that the chinese pulled out of the deal because of the political backlash that was occuring.

    Wonder who was doing the most shite flinging?

    Oh but now it's all the Scottish Government's fault.
    Right you are.

    If the deal fell apart months ago, why are we only finding out now? If the SNP/SG we're sure the reason (and blame) could be laid squarely at the feet of the opposition (and a hostile environment created by them) why didn't they say so at the time?
    Because they were trying to resurrect a deal that had already been labelled a 'shambles '' in China?

  11. Do we need to put our hand up if we need to go for a piss?
    If we leave these things to the British Government, our whole economy will be built around making bombs to kill poor people in the desert.

    Not at all, but it seems we want the power & influence but not the responsibility when we make an arse of it !! Can't have it both ways eh?
  12. I seem to remember the regionalists in a tizzy at the SNP making "backroom deals" with China and waxing horrified that the Scottish government would work with a nation with an appalling human rights record. Fast forward to the deal not moving past discussion stage and now the same people are feigning horror and wringing their hands that the SNP *haven't* don't a deal with China.

    One almost has to admire the shamelessness of that. If any more proof was needed that the craven subservients don't actually give a toss about policy, but just need to be seen to run down a party that threatens their UK-philic beliefs, this is it.

    The point being, when did it become the responsibility of the SNP to negotiate and sign multi billion pound trade deals outwith the involvement of the British Government, only to monumentally f*ck it up. Scotland loses out, none of us wants that, irrespective of individual political leanings?
  13. If by "small core" you mean "everyone who isn't a raging, 'back oor forces', Sevconian bigot with no grasp of how international relations works", sure.

    Unlucky then.

    Honestly think you try your best to compete with Creamy Cheese and Pepino on here mate ( maybe even try to ingratiate yourself with them) but sadly you're no match! Get yourself to bed and see if you can find that crusty old sock again? Best wishes Rab.
  14. Grant the vote, if every MP goes with the wishes of their constituents (as they should) then the result stands and we move on, however difficult and unpalatable that may be. Still think it was a crazy decision, but the UK ballot box has to rule above all, whether you voted exit or remain.

  15. Princess Diana's funeral is the first and probably the last I will ever laugh out loud at. My mate and me were sitting watching it on the telly and when the hearse appeared through the gates into the public some women in the crowd shrieked a big "DIAAAAANNNNNNAAAAAAA" as if she had just lost her best mate. Stupid c**t.

    The people who were wailing and crying were the same folk who were calling her a slag after all her affairs came to light I recall.
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