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Everything posted by orfc

  1. High end cover up by the reptilian elite of incomer Kate's discovery of their dastardly plan and her subsequent disappearance Or proof of how much mobile phones manipulate the images they take - hdr, redeye filtering, that Google auto-smile ability etc I no wiCh I bELeev
  2. Now top story on BBC news Over enthusiastic photo touch ups (oo-er) that all magazines etc do? Or are they actually all AI constructs? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68526972
  3. Lost 3-2 to Charlton Heston Listening to the commentary, mistakes reared their head again (Lavelle particularly today) for the opposition goals, after we managed to take the lead and come back from behind. Even the commentators seem to have turned but not as far as Simpson. 23 pts from 36 games. Add on 11 points from the last 10 league games of last season and that's a full season of matches to net 34 points
  4. Lost 3-1 at home Sounded like we only started trying once Gibson came on at 3-0 down and we clawed a goal back Listening to the commentary though and they seem to think we're playing in the champions league, not the third rung of english football Think we're firmly in miracle territory now
  5. Bit of a drag back for a post from 3 months ago... I said Hamas was propagandising the hospital 'attack' everyone lost their shit about on here blaming the Israelis when it turned out it wasn't them For that particular term a history search shows you're more attached to it than me Having though about it, yeah, wasn't the best word to use, but if you think hamas are a neutral reporting organisation you're tapped And err, talking about using dodgy phrases, what about your take on "from the river to the sea"....?
  6. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/01/george-galloway-profiting-pain-gaza-rochdale *cough cough* "The MPs of the Scottish National party are, of course, sincere in their outrage at the plight of Gaza. But few would argue that the ceasefire motion they tabled last week – which triggered such ructions in the Commons – was aimed solely at helping Palestinians in need. It was also designed to expose and widen the rift within the ranks of their electoral rivals, Labour" Looks like that notorious right wing rag the guardian agrees with me, and not with the vacant twenty on this thread
  7. Anything around the edge is basically loon territory really, just different flavours
  8. Now that's how you make political capital out of a humanitarian catastrophe. SNP take note.
  9. What could they seize that would f**k his presidency bid up most?
  10. France needs to immediately forfeit their WC quarter final win over England I mean he was out injured for all of the competition but principles have to mean something...
  11. Burton 0-1 Carlisle First win in 9 First clean sheet since September 2nd The Great Escape is on!
  12. Ooh, nasty names! Lose your temper, lose the argument shunny
  13. As I've pointed out though we don't supply arms as such. Bits of a plane which, if as suggested we went "stop that", the yanks would just go "oh you don't want to be part of this project anymore then?" You'd actually have more leverage telling the Israeli's we won't be buying any more of their military tech , but still £50m is only half a Grealish, it's not going to make or break anything https://www.declassifieduk.org/ties-that-bind-britain-buys-46m-of-israeli-military-equipment-and-stations-troops-in-israel/
  14. But they're not using up their time in Westminster to say that, they just released a press statement. Why not do the same for Gaza? Because it's entirely about politicking rather than giving a toss about the people involved. I bet half of the MPs of all parties couldn't point to Gaza on a globe
  15. What about the hundreds of thousands dead in the Ukraine? Where's the SNP call for a ceasefire there? Ooh nowhere, cos they can't use it to drive a wedge into their rivals. I think the grip needs to be on those doing the point scoring, not those pointing out they're doing it
  16. You forgot to show your working out on that one There's tons of stuff actually affecting Scotland the SNP could stamp its feet about, like where's our share of the HS2 money that's getting spread about the North of England, what's the long term plan for Ukrainian refugees of which Scotland has 39,000... But noooo, try and drag out some point scoring over a situation you have no control over instead. Very SNP
  17. The "arms" we sell to Israel are actually mostly bits of the F35 that bae make and the US sell without us having a say We don't even show on the main pie chart here of actual armaments sold https://caat.org.uk/data/countries/israel/israels-arms-suppliers/ If you want to look at it another way - who's enabling the Israeli's to buy all this gear? Turns out their biggest customer is India and they seem completely unfucked about filling Netanyahus pockets... https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/israels-military-exports-top-buyer-india-unaffected-by-gaza-war-2024-02-23/
  18. Everything must be really hunky dory in Scotland if the SNP can waste all their parliamentary time on a conflict happening on a different continent that we're not even taking part in? I'll say it again, and the idiot parade can get down voting again, this is just playing politics to try and stiff labour and it's failed again 2-0 to the STARMER
  19. Worth a bet. Good chance Trump will be skint, received a jail term or reputational toast in a few months and then she's the default candidate. Anyone under 60 will beat sleepy Joe and ta-da she's President
  20. 8 defeats in a row That must be getting on for a club record, though there's a fair bit of competition from other seasons When Simpson took over first time in 2003 we had a dismal run (shit squad + transfer embargo) but we got the occasional draw or win*, same when we had collapses with Curle and other managers, but not just LLLLLLLL. Looking at soccerbase I can't see anything as bad *Having had a look at our 2003/04 record we lost 13 12 league matches in a row but broke it up with a couple of windscreen trophy wins (and a windscreen and fa cup loss). Though once Simpson could bring his own players in the 2nd half of the season was much better, it's went into reverse this time though https://www.soccerbase.com/teams/team.sd?team_id=643&season_id=133&teamTabs=results PS I went to the Torquay game which stopped that 12 match losing streak ^^^
  21. Do you know how much anything beyond a bog standard filling is now? I've got a private dental plan where I pay £30 a month but still have to pay extra for things the dentist doesn't do themselves like making a crown which can be hundreds just for one. Implants are fucking thousands. https://www.bupa.co.uk/dental/dental-care/treatments/dental-implants/cost-of-implants And people mock labour for planning to introduce toothbrushing lessons for kids. I wish I'd paid more attention.
  22. Lol, given this entire thread is basically nationalists trying to troll labour
  23. It's a non issue in this context, Gaza's just a handy prop for a bit of "look at me" posturing for politicians This was all about bending labour over and the SNP-TORY tag team are raging
  24. SIR KEIR STARMER KC PM TO BE 1 SNP / TORY ALLIANCE 0 So many sizzling like f**k posters denied their daily "Labour is crap" feel good post, SKS has ragdolled the lot of you
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