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Everything posted by BillyAnchor

  1. Some cheap Trader Joes Simpler Times lager. Trader Joes is a company here in usa usa usa that does their own brands and their beer is reasonable and cheap. Lager $3.99 a 6 pack, Pilsner the same and IPA 4.99.
  2. The British cartoon show, Roobarb, featured 2 characters called Roobarb and Custard. It was modeled on an Indian show called Pakora which had 2 characters called Pakora and Chutney.
  3. I thought Bernard Cribbens was a narrator in the Roobarb cartoon but an internet check shows I was wrong. Now I know.
  4. What kind of pleb school chooses Vermont over Aspen?
  5. Pringles crisps wanted to put the Pringle jumper style lion on the side but were afraid it would be mistaken for Lion bars.
  6. Denver omelettes are named after the late American singer John Denver who would eat one 4-5 times a day.
  7. We have a once a month meeting with other departments where little of interest happens and you just get through it. Last month a new hire appeared who was a dead ringer for Charles Manson minus only the swastika tattoo but he did make a significant amount of weird facial tick gestures. Meeting going on soon, I am almost looking forward to it unless he was recently arrested for a bunch of murders in LA or something. I hate when things like that spoil your meeting.
  8. This is an interesting group/concept https://www.socialistra.org/
  9. Please take to the c***s who are novices at literature thread.
  10. I;m finishing up the Malcolm McKay Glasgow trilogy, pretty simple writing but not bad if you fancy an easy read.
  11. The Scottish Leagues are looking to put a 3rd Dundee team in the leagues.
  12. In Ireland they eat Green Pudding as part of their traditional breakfast
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