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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. He was brilliant. As was big Nade, wardrop and Ramage. A pleasure to watch!
  2. Take care @SlipperyP and thanks @Eednud for looking after things. whisper it as @Cardinal Richelieu ears will p***k up but this sounds like a Superdoopermegaleague kinda situation……..
  3. I’ll be there……. In an on field non-playing capacity
  4. A meaningless game against a team with something to play for. If we’re getting our knickers in a twist over that we have issues. Get thru today and next week with no new injuries and that’s a success.
  5. Goals haven’t exactly been flowing all season. let’s not be too cut up about a meaningless game. We’ve shown a few times this season we can raise it when needed
  6. Well played, was surprised I took u as far as I did. Was expecting a doing
  7. I’m dragging it out in the ever decreasing hope of a draw
  8. Maybe you don’t (I also don’t) but a large majority of football fans do. I agree our strips are outstanding however the club needs the money, releasing a new strip will bring in some. I wouldn’t class it as ripping supporters off, nearly every club up and down Britain do the exact same thing. If supporters want to buy it they can, if not they won’t. They aren’t exactly holding us to ransom over it
  9. If we keep the same strip, where does the income from shirt sales come from? No one is going to buy a 2nd strip just for a new season. That’s why clubs do it, to maximise income. He’s not as many will sell, but more will sell than the current seasons being kept for another season. I would be amazed if we didn’t change it.
  10. I can only dream of such heights of the middle of the middle league! I assume my short stint will indeed be 1 week long this time around also!
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