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Everything posted by renton

  1. Still in the works I'd imagine, no need to panic. Yet.
  2. Not to drag the Jambos thread too much, but McGurn's positioning for those type of free kicks - basically anything not immediately dead centre is always suspect, in fact is worse, the more acute the angle the attacker has. You see more than one goal keeper who stands off centre for free kicks, but his is one of the more extreme. I always put it down to him not thinking he'd get to something going to his exposed corner if he was in the middle, so was sacrificing any ability to get near his near - wall protected - side, relying on the wall and the closer range to goal to protect that side. Basically an open invitation to anyone who could get the ball up and under the wall, and Currie look exceptionally good at that.
  3. I still think McGurn's positioning was suspect, but Currie's technique in getting it up, over and down at that range was terrific - postage stamp stuff.
  4. certainly plausible in some places like Angus. I do think BT have been succesful in pushing EU uncertainty in these areas, and for them that's massive, both in terms of access to markets and EU subsidies. A lot of these guys live on narrow margins as it is. Alongsid ethat is the Yes campaigns failure to push how often Farmers (and fishermen) in Scotland have been fucked over in UK negotiations at European level over the years, and how independence would increase their direct represnetation at these negotiations. They are hanging onto what they've got and you can't really blame them for that, but it's kind of like hanging onto an ever diminishing sand bar as the tide comes in. Still, I don't think rural areas will return too many Yes votes on the day.
  5. If I had to guess, I'd say there is little chance of rural areas voting Yes, irrespective of the SNP's stranglehold on the area. I'd reckon whatever strength the independence argument has, is based on urban environments, and particularly around old Labour strongholds
  6. Well, to be strictly accurate, only 964 out of 1713 cast votes (a turnout of 56%). School canvassing seems to be highly variable across the country, but certainly the 16-17 year olds are definitely not a leading demographic in favour of yes.
  7. Well, it isn't. There is no demogrpahic weighting applied, hence it isn't a snapshot of Scottish public opinion - but then again, it isn't meant to be either. I understand that some people believe folk will say whatever they think a canvasser wants to here, but I've never been convinced by that argument - otherwise you'd see 90/10 splits all over the place, and maybe there are folk like that but the size of the sample - 8,000 people, should help filter that uncertainty to a lower level. The RIC I think, are a hugely important part of the campaign, they are highlighting and engaging with those parts of Scotland that are disenfranchised and who ar eopen to ideas about a different Scotland. If you can get and keep this demographic engaged and registered, then it could be a big stength for Yes.
  8. ... and regular penalty taker. Course, you have to score the fucking things, but think he got 4 penalties so fully a third of his goals were from spot kicks.
  9. Really thought Spence would kick on for us, after Graham left but he never really did. Good movement and good industry, but very lightweight - nto great as the focal point of an attack, needs players doing a power of work alongside him I think and his composure wasn't great. Lost count of the number of 1 on 1s he's missed for us over the last two years. No doubt will never miss one against us, mind.
  10. to be fair, our squad isn't finished, so any stick on assertions are premature.
  11. Yeah, but you are assuming we are going to start the season with the team as it is now. There is no way we intend to start the season with no recognised wide players.
  12. A quick look at his career to date suggests he's nto had too much luck since elaving Falkirk, he's been shipped around a bit on loan when at Bradford, and had a couple of injuries including a jaw break at Kilmarnock that kept him out of that team for 4 of the 5 months he was there. This is his first time back at this level since he left, and he wouldn't be the first striker to fail to make an impact at the premier who could bang them in in the second tier.
  13. Yellow looks a wee bit bright, I thoguht you guys usually played in something a wee bit darker in shade.
  14. We turned shite, due to a small squad who's style became predictable and where it was hard for players who's form wa sdropping to be replaced. We didn't start shite however, and actually played some really nice stuff.
  15. Here's a point, for everyone obsessing over a guarenteed 15 goal a season striker. Gordon Smith had previously been there or there abouts at this level for Stirling, and it's generally agreed that he was no where good enough last year. Spence had 11 in his first year and 12 this year, so again, not too far off the coveted 15 a season, yet no one seems to fussed about whether he stays or goes. Interestingly, Baird did 13 in his first year and 11 in his second, then obviously barely kicked a ball at a higher level. That last six months with us, is probably as prolific as he's ever been.
  16. Yup, there are times when we've been one dimensional, but never a long ball team. In any event, It's not necessarily the case that as a team likely to be playing a lot of counter attacking football, that we need a 'wee, nippy' striker. Playing the ball into Elliot and Nade should allow us to keep a hold of it to bring others into play - knocking long into the channel shouldn't be our method. I'd actually like to see us play as a 4-2-3-1, with Moon and Fox sitting as the two, Nade as the one with Elliot as the central part of the three. We could use Scott as part of the three as well, and hopefully bring in a wide player who cna play a wee bit more directly as the other part of the three.
  17. SPENCEY! SPENCEY! In all honesty, between Elliot, Nade and Stewart, they should match Elliot, Spence and Smith from last season. It's replacing Baird's and Cardles that's the key thing here, so it really depends on the wide players we bring in - Scott should add a few goals from midfield as well.
  18. Aye, cause he made such a huge impact the first time round.
  19. To be fair, your first post wasn't entirely clear on whether you meant the vote in the islands or the vote in the country.
  20. That's a huge swing (sorry HB) in two weeks there.
  21. Not just me, a few folk have come up with that name. Will have to see if it has legs or not. No idea who the forward might be though.
  22. The borders and Dumfries are no surprise, they came out as massively no even in the 1979 devolution referndum.
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