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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. A man said "undermine the FM" Don't question our dear and cherished leader..
  2. Centre ground stuck with right leaning over far left, how unsurprising..
  3. So you're all just going to ignore the populism displayed by the leader of Scotland? Typically close minded of this place.
  4. Don't worry lads. We'll get a deal and then on to Canzuk.
  5. Currently playing through Spyro remastered. I've managed to 100% the first two, number 1 was enjoyable where as 2 was a grim experience at times. As I recall 3 was the best, here's hoping..
  6. This is the best post I've read on here. I agree word for word. I recently got this free on PS Plus and initially enjoyed the idea as I quite enjoyed the games as a child but it soon dawned how terrible the game is. I actually screen clipped the cut scenes to show my mate so we could laugh about it. I was half expecting Paul Walker to pop up at some point. The patter is so brutal it must be some massive in joke.
  7. My favourite part of the game was when my stream randomly changed from Clive Tyldesley and Kevin Thomson to two random Hamilton fans that seem to do commentary for Hamiltom TV or some shit and it was just when they went 3-0 down after conceding 3 in like 5 minutes and they were discussing how hopefully they would would at least shape up well defensively.
  8. I'm hoping they've given him a fake suitcase with buttons so when he presses it over at the CIA HQ they get alerted and can press it if it's sincere and the correct shout but if not it just gets ignored.
  9. Oh aye, I was beyond amazed they went to Beijing in the first place.
  10. Yeah of course, half way through I was expecting them to realise they were also dealing with chancers. That Alejandro guy was sum boi, the part with the mic bug had me so anxious for the mole. I know the factory wasnt built but it was frightening how they're meeting government officials and telling the locals they're building a hospital (that part would've been so grim)
  11. For the past 5 years? When did you vote on this poll?
  12. Anyone watched the BBC documentary about the mole that goes undercover in North Korea, joins some friends of Korea group, infiltrates the hierarchy and him and his fake billionaire mate manage to plan to build weapons factories in Uganda with North Koreans? Mental stuff.
  13. Did you vote 5 years ago for before 2020? This thread will very soon be like BRALT, funny at first but then as time goes by the people that frequent it get sadder and sadder, more and more unhinged, the Norman's and MT's of this world. The thread where hope dies.
  14. Or it shows the apathy sinking in as people forget about the silly notion of Independence, this thread is called when will it happen. Perhaps time to change the title after what 5 years or something?
  15. We did stay in the EU though... then decided to leave. Politics is fluid etc..
  16. The documentary on him after Brexit and then his role in the Boris vs Parliament debacle definitely put him up as a figurehead for crazy Brexiteers.
  17. He typed whilst not displaying one indication of an emotion.
  18. I don't think that's how it works, well it is but I think with any public figure you run the risk of making it about their identity rather than the issue at hand, I think if you reference things Dominic Cummings has done then that may be off putting to some but the more that people call him out by name the more it also falls on death ears, in these polarised times I see a lot of people that will blindly stick up for Dominic Cummings because he is their man and when there's been worse breaches of lockdown and every day people see people they know having made minor breaches etc then hearing the name Dominic Cummings just comes across as grating and hypocritical. I could be wrong but I think bringing up Cummings usually just cements peoples opinions, I think it's a reductive way to make a wider point.
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