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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Well while the Aussies manage to f**k up something else in this world, I'll return some sanity to the quizzing world with the results of RD1 of the cup. Goober Bud (4+4) v Leeds Saint (9+7) Goober Bud fired home consistent 4s in both legs but Leeds Saint's late arrival to the party with a 9 in the 1st leg put the tie to bed. A 7 in the 2nd leg was just for show. Final score 8-16 Ross. (5+5) v SlipperyP (6+4) A tight affair with slippery taking a narrow 6-5 lead into his home leg. Ross. managed to take the tie to extra time winning the 2nd leg 5-4. Final score 10-10 Welshbairn (6+3) v German Jag (5+6) Welshbairn won his home leg 6-5 but couldn't cope with the atmosphere at German Jags place and capitulated losing 6-3. Final score 9-11. Ziggy (6+4) v Dublin Magyar (7+4) A close affair settled by the single goal. Ziggy fell behind at home. Dublin Magyar sat in and defended his narrow lead in the second leg and even Ziggy throwing useless facts on Lake Titicacca at his opponent couldn't overcome the deficit. Final score 10-11. Peasy23 (7+4) v Dweezboy (4+5) Peasy scored a solid 7 in the 1st leg to take a comfortable 3 goal lead into the second leg. A valiant effort from Dweezboy in the return ultimately fell short. Final score 11-9. AFJ (2+4) v JamesP_81 (6+4) AFJ didn't even bother to communicate his score, made me hunt it down, now I see why. A pitiful 2 at home meant James had the tie all but done and dusted at half time. 2nd leg was just for show. Final score 6-10 Edmund (8+6) v Wastecoatwilly (8+6) Nothing could separate these two. Both attacks on top with defence being an afterthought. They need to do it all again in extra time. Final score 14-14. Cardinal Richelieu (6+3) v gkneil (7+3) A late showing from gkneil sealed the 1st leg with a last minute winner. Both Defences on top in the 2nd leg but gkneil holds out to go through. Cardi likes the fact losers stay alive in the losers shield, just as well as that's where he's heading. Final score 9-10 BWV (8+6) v Caspian Chris (7+6) BWV proving that the early bird catches the worm. 1st out the traps and had 8 in the net before Caspian Chris had even woken up. A tight 2nd leg but BWV hold on to progress. Final score 14-13. Helpma (9+4) v The DA (9+7) Goals galore in the 1st leg as the fans were treated to 9 a piece. Fan Expectations were high going into the second leg. The DA didn't disappoint and smashed home another 7, Helpma ran out of gas and crashes out. Final score 13-16. Christophe (4+6) v BigBo10 (3+2) League leader Christopher was big favourite coming into this one but made life hard for himself with a 4 in the home leg. Fortunately for him BigBo10 had a mare and wants the 10 minutes he spent on the quizzes back. Final score 10-5. Jacksgrsnda (3+4) v Scotfree (0) A walk over as Scotfree fails to show for his match leaving his fans disappointed. He later released a statement saying he was taking a few weeks out. We all wish him all the best. Final score 7-0. MSU (7+6) v Alang1993 (1+4) Another tie as good as over after the 1st leg. Shangalang1993 leaving himself far too much to do in the 2nd leg and a place in the losers shield beckons. Final score 13-5 Adam101 (5+4) v lincolnhearts (7+ v dyl (0) The 1st of the 3 ways (oooh matron) sees 1 team not even show up. Lincoln Hearts with a solid performance in both legs leaves his opponents chasing shadows. Final score 9-15-0. BIK (8+5) v The Captain (4+5) v Cowden0 (0) BIK makes home advantage count over his opponents in the 1st leg although 1 didnt turn up. The 2nd leg was a lap of honour as he sees the match home. 13-9-0 Tynierose (8+9) v Salvo Montalbano (9+6) v NJ2 (7+ Saving the best till last. A tie with 3 big hitters didn't fail to live up to its billing. Salvo takes a narrow lead into the 2nd leg, tynie with the best performance of the round sneaks into the next round leaving his high scoring opponents in shock. Final score 17-15-15 So 2 ties require extra time. @Ross. v @SlipperyP and @Eednud v @wastecoatwilly (Someone tag them please - done) Here's the question. As of right now (24th October 2018 9:30pm) how many articles are on Wikipedia? Answers to me by Friday 9am please.
  2. A pathetic 4 for Wednesday I had planned on doing the cup write up and posting a tie break question for those needing it tonight. However I have left all the scores in work and am I feck going through them all again so will do it tomorrow on works time. If you are one of the tagged folk without me getting your score you have until I post tomorrow to get your scores in or you are automatically on 0!
  3. Cup scores are in, I do not have scores for @welshbairn, @scotfree, @The Captain and @gkneil (someone who knows how can tag these reprabrates for me - edit: done, BWV) If you have completed it at least let me know what name you completed it under, I know I'm good but I'm not a mind reader!
