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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Also I read the full article, it was an interesting piece, fairly balanced. I was confused why there was such hatred on Twitter towards Rowling, I mean, I knew why she got it from "cybernats" but I actually didn't realise she expressed political opinions publicly - “I forgot Dumbledore trashed Hogwarts, refused to resign and ran off to the forest to make speeches to angry trolls,” - In reference to someone calling Corbyn Dumbledore.. I now understand why so many irrational people have such an intense hatred for her. What a beautiful tweet.
  2. Most people that I've seen described as a TERF are not offering radical thought at all, I admittedly don't venture into whatever part of Twitter gets het up about such things so I'm sure there are plenty of radical viewpoints. I think you'd struggle to find them with let's say Rowling and your Wightman guy. I'm very new to the trans/terf debates.
  3. As someone that has recently learned what the term TERF meant I must say I liked this part of the article. "She seemed to have aligned herself with a camp of people who often call themselves “gender-critical feminists”; opponents tend to call them TERFs, or “trans-exclusionary radical feminists,” though they are not necessarily very radical."
  4. Sturgeon, Blackford and Corbyn would be a good trio.
  5. Yeah, nuance is really exciting like that.
  6. During the Corbyn autopsy they would find that the kneecapping by "insane forces" was not helped by the victim repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot.
  7. I don't get the fixation with extensions and deadlines when they're all superficial at this point. Even if it's a no deal outcome you would imagine both sides will start a new round of discussions relatively swiftly in the new year.
  8. I have no idea what that means but I'm presuming you ironically didnt wanna say yes.
  9. So the only way to have potentially remained in the EU was to have voted No in 2014?
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-55399004 One of my best mates was childhood best friends with one of the guys found guilty here. Apparantly his family had to move from getting death threats from the gangs behind the operation. Frightening to think how many people may have just avoided this fate.
  11. I agree. There's plenty of gullible and stupid people that will be sucked in by stories like this though.
  12. Regarding this current talking point what do the British Nationalists have their heads in the sand over?
  13. I watched a documentary about that situation a couple of years back, might be a different one but the part that stuck out to me was when they had a separate private water line going through to the government offices or local authority or whoever, so these were the people saying there was no problem with the water yet at the same time had spent shitloads ensuring they didn't get any from the dodgy pipes.
  14. I used to enjoy the special episodes of Top Gear, I'm not a car man but just liked the patter, got advertised the new one they've done on Amazon and started watching the boat one they did last year, very enjoyable so far. How many special type episodes have they done, I'd love to watch more but really cba watching the car reviews and studio segments just the big trip and clapped out car challenges??
  15. Knorrs Micro Noodles being discontinued. Every day I think about them. I once wrote a drunken e-mail to Unilever but they didn't take me seriously.
  16. No I did not. I dunno I'd say the SNP should just abandon Indy and embrace the Union before they end up as a footnote in history.
  17. The planet where they make profit from selling papers...
  18. Soft Indy voters listening intently. Hardline Indy supporters with their heads in the sand.
  19. Brown and Naismith to be booked and Halliday to be sent off 700/1 Sending it.
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