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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. You're too old for the emojis. Nice to you twerking though.
  2. Pedantic but let's say they've used unspeak then.
  3. I'd rather go with the figures from a process used to answer the question rather than speculation from the internet... You're so pathetic, I didnt try and take high ground I just pointed out it was strange you were playing whataboutery with racism, that's very unhelpful if you're sincere in wanting to tackle racism. You're actually seething right now bringing Rangers into this, I don't want you to make it to the heads gone section mate calm down.
  4. I never said that, I said they downplay it, they have done the same as what you accused the Tories of doing, both political parties do it to be recieved better by the electorate. Both have used clever wording and used smoke and mirrors and insincere language to win votes, it's what politicians do where as you are busy defending one set like they're different when it's factually proven they have done the same thing often.
  5. So you're now denying the SNP have played smoke n mirrors with manifestos... This is why this place has such low IQ discourse, you can't see any negatives in the cult, it's beyond creepy.
  6. But they both do the whole political smoke and mirrors on their manifestos sent out to the public. Who'd have thought it...
  7. I just wouldn't share shite propaganda from any political party but maybe that's just me.. I'm using the figures that are the most accurate, you can presume it's 50-50 if you want but I'll go with the only conclusive results we've had in the past decade or so. I find racism abhorrent on all sides, it's frightening that in my response to potential downplaying of racism within the Yes movement your instant reply is what about "Better Together". It's certainly not a competition..
  8. Yeah but you were making a point over the manifestos not directly saying this specifically Conservatives and I pointed out the same can be said for the SNP.
  9. Yes. It is agreed both major political parties in Scotland mislead people in order to obtain votes. As long as we are clear here.
  10. I'm going to guess by the quality of the posts that the man wasn't in a sober state, sharing such SNP propaganda certainly would back that up. Yeah not necessarily supporting SI but the way in which you do it is the point, I'd imagine 55% of the country would have concern over people believing such ridiculous posts as the one the poster made. You can downplay the amount of racist nationalists you have in the support if you like just be sure to call it out when you see it.
  11. Yes, you're hilarious, the way you call everyone "daft wee ****" is so edgy and really shows how you don't care. You're definitely a cool guy with lots of friends..
  12. Similar tactics to how the SNP on previous elections didn't promote the independence element at all and focussed on less toxic things. (Then acted like they've won an election of the basis of independence)
  13. Please keep this same energy with people who hold the same political opinions as yourself..
  14. Your intelligence isn't determined from being patronising on a football forum that you spend most of your time on trying to feel good about yourself by insulting people you probably wouldn't make eye contact with offline.
  15. This was posted at 4am... Just caught up on the last few pages, a good laugh was had. The self righteousness and circle jerking here is actually off the scale, I imagine a lot of posters in this thread sincerely believe they are "the good guys" where as their poor loved ones and normal people in society just see some withdrawn conspiracy type racists going further down a rabbit hole of nationalism and identity politics.
  16. Do you use the same profile picture on Twitter? Not in like a creepy way or that I'm just 99% certain I just saw you on there.
  17. Some of you guys are actually fucking mental.
  18. Aye it's simplistic nonsense. I was born in Leeds, moved away at 2 and moved to Scotland at the age of 5, "local team" in the Scottish Borders??? My dad was Glasgow born and raised as was his father before him, took me to games at a young age... the idea that I would support anyone else but my dads team is ridiculous. To the guy that said he cringes hearing accents at Ibrox that aren't from Glasgow, what a pitiful person you are.
  19. Aye that team is poor, I was amazed at the start of the season when some on here would say celtc have a better squad, 90% have seen the error of their ways.
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