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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Were not doing a very good job of attracting new fans or keeping existing ones with these performances are we? Crowds will continue to dwindle with these inept performances. Who's going to phone clyde super scoreboard and take it up with JD whenever hes on?
  2. We only stayed up last season due to Don Thomas and his brilliance. We look that pish this season he would struggle to save us. JD needs to take full blame. Punt half the squad and bring in some better players or were doomed. If he cant be arsed he can feel free to leave and let someone else come in.
  3. If u dont laugh you'll cry...... think that's the best way to look at this season
  4. We're not as active as we could/should be. Glad to hear from Jan that we are working on it though. You see lots of imaginative stuff on social media which gets lots of retweets etc from other club but ours is very much same old same old. Plus as pointed out we are aiming our social media stuff at the folk who are already fans and go to games. With regards to fans staying away because they maybe dont know when games are, maybe not the only reason but go into the high street or asda and ask 100 people when the next game is, how many will be able to tell you? Single figures I reckon! So could the club do more. IMO yes!
  5. I keep seeing we need bums in seats, we need fans In the door, numbers are dwindling. Firstly, no wonder they are dwindling, even the hardcore fans are struggling to go to games, there is nothing to drag punters along, the standard is dross as are the players, even signing a "big name" may help, we have a bunch of players that no one has heard of so doesnt exactly drag in Joe blogs off the street. Secondly, what exactly are the club doing to increase attendances and get new fans in? Where is the advertising within the town? Announcing the games, get people more aware that we are playing. We used to put posters up in local businesses, not seen that for a few years now, in fact I saw one the other week advertising a game from 2 seasons ago!! Advertising doesnt need to cost a fortune, before folk jump on my back, simple things like posters and social media go a long way. Another thing are cup runs, look at the buzz from the cup final, and aberdeen a few years ago. Punters came out for those games, those folk are still here we just need to get them in more often, not just for the glory games. Maybe if we didnt treat the betfred and the tunnocks caramel irn bru tartan loch ness monster cup as glorified friendlies and got to the latter stages a bit more often people would come out and get excited again.
  6. I tend to agree wholeheartedly with BBPF after reading the above. Everyone will have their own opinion but there is definitely some who will be trying to hide from the reality of the situation. One thing that gets me is I keep hearing we have no money, we are skint etc etc. Obviously money isnt flush, I can accept that, as can most fans outwith the elite clubs in the world. Are we realistically any more skint than other clubs in the division/league 2? Surely Stranraer, Montrose, East Fife etc are not "minted" in comparison to us!
  7. What a shambles we are in. Does anyone see any light at the end of the tunnel. The signings JD made have been baffling, and now are clearly being shown for what they are.... not very good. Think we all gave some slack thinking the budget was cut but seems this is not the case. Just like last season when SA had to take the blame for the dross on the park then the same goes for this season. JD is to blame for assembling a shower of donkeys. I genuinely cannot motivate myself to attend at the minute and I'm sure I'm not the only one. St Mirren colts in midweek, we could actually see a double figure attendance I reckon. God help us.
  8. We are fucked. I wouldn't be surprised if we finish the season on a record low points total
  9. I did and he must've been in my blind spot! Being that I couldn't see him and I was in the left lane, turning left, I didnt expect him to be there.....
  10. Was driving in glasgow yesterday, sat nav took me down a street where road was closed. Followed the diversion and needed to make a left, was in left lane, indicated in plenty time and started to turn only to hear a loud horn, turned to look and there was a motorbike trying to undertake me as I was turning left! His hand signals made it clear he thought I was the c**t. I beg to differ!
  11. A striker is a must for us but I'd rather we waited a couple weeks and got the right guy rather whether that be a loan deal or permanent. DT last season was different class and scored a Barrowload agreed, but was playing a probably in an attacking mid position. Chris Kane was probably the closest to a prolific striker we have had lately. Having someone to put the ball in the net on a regular basis makes such a difference to a team, something us sons fans havent had the pleasure of seeing too often. What's more irritating is the form of some guys once they leave us after doing not very much. Megginson, Brophy, Nesbit, Roy, Johnston to name a few.
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