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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Getting the excuses in early for some postponments. I like it.....[emoji39][emoji8]
  2. What a c**t of a quiz. Guessed last 4 for 5/10. Whatever league I'm in its not a great start, although reckon anyone getting more than 6 is either at it or majorly jammy
  3. Rightly so after my simply pathetic 4 (I think) I have been riding my luck in the cups of late so it was bound to end eventually. Plus those questions were stinking lol
  4. Am I the only one that thinks, going by recent chats, that this cup may not get a winner as we could all be stuck on the square root of he haw?
  5. I was snowed under with work for past few days so missed Thursdays quiz, clicked the link posted, done the quiz and got a 7. Got through the thread, found Fridays link and started the quiz only to realise it was the same questions, had to hunt the archive.....yes I know, 1st world problems for this pish! Anyway after fumbling about in the dark.... 7 for Friday 7 for Thursday Completed in that order. Oh and NJ2, I hope you brought your A game to the cup cause I must've stepped in some dog shit whilst walking under a ladder and getting crapped on by a seagull. I'm retiring a happy man after my score.......
  6. Drumgate is really a bit pathetic. A few wee guys who want to come along and support their local team and make a bit of noise in the process. I understand wilf has explained his health conditions previously however football stadiums aren't designed to be quiet. If folk want to bring a drum so be it. There are numerous stadiums around the world where full bands get in and play for 90mins. Iv watched lots of games where the noise coming from the band/supporters is a hell of a lot more irritating than a few young guys banging a drum. We should be welcoming them in with open arms, as BBPF says, some of us won't be around in 20/30 years so they may be the guys keeping the club going.
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