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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Glen Kamara man of the match for me. What a tidy player.
  2. He said if you dont support indy f**k off and live in England lmao.
  3. Ahah fucking hell that was tragic from celtic. Easiest Old Firm of my life.
  4. You explained your antisemitic post yet?
  5. Good tactic, f**k off out my country often does wonders, I love how you guys exemplify the progressive nature of SI supporters and definitely don't reaffirm the fact that a bunch of them are just the same as British Nationalists and funnily enough any type of Nationalist..
  6. A man said support of racism whilst red dotting people calling out one of his gang for antisemitism. Which nobody seemed fussed about, strange moral high ground some of you guys try and take. Kinky reminds Mrs Thesaurus that the SNP has an unsavoury element and of course this was too much to hear for some.
  7. I'm guessing you voted before 2020? You're by far the strangest most clearly miserable with life type of poster on here btw. You dont need to lash out at strangers online wee man.
  8. I'd imagine because their was only 4 options. What's a Yoon?
  9. What's a Yoon? It's certainly not inevitable... I wanted to see if anyone was vocal enough to admit they were wrong rather than call them out so to speak.
  10. So is anyone going to admit to voting before 2020? Considering we are on page 1234... (how mildly satisfying to type btw) I want receipts, fess up...
  11. As per usual I've been confident all week, looking at it objectively as I can then i should be relatively optimistic however now it's just about 12 hours away I've shat the bed and have the nerves..
  12. You seem pretty woke here, where was this energy when you down voted me pointing out Bawwatchings post was antisemitic?
  13. GXYECF Private code if anybody is on.
  14. Before my time.. However this is what the forum needs as they accept their place in a post EU Britain, just stop worrying about SI and get on the Canzuk bus.
  15. The names fit together nicely... Same monarchy, same parliamentary systems and same courts structure, language, shared cultures.
  16. I was just agreeing that the last few years have shown the uncertainty in some of the things mentioned, it's not something I've thought a lot about tbh, I suppose I think that people would be less likely to take a leap of faith in uncertain times (how they view it) but if it was a calmer landscape then people may be more inclined to make the leap. I'm not saying this as a direct indicator of what would convince more people more just a micro analysis of how the uncertainty would affect different people, of course some would have contrary reactions to each other, I wasn't really trying to take a stand on which one is more likely.
  17. Aye but the sun wouldn't ever set on Canzuk and free movement of people in those countries, that'd be decent. I imagine we'll get paid to live in Canada and can get jobs just by being British. I don't know anything about Adam Smith or Henry Jackson tbf.
  18. You made like 4 or 5 points and 2 of them were birthday card pish so that's enough for me. You did make some good points which I can see why people let that upset them and think SI would change such hardships, I disagree though.
  19. I'm not trying to pretend I don't love the UK, I've already said I identify as British, I'd definitely acknowledge I'd be harder to convince than some, I'm not trying to pretend I'm undecided tbf. Yeah I agree with your last point. I can't see them wanting more uncertainty though, if anything they're probably traumatised and wanting to cling on to what they know, the lovely UK.
  20. Because that's just the way you've emotionally framed it..
  21. Some good points well made. As I've said I'm just clearly less dissatisfied with things as they are. My concerns can change but the whole disruption of the status quo isn't worth the risk for me personally.
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