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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. No, you literally down voted the posts where I called him out on antisemitism and upvoted his ones defending what he had said. It's telling that you saw my post and felt the need to comment though, don't worry I dont think you're antisemitic, you've just got interchangeable morals, you're an obsessive droll c**t who thinks he's an edgelord by posting the word *** and you were just backing up one of the members of your little gang whether he was antisemitic or not. HTH.
  2. Not at all, plenty of times I've posted things that are correct and still been derided or ganged up on, I don't exactly trust the sincerity for me to bother looking when I've seen it so frequently before. Tbh I was replying to an overreaction about anti Scottish posting in the first place I don't even care that this place has a lot of anti English type of posts, I expect it.
  3. Worth noting certain posters would upvote him defending his remarks and down vote me for calling him out on the antisemitism purely because they have different opinions on Independence to myself. Unfair to say he was ridiculed when he was being egged on by frequent posters for the past few weeks.
  4. I'm saying why would I bother when you've all surely seen it here before, I'd be amazed if anyone says they haven't.
  5. Jesus that sounds awfully tedious when they're so frequent, I'll pass.v
  6. Another one of my daily dot gang, hope you're doing well today and you've let go of all that tension when going through my profile.
  7. You've not noticed any on this section of the forum?
  8. Do you feel uncomfortable reading all the anti English nonsense too?
  9. I've been impressed when I've seen him this season, looks very slick on the ball.
  10. Losing control of the game here. Need another or it will be a long last 30 mins.
  11. I can definitely imagine it in Scotland and we've definitely seen it in Scotland.
  12. How do you think international law would react to the fact we self determined in 2014? Sincere question as I have no clue but thought that part would be pertinent when trying to argue you're being denied the right to self determination.
  13. We are actually GOOD in Europe under Gerrard. Undeniable now, our record is magnificent.
  14. I quite like Balogun and think he's a good player but he is more reactive than proactive which I think most defenders are but after seeing Helander recently it is very noticable.
  15. So if Boris said the Pope wears a funny hat that wouldn't be okay? Be deliberately obtuse all you want, I don't care, this thread has definitely sidetracked from the Corbyn antisemitism purpose so I'm out.
  16. I think it's obvious what I think given my previous posts and the alluding to the matter I just did. For me the main issue with anything is always intent, I've already said I think the language he has used is wrong and I wouldn't advise it but I dont think it's fair to say he's racist from the context provided. The article you refer to definitely uses terms I wouldn't use but if you've read the article you would know he is attributing those words to Tony Blair, the actual point was about poverty porn... It's like writing a piece about Donald Trump and saying "Big Donald gazes from the top of his wall at all the rapists, criminals and spics" That clearly implies that to Donald those people are "spics" not that the author believes this. If Boris Johnson had said he thought people were "picaninnies" then of course it would be wrong but in that article he is saying that's what they are to Tony Blair... Boris was making a point about White saviours that the woke Twitter gang have then went on to make 20 years later, with clumsy Boris language...
  17. I know my reputation on here and I'm going to double down.. Ed Sheeran is a great musician.
  18. I dont care for Big Boris like that, I'm defending a journalists right to make visual comparisons for humour even if it offends some people. I'm very pro freedom of speech and I don't think religions should be exempt from criticism be it jovial or serious. Why would I show contrition when you've blatantly accused me of something for no rational reason? You can believe what you want about me that doesn't mean it's actually true or that I'm going to concede that it is. I'd love for you to explain how they are false equivalents in the context I've used.
  19. Ed Sheeran and Stacey Dooley got "cancelled" a couple of years ago for what Big Boris accused Big Blair of doing, woke ahead of his time.
  20. Advocating for people to wear what they want whilst reserving the right for other people to mock what they choose to wear is not Islamophobic, nor is it antisemitic if you were to make light of religious garments worn by Jewish people in my humble opinion. To make fun of the people is not okay but laughing at clothes is certainly not by any rational persons standards an indicator of bigotry or whatever other negative slant you can try and put on it. Nexr you're going to tell me that calling a kilt a skirt is off limits.
  21. Some muslim women, not all of them of course. Here you'll like this one, also some Jewish people wear silly looking caps, some Christian's also wear funny looking religious garments, the proddys on the 12th are a sight.
  22. I think some members of this forum need to get over the fact that not all Unionists are pro domestic Conservative policies. I voted for Conservatives twice in my life and both times it is because they were the local party that didnt support SI..
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