  4. If u pm me your score before I post the results I'll let your lateness slide this once. That goes for anyone else that has missed the deadline..... It may take me a while to sort out the scores as clearly some people struggle with the technicalities of PM's. I have some scores on PM, some on the thread and some I need to look at the quiz results page (where half of you don't even use your P&B name)!! Bloody he'll cardi, how do u control this mob every week!
  5. Knew 2 scored 6. Happy. Anyone notice the strange countries in question 10? Bloody Australians. I'll sieve through the cup scores over the next day or so, just under 24 hours to get your 1st round completed.
  6. Who is this imposter you speak about? And I'll have you know my inbox is perfectly fine, I cleared it specifically for this cup and the only messages are from the good souls completing their matches in a prompt and efficient manner. I'll just make sure I take time out of my busy day on Monday to scroll through this thread and pick up the scores that folk have posted! No wonder cardi is an old crabbit c**t trying to organise you lot!
  7. Ok well before his eminence post a final league tables and confines me to the dreggs of the quizzing society, it's time for the 1st round of the (still to be sponsored) P&B cup. The draw was made about 5 minutes ago under the watchful eye of a very experienced and independent adjudicator (my 9 month old daughter). The 1st round will include everyone in a 2 legged tie (there will be 3 ties with 3 teams). The winners of each tie will progress to the champions cup with the losers progressing to the highly prestigious losers shield (in the ties with 3 teams only 1 will progress to the champions cup, no losers allowed). In the event of a draw there will be a tie break question to determine the winner. Anyway I'm sure you are all wanting to know the draw. Goober Bud v Leeds Saint Ross. V SlipperyP Welshbairn v German Jag Ziggy v Dublin Magyar Peasy23 v Dweezboy AFJ v JamesP_81 Edmund v Wastecoatwilly Cardinal Richelieu v gkneil BWV v Caspian Chris Helpma v The DA Christophe v BigBo10 Jacksgrsnda v Scotfree MSU v Alang1993 Adam101 v Lincoln Hearts v dyl BIK v The Captain v Cowden0 Tynierose v Salvo Montalbano v NJ2 Links to the quizzes below. Geography and sport are your 2 categories in round 1. PM your answers by 7pm Scottish time Monday. http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=1810191438465298&lnk& http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=1810191507505610&lnk&
  8. 9 for the repeat quiz, how can I not manage a 10 when I can remember most of the bloody answers! Anyway, more important matters........the cup. There will be no fancy group stages or Ryder cup style teams. Just pure naked oiled up 1 v 1 death matches. There will be a home and away tie for each match, best aggregate score will go through. Draw will be made and posted tomorrow with links to the 1st round of quizzes. Anyone knocked out in round 1 will be dumped into the losers bracket to compete for the losers shield while all winning teams from rd 1 will continue on to compete for the champions cup. Sponsorship will be available for both winners and losers brackets so anyone wishing to sponsor either tournament get your bids in.
  9. I did say that the club wouldn't want the bad publicity and that Nade probably wouldn't want to play anyway. I wasn't criticising the club's handling of the situation. My point is that the club could've came out after the court case and made a statement regarding Nade, thanking him for his service, wishing him well and giving him a proper farewell that us as fans never got the opportunity to do.
  10. Shocking reading. The way his time at the club ended was terrible in my opinion. Chucked on the scrap heap due to, what has been proven by the courts, to be a false allegation. Must be a terrible feeling to think you may face jail time for something you didn't do. I totally understand that he wouldn't have been in the right frame of mind and the club maybe wouldn't have wanted the bad publicity, however it would have been nice for the club to stick by him and offer support, or at least acknowledge the courts decision with a statement on the website thanking him for his time. Mental health is becoming a very serious problem in today's game. Having not read the article, I hope the big man is ok and I wish him all the best.
  11. I would hope that Dundee firing McCann would have no bearing on us potentially getting Duffy. Even though I'm not convinced it will be Duffy, I reckon they will look beyond him tbh, as has been mentioned above it's been a long time since he's been in the top flight. I wouldn't be surprised to see a certain Mr. K. Miller promoted from player to player/manager. As if he didn't have that in mind when he joined them.......
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if the sun have this site monitored along with clubs unofficial FB pages and they write their stories based on what they see, just to get us fans buying their paper to see what they know that we don't. I'm sure Ross Forbes will tell me journalists don't do such things and their 'sources' are 100% accurate lol
  13. 6 for Tuesday, although i got it right through common sense iv been a keen golfer since the age of 6 and have never heard of a fuckin 10 iron, what a load of shite.
  14. 6 for Monday. Cup will start this weekend, details will follow later in the week, everyone will be involved unless they categorically state they wish to be left out. Reasons must be put in writing (350 words minimum) and addressed to his eminence who will in turn tell you to fu k off!
  15. I would doubt it would be Kenny Miller as no doubt he will want a player/manager role and seeing as he has played for 2 clubs already this season that couldn't happen
  16. Graeme Murty was spotted at the castle today, up for an interview perhaps?
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