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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. It underlines the fact that he, like a few others on here, hate the army and go out there way to dismiss them because they see them as a representation of the British state they hate being part of.

    They are no different to the utter mugs who jump about with poppy tattoos on the other side- two cheeks of the same arse.

    Aye, you're probably right, it must get pretty tiring having the same narrow minded view on everything though eh!? the forces draw recruits from from all different sections of society, backgrounds and the 4 corners of the UK.
  2. Well yes it is. Nearly £1500 a month being paid for a role that in all probability, doesn't actually involve facing combat in the career of an ordinary, Britnat soldier.

    For many people with few other chances, the British Army is a wage-paying profession rather than a voluntary service. 

    'Ordinary Britnat Soldier' what does that even mean?
  3. Think you know yourself when your kids are old enough to be left for a bit on their own. My eldest was quite independent and streetwise but even then i wouldnt leave him too long. His brother is totally different and could hurt himself in a padded room.

    The Mccanns are c***s. If your kids need their beds and you need to eat you grab a pizza/order room service etc and go up to your room. Under no fucking circumstances do you head out for drinks and a meal with your mates in a foreign country and leave your kids sleeping. Utter utter c***s.

    Kate McCann admitted that the wean had said she hadn't been feeling well and that she didn't want her mammy to leave them, yet they still f*cked off out and left her to it with the two younger ones! What sort of parents do that!?They'll never be able to forgive themselves!
  4. Maybe they should have stuck in at school

    You could say that about a huge cross section of society that School doesn't 'quite work out' for. At least those that sign up are trying to improve upon what they did/didn't manage to achieve through their formative/adolescent years in education?

    The original comment suggested they were richly rewarded financially, I don't believe that to the case.

  5. No mainly because they're stupid and never stuck in at school.

    Eta: in reply to Rob

    It's a bit unfair to say it's mainly because they were stupid. I remember there were those kids at School who never seemed that they were going to amount to anything at. Leaving at 16 without any qualifications and ending up at the Army Recruitment Office with the desperate plea 'please can you give me a LIFE Sir'!? ( It certainly wasn't just for the money alone)
    Some have gone on to build a decent career with a good trade behind them, they may get have hated School but they certainly weren't just stupid. There's different ways of nurturing someone's particular skills that's all.

  6. Soldiers are prepared to do their job for their considerable pay packet; it's not a sacrifice.

    Thanks for playing anyway.

    Aye £14.7K starting salary for a soldier, then £18.3K on full completion of training.
    Yep, that's a 'considerable' pay packet, they must be f*ckin living it up on a yacht in the Med for most of the summer!
    They're miles under the average U.K. Annual income at present.
  7. Is Willie a babe? [emoji4]

    Nah mate, so it's a bit against the run of the thread I guess, but it's an old story that still has me tickled.

    The same guy (Willie) accepted a lift into the town from another one of the bar regulars then complained on his return how he was scared for his life as the guy was driving so 'erotically'... to which was added what 'he drove you into town with his trousers doon and his knob out'!!?? [emoji3]
  8. In the Bar....

    How's it going Willie?

    Aye no bad Rab, and yersel?

    Aye no bad Willie thanks and how's yer sister Annie doing, is she on the mend?

    Aye I reckon so, more tests though, she has to go up to the General tomorrow for one of them Bavarian Meals!? [emoji47]

    Just imagine Annie sat up in the canteen with a plate of bratwurst & sauerkraut with a Stein of lager!! [emoji3]

  9. We will not find out the specifics of it until freedom of information comes into play as i sincerely doubt either party will voluntarily offer what has been agreed, also the deal id imagine will be for when Britain does leave the EU. I mean if you dont honestly think there has been some kind of financial arrangement made to the detriment of the tax payer then fair enough i doubt i'll persuade you.

    I'm not saying that isn't the case KB, but surely at least some evidence (even an indication) would have come to light by now? It certainly hasn't to my knowledge?
  10. Yet you drew a parallel between the two with your post.   Celebrate protestant supremacy in a foreign country today wes?   Honour the murder of catholics at All? 

    Please just do one Pep, it's clear you're just an angry young guy who would start a fight by himself in a phone box. Your tired insults are no longer worth responding to.
  11. Wes flapping and talking unintelligible bollocks again.   The 2016 referendum and 2014 had opposite results you can't compare them economically.   The premise of the question is illogical. 

    Didn't I say there isn't a parallel between the two? 'unintelligible bollocks' from someone who has had to re-register himself on a f*ckin Internet forum with a new username to distance himself from the stream of shite he had previously contributed, f*ckin desperate mate!

  12. Come on to f**k.
    Most of us on here have to go out and work. Do you really think we want to see the economy fucked again through no fault of our own again?
    I don't work in banking or the car industry,when am I allowed to worry about my future?

    Not at all, but there are many fellow remain voters who currently seem to be taking delight in a smug 'we told you so' stance on anything they perceive to be a negative news story attributed to the Brexit decision. Talking the country down doesn't ease anyone's worries, irrespective of the sector they work within.
  13. My f**k, we've had nawbags, BBC and MSM all wetting their knickers everytime Scotlands economy looks like taking a dip even although Holyrood has next to no control over it's own economy.

    The parallel isn't quite there though is it, I haven't heard anyone suggesting that our economy is suffering because of the Sept 2014 Indy Ref result?
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