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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Thing quiz of the day didn't like all the big scores last week and got a bit harsh this week. Or maybe I'm just thick! 6 to start.
  2. Wow guys, this is beating anything the ayrshire boys have came up with. Keep it up, popcorn is out......
  3. 9 for Friday. That will officially be my best ever score by a country mile, and may well not be even enough to get me into the top league
  4. My wife put the teletubbies on for the wee one. She then turned to me and said: "Are they called teletubbies because they have TVs in their tummys"
  5. I did it was a good day. Apologies, The wife ended up with a niece crashed out on her so we took her somewhere quiet before heading for the bus lol
  6. Unfortunately that is what happens with "all singing all dancing" 3G pitches. Overuse means they need relaid every couple years but the cost means that clubs and organisations hold out as long as possible before relaying them. Pitches like benburbs are in use 7 days a week so it's no surprise its gubbed. There are many around the country in a similar state. Most of the pitches ran by Glasgow life are getting to the end of their life, petershill was relaid last year and probably about 2 years too late.
  7. That Australian nonsense can stay as far away from this thread as it likes. This new quiz is so much more beautiful and kind. A sexy wee 9 for Wednesday. Although I see I'm not the only one enjoying the lack of questions on womans aussie rules from 1986
  8. Was sons TV at the game yesterday? Just on that note I genuinely think we have one of the best highlight packages in the lower leagues, credit to the guys who put it together every game and help out us poor souls unable to get to the games!
  9. I have to agree. Circumstances dictate that £250 is too much for me at the moment too but probably in the grand scheme of things represents decent enough value for those who will attend every game and can afford it. In a couple years when the wee one is old enough to appreciate It and maybe i don't need to work 90% of weekends then I will invest in a season ticket again. For me though it will be walk ups for the foreseeable.
  10. Sorry guys but the chat about a specific ref is bordering on disgraceful. Moaning about decisions is one thing but questioning a referees integrity is totally out of order and should be dealt with by the authorities. I can understand frustrations around some decisions etc on the field but does that warrant abuse and threats? I'm not just talking about the above but In general the way a lot of referees are treated is wrong. Without them we have no game. Also, for a ref to apparently 'dislike' a team, what has that team done to him to get him to that position. Respect goes 2 ways and 9 times out of 10 the disrespect starts with the teams not the ref, we are all to blinkered to see it and admit it. Give the guys in the middle a break and some respect and I guarantee you will enjoy football a lot more. Iv seen guys physically foaming at the mouth in referees faces, is that really how we want to enjoy our Saturdays?
  11. In fact scrap that, I just found the archive, there is also a league facility. The gaffer may be redundant soon.......
  12. I'm sure it was mentioned somewhere back in the past 9999999999 pages, sure cardigan richy will enlighten us but if my memory serves me right there is no archive, so for us that do the quiz on the day its absolutely fine. For those who like to wait and see what everyone else has got 1st then post and win the league/avoid relegation (I'm not bitter) then it's no use.
  13. I don't understand the hostility towards old scrotum here. He gave us some information that he thought we would all be interested in. Now hes basically being told to shut up because he has no further updates. Think everyone needs to calm down
  14. Damn u, I took a week off work next week and was looking forward to half your wages [emoji6]
  15. I was kidding, apologies if you got the wrong end of the stick. you do an excellent job, a credit to the club!
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