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Everything posted by ray_of_licht

  1. For those of us not listening to SSB - What was his plan? Share the hilarity please
  2. David Hillier has been a pretty good source of info and analysis on this. have a look at his Twitter feed @davidhillier
  3. Thank you, link providing people ETA ARGH! WTF? Kill them with fire! Perfect faces for radio though.
  4. I know it's a question that comes up again and again but it needs asking - Anyone got the link for Sportsound?
  5. Well that was fun. 3 "ready to go" bids on the table now though. Better get back to getting annoyed about newco's and no sanctions and cheating and all that... ... in a wee while
  6. I have a Freddo, 2 packs of Rich Tea and a bottle of Ribena. Fancy a joint bid? ETA: Dammit. Gazumped by PeeTeeJag
  7. Rangers Media has melted down. Wonder why. Hope Brian Kennedy has a really big ladder cos the ball is well up on the slates now if that's true.
  8. “At the time ITV Digital collapsed we had budgeted to receive £3million in TV money and ended up with a deal which brought in £1m so over a two-year spell we ended up with a £4m shortfall. “I can only speak from our experiences … and it was very difficult. “ “It was a difficult time but the clubs got through it at that time and I think they’re stronger for it.” Who is this voice of realism and calm? ETA: First link is the Record for which I apologise and the 2nd is to Paul McConville's blog for which I apologise again. But it's interesting. Or at least I thought it was.
  9. Regarding the UEFA licence issue - http://wingsland.podgamer.com/cheats-charter-controversy-ended/ I especially enjoyed the edit dated 17-04 :-)
  10. According to data from the Nasdaq stock exchange, Miller has significantly reduced his personal holding in Miller Industries from 679,619 shares to 305,401 in the past year. He owns less than 3% of the issued share capital. - Herald Also David Hillier has been doing a lot of work answering question on Twitter which is well worth a look. Taken from his feed (@davidhillier) The "problem" the RTC blog has is that they can put out all the factual data they like but they're seen as partisan so certain sections of the interested public won't entertain anything said on there.
  11. Pretty much. It's going to be fun picking the bones out of this one. BM wants it done and dusted for the 13th? I'm sceptical.
  12. Every player would move from the old company to the newco there's no argument with that. The problem is that Wishart says as employees being TUPE'd they can refuse to switch if they so choose. It would appear D&P are trying to say they're assets and have no choice. TUPE regulation 4 (7) states: "[the regulations] shall not operate to transfer the contract of employment and the rights, powers, duties and liabilities under or in connection with it of an employee who informs the transferor or the transferee that he objects to becoming employed by the transferee." I seem to recall Wishart also saying that football regulations might fly in the face of that but the law of the land should trump whatever the football authorities say.
  13. Apologies. I thought I'd put Alistair Lamont's twitter name in the quote box.
  14. Remember all that stuff about HMRC not doing a deal? If David Whitehouse is to be believed then they may have done ETA - taken from Alastair Lamont's tweets
  15. Agreed. When H&D say they "understand" something is that like when a sports journalist "understands" something? ie. made it up and hoped it was right
  16. I just asked how he arrived at £250k. If I'm lucky I'll get an answer I can share. If I'm even luckier it won't be swahili ETA: He says it's " it's an approximate figure because matchday income dependent on size of away enclosure, which differs in each stadium."
  17. Professor David Hillier reckons that, rather than the £600k quoted by the Express it might be nearer £250k. How he came to that figure I don't know.
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