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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. I agree it could be and it is on many different platforms, the BBC is right to remain neutral when reporting what the government says and they usually have more analysis on Newsnight, Politics Live etc. I think people can criticise the BBC but think the personal attacks on LK are trivial and needless.
  2. Back up dancers going to back up dance.
  3. Referee doing that thing where they give loads of minor fouls then shite out of the big decisions.
  4. I don't actually get the goggle thing. If it's in reference to "Can you see the Rangers coming?" Then it is top drawer, 10/10, the best thing ever and if we win the league we must continue this, if it's unrelated then it can go.
  5. Right I think you've misunderstood my initial post, I certainly wasnt making snide accusations towards yourself. Apologies for not being clearer that I wasn't directing that at yourself. Aye I dont read her pieces so I'm just going from the reporting I've seen on TV shows in which I find she always relays what the government says accurately, perhaps she's more opinionated in her written pieces? I'd say he too clearly enjoys his role and does get similarly excited and animated in explaining political procedure that puts most people to sleep, perhaps less so when discussing the characters involved but I don't think it's enough to really have much criticism over.
  6. As I've said before I think you may be misreading her job role and expecting a bit more from her than what her employers expect. I'd imagine she would act the exact same if it was Corbyn in charge or if she was suddenly demoted to being SNP correspondent or something she would equally fawn over Sturgeon. It's her job to relay what government says, then everyone else can dissect it afterwards.
  7. She's allowed to be excited she does a job she clearly loves.. Aye, how great it would be if the correspondent couldn't correspond any government information because they're not allowed in the door.
  8. 1.You were accused of doing noncey stuff on another part of the forum 2. The other guy could tag me, if he was really so outraged by my contributions it would be wiser to not speak about me indirectly.
  9. Also I can actually read so it's cute trying to converse with me without directly tagging me but stop flirting and just @ me next time.
  10. Thankfully I disagree on all 3 points and thankfully so does the general public/Pie and Bovril
  11. Also I've just read the 2020 summary thread, @welshbairn please don't ever @ me again. I may have the phone the police. I'm a young man.
  12. What point are you even trying to make? Laura K suffers from misogynistic abuse. RobobotSophia900 has a programming error when it comes to fairly calling posters out on here for misogyny. (In that post you quoted she was speaking about someone that isn't me)
  13. Why do you only pick of on misogyny from people who disagree with your politics? RoboboreSophia900 has software malfunctions...
  14. It's not separate from the initial point I made, I'm not accusing anyone from here of doing so but especially on Twitter I believe she gets a lot more abuse than Peston etc for a multitude of reasons, one being that she's a woman. I believe from watching her and seeing some of her tweets that she is obsessed with politics, she loves the pomp and parliamentary procedure like a giddy child far more than she does any sort of objective morality or argument based politics. So I can see why this rubs people up the wrong way but I think there's a sizable portion of people that mistakenly think she is definitely a Conservative voter, definitely pro Brexit, definitely pro whatever Cummings says and those people don't understand what her job is at all, they just see BBC Political correspondent and expect her to be barging through the front door and verbally terrorising MPs..
  15. I don't ever read her articles tbf. I don't think she's some sort of investigative journalist she's always been some house pet reporter that cozies up the no10 to get their latest version of events, without much scrutiny, she's a reporter and she reports what the government says, this doesn't mean she supports it, I can imagine her doing the exact same role had Corbyn won an election or anyone else. People acting like she should be hated because she reports on what Cummings etc does is mental to me and it loses perspective. Very cruel and too much misogynistic overtones for my liking.
  16. Ahahha Don't have any worries boys. Sip the Kool aid close your eyes and it'll all be okay.
  17. This is brilliant. Someone comes on in favour of SI yet is pointing out the nuanced arguments that need to be won, not doing so in the typical gung ho delusional fashion and everyone has a meltdown. Completely missed all the points and is generally rather rude See what happens if you speak out against the cult. Don't tell them things they don't want to hear even if you support SI as this will trigger foaming at the mouth and hostility. "Hey, you know it may not be the quickest of processes rejoining the EU.. "DON'T SAY THAT, YOU FUCKING YOON" As you were..
  18. Laura K haters are a strange bunch imo.
  19. I sometimes eat homeade pizza with a tomato sauce base.
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