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Everything posted by orfc

  1. Kate Forbes' views, whether you believe them or not are protected characteristics under the Human Rights Act by dint of being genuine religious beliefs. Anyone saying they'd treat her differently for this is teetering on the edge of the hate crime abyss
  2. Basically the go to meme for everything the SNP have done since Xmas...
  3. I suspect that kind of quasi-gerrymandering could be undone fairly quickly by the unionist parties agreeing not to stand against each other - the prize of taking out another SNP leader would be hard to resist
  4. Clip Klopp!!! This isn't just real being good. Liverpool gave had their arses handed to them by Brentford & Brighton this season too. Gone backwards at a rate of knots.
  5. There were two branch levies in 2019, thus they're rolled up under the same heading for the 2019 accounts. The money raised was 175k, roughly 90k each
  6. That's the bare minimum if you're a yoof, it's £5 seniors, £12 minimum everyone else, but they wouldn't turn you down paying more For instance, Lib Dems say £15 a year for normal membership but also say " How much you pay is up to you, the average is £40" - https://libdems.secure.force.com/LiberalDemocrats/NewMemberRegistration - I eventually signed up to the newsletter for £0 f**k knows what the tories is, probably a share of the deeds to your estate or something
  7. Why is there always an assumption of alba'ism? What's more likely, we're the 1% who vote alba or the 50+% who vote con/lib/lab? Anyways, I'm going to admit I was wrong It was the Amiga version he did a hatchet job on http://amr.abime.net/amr_popup_picture.php?src=amiga_power/magscans/ap08_1991_12/102.jpg&c=54377&n=1&filesize=308247
  8. Wingsy's sums seem to work out: £174K at £2 a member is <90,000 members He is a very angry man, and I can't forgive his dreadful review of Turrican for the C64, but he knows how to do his research and he has absolutely picked apart Sturgeon and her acolytes the last couple of months
  9. Here's a summary for you good sir: Membership is the same as it was 8 years ago. They got a one-off boost of "loser's regret" members in the six months after the referendum (my guardian link is march 2015), nothing to do with nicola as leader. They are now at the same level today - it has flatlined (or they're even massaging the numbers according to that last link)
  10. Too much reliance on the Weirs millions To be a member is as little as £2 a year - https://www.snp.org/join/member/ - that doesn't raise a whole heap after costs
  11. I know they got a big jump in membership after losing the referendum Which is a bit like losing the Cup Final 1-0 but celebrating having more fans
  12. Even if true, it means under the great Sturgeon membership has flat-lined.
  13. You've confused "presently" with "8 years ago" https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/mar/29/snp-would-demand-to-be-consulted-by-minority-labour-government "In her closing speech to the SNP’s spring conference in Glasgow on Sunday – attended by a record 3,000 delegates – Sturgeon disclosed that the party’s membership had reached nearly 103,000 after adding 700 members over the weekend." These SNP membership numbers are very small Those SNP membership numbers are far away
  14. Quite refreshing compared to the "I'll say whatever gets me elected" types A ban on alcohol and Sunday trading next please. Football to be replaced by public Bible readings
  15. Nicky wanted compliance not competition. No surprise the ones with brains got chased out or marginalised, and this is what you're left with as a result.
  16. Shat himself when he realised the nursery owner he was accusing of racism turned out to be of South Asian origin themselves. Dropped it last week funnily enough https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/07/humza-yousafs-family-drops-discrimination-case-against-nursery
  17. But isn't the point of the SNP to achieve independence and then you can pick a party after that happens based on other choices. Christ, if it's members don't get this it'll never happen
  18. 1-0 win against Colchester, goal in the 4th minute Do t think we troubled their goalie after that, and at times in the 2nd half it was like watching 22 dogs chase a balloon, but it was a win
  19. Nivver mind this shite - where's the 600k?
  20. All public road / general construction projects are currently fubared due to the rise in material costs for basics like cement etc. It's 10-20% up with inflation / and more with interest rates if the money is borrowed. You either scale back or try and find the money from somewhere else. By the time you've done that it's gone up again
  21. How's she clearly been a superb leader??? A long term leader, yes But 9 years with the Tory bonfire of a Westminster government and support for independence hasn't moved on at all? That's shocking. That's her legacy.
  22. I nearly forgot we had a game last night, but it seems I remembered before the players did Jesus
  23. From BBC: "She refers to the special SNP conference next month and says "I free the SNP to choose the right path".” Sounds like internal disagreement is the reason for going, some in the SNP still actually think independence should be the main goal
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