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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Anyone else hoping for a #marvelousmonday
  2. It may be meh so far but 2 positives can be taken.... 1. We have some players 2. It can (hopefully) only get better
  3. I dont think we will see Gal announced anytime soon........
  4. Guys, bit off topic here but hopefully someone can help. I have a mate who works with Show Racism the Red Card and is looking for a contact at Dumbarton who he can chat too regarding it. Who would be the best person for him to get in contact with?
  5. I cant help but think we have moved a bit slow here. maybe we have offered these guys in principal but other clubs have came in and given them concrete offers which they cant turn down as I'm sure they have financial obligations like the rest of us. Forbes getting a 2 year deal? We were never going to match that anyway! On the season ticket thing, being able to pay it up monthly is class from the club. I haven't bought one for years as finances and family have dictated otherwise. Now even if I make 1 game a month I can "nearly" justify it to the wife! Result!
  6. Love the fact JD has signed up. Bow we can get a move on with some signings. Always an exciting time waiting to see who is coming in.
  7. So tomorrow we find out our 1st competitive opponents of the new season. We have 1 signed player (who is perma-crocked) and a manager who hasn't confirmed he will still be in the hot seat! Anyone else a tad concerned?
  8. I dont think we can blame fans for having a degree of trepidation about our predicament. Nothing is crystal clear but that's just life. It's also up to individual fans to do what they like with their money. If that involves ploughing every spare penny into all the trusts initiatives then so be it and credit to them. If some decide they are not putting any more money into the club until things become clearer then that is also their prerogative.
  9. Still no news on players? Yet again are we going to be scraping around the dregs of what is left?
  10. Where is my 10 from Monday??? I demand you reinstate your baws up the the league tables! The P&B quiz league needs its integrity in tact! You will be hearing from my lawyers..........
  11. Is your rule number 56, subsection 12 point 13 not "when the cardi makes a mistake suck it up and deal with it". I fully intend to ensure you abide by this most important rule otherwise I will seek legal council........
  12. Do I? I got it right through luck more than anything. 8 for me, capital city stung me, got it wrong as I thought the correct answer had a different capital. Google explained all.
  13. Anyone know if we are doing a play at the rock match again this year?
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