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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. The whole thing, it's complete nonsense. Do you sincerely believe her version of events? If so you're buttoned up at the back.
  2. Ahaha https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/nicola-sturgeon-phone-signal-cutting-out-due-train-travel-reason-behind-delayed-withdrawal-whip-margaret-ferrier-3000862 Worse than Boris at lying is this one.
  3. I'm collateral damage but I'll take it.
  4. Basically, that you're a dick. Good point, well made.
  5. I'm blocked because I called him out on his no politics/not liking incel edgelords but allowing the SI versions to go balls out. What did he say?
  6. Yeah this annoys me. If they had a shred of integrity they would invest in the pro clubs and esports and Fifa could be huge on that front but instead understandably they make their money from UT anyway so why would they change it.
  7. Yeah that is true. If they had Ultimate Team without the paywall it would be alright but even still the actual physics of the game change from that compared to when you play regular games... the goalkeepers fumbles and the amount of times you hit the bar is literally unbelievable.
  8. That's where you need Red Dead Redemption.
  9. Also Assasins Creed went from being ground breaking to absolute back of the pack copy cat shitehawk b*****ds.
  10. Dont know what issue you're having but I've had a couple controllers die and it turned out I had been using my phone charger (a samsung fast charge) to charge them and something about it being fast charge had been messing them up.
  11. Ultimate Team is the worst thing Fifa has ever done. New consoles look shite.
  12. Fair enough. I think that if this was a general election the SNP may have done well over covid but due to the fact they will be getting held to account fully rather than being compared to Westminster then it will be a bigger issue for them than you may think, could be wrong of course. Also I think without covid then the SNP would do well in a regular election but they're going to have to be very clear that this is the one that will decide if we have another referendum or not and I believe that when this happens the election will obviously just boil down to a rerun of the referendum with a new area of doubt and fear - covid. We have a long way to go though I'm sure lots will change before the elections.
  13. Nah nah, I'm just stating what I think may happen as a possible/probable outcome, I'm not stating this is a definite outcome. What do you think the next election will be based on and what is your opinion on the outcome?
  14. Course it was inevitable back in 2014 too. Covid SNP MP story still in the news. Sturgeon and her memory, hospitality sector not just shutting up, it really hasn't been the best of weeks for the SNP and therefore Indy fans, as you'd imagine the closer and closer we get to an actual election the theoretical support will go out the window as the reality sets in and the hopeless SNP mps have to actually try and campaign off of the poor covid handling whilst also trying to sell Indy and avoid discussing domestic issues. I'd be surprised if they mustered up enough for a majority with or without the Greens and UK never going to allow Indy vote without one. Can you imagine any sensible non hive minded person after this year we've had to be swayed to leaving the UK with Covid and Brexit as a backdrop. There is no chance in hell that the middle ground voters care at all so the SNP is going to have a hard job at placating the cyber nat crazies who want Indy immediately whilst also trying to balance their manifesto on domestic agenda... I'd imagine Sturgeon will resign and someone else who isn't as good of a political operator will take the place.. I fear this place will take the hit the hardest.
  15. Oh not another poll. I give up tbh, just announce Independence now we've had a few polls on it!
  16. Can I change my username to Chip????
  17. Yeah, well put. Out of dots coz I have so many enemies I need to constantly repell with the red ones but I'd give that a green if i could. I agree with the first part a lot and you've worded it better than i could've.
  18. Yeah the documentary is well worth a watch it kinda has similarities to what you said as in one of the guys it follows was a massive fan of US pop culture pre 9/11 and he learned English, had well paid work, then everything kicked off and he lost loved ones and ended up having to work with the Muricans/UK to have somewhat of a normal life even though he obviously resented the fact his country had been turned upside down. To be honest a lot of it is miserable but without going too deep it's worth watching just for the sake of hearing some of the true victims telling their story. It's easy to gloss over and forget but is always beneficial hearing what isn't pleasant to hear but what has to be said to fully understand. I know especially on here people are not fond of the BBC but ignoring the news coverage and stuff their documentary work is so well done, this show really focuses on the people that were their as opposed to media narratives etc.
  19. Yeah of course I would acknowledge it's definitely more prominent in that type of politics but it is also relevant in Scottish general public, it's not the political framing that bugs me it's the ideological stance that tries to say this stuff solely exists within Unionists but not with Indy supporters.
  20. Fair play, great response that I'm too drunk to reply in a way that would do your post justice. Have you watched the documentary that I mentioned? It doesn't really go into British political response more the on the ground reactions, fantastic yet at times despairing viewing.
  21. I think Dresden for most relatively informed people is the best indicator that we weren't quite so virtuous as some may suggest... I must say the current conversation we've been having is good to see, a lot of people explaining eloquently how they are tied to the world wars without being patriotic so to speak. Just goes to show what I was saying that the idea that English people are more affected by such things is stupid and retrospectively ignorant. And quickly in reference to the colonialism point before I also don't see any positives from it like some weirdo Brexiteer gammony types do but their is also a similar Scottish Nationalist type of person that also thinks that way and that's all I was pointing out before.
  22. Still though, has anyone seen the tv show I mentioned?
  23. How so if you don't mind me asking? I grew up in a Labour family and naturally liked Blair but didn't really know why, I remember at the time knowing or at least thinking the Iraq war wasn't over the WOMD rather oil etc but didn't quite understand how dysfunctional and uncoordinated it all was.
  24. Did anyone watch Once Upon A Time In Iraq? Very good show and well made, some harrowing stuff and definitely informative, I was quite young and not politically switched on during the Iraq war so it's quite eye opening in some areas.
  25. If I call you a "b word" is that misogynistic?
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