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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Dougie, I was st the last refs meeting at hampden where they covered the handball rule in detail. One of the examples was if a player plays the ball onto their own hand/arm, regardless of its position, it is not a foul. They showed numerous clips to clarify this. Many of the handball changes caused confusion in the room.
  2. Apologies, not often I'm a straggler. Was waiting to see other scores before posting mine to try get promotion......... Or maybe I was at the safari park with the wee one all day, I'll let you decide the most plausible answer Anyway, after a full house yesterday I struggled to a 6 to end the week
  3. Beautiful 10, those questions fell nicely for me. Kept getting to the next one and knowing it thinking i would be stumped soon, for once I knew them all with 0 guesses.
  4. I think it was a league game, both got byes in the west I believe
  5. Aye these journos, if only we had one amongst our fanbase that posted on here we could abuse and ridicule.......
  6. Guys and girls. Off topic slightly however I have a Last Man Standing competition running for charity (RMHC) starting this weekend if anyone wants involved? £10 a head with 50% of all entries going to the charity. Anyone interested feel free to PM me with your email address and I'll send over the entry form that includes rules etc. It may be another way to raise money for the club in the future? If this one is successful, I'd be happy to help out with this.
  7. Friday mate open draw according to twitter
  8. I was quietly confident about Thursday. Rattles through the questions expecting an 8 or 9. Ended with a 5! Relegation for me
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