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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Ahahah calm down big man. You f**k off, I'm a nice change here you're like mould at this point.
  2. This might be alright if I desired genuine discussion from this place. I love that you think the onus is on the Unionists to convince the other side though, I think you vastly underestimate the good old silent majority that would of course need to be convinced to change the status quo. You have an insincere understanding of party politics too re the SNP and majorities, wee man.
  3. You are by far one of the biggest gammony Karen's on here, stop fronting...
  4. Lukewarm so far, which is better than most! I always find you Hibs fans are the most eager to have a little dig at the Rangers men, it's cute.
  5. It's a nice and warm attempt at humour, a little bit of a mistake with the whole failing to construct a complete sentence but I rate it. Incorrect grammaticly and every other way possible but I rate it. (I've questioned the idea that one definition of the word "generation" might not be the be all and end all and now I'm suddenly in favour of pro colonial sentiments...what a place, never change you crazy b*****ds.)
  6. Aye good point. Perhaps we shouldn't evolve language or political systems and keep them as they were from 1700-1900s. I agree strongly...
  7. Aye you're right, those nationalists sure are objectively more gammony than the sensible majority.
  8. Don't be irked that I can understand the wider electorate without necessarily agreeing with them.
  9. The gammons are on both sides. Wise up.
  10. Never in doubt. Rangers over the past 3 years have absolutley carried Scottish football in Europe. I understand the difference in tactics and opposition set up but by god if we could play as efficiently in the SPFL as we do in Europe it would be game over.
  11. What did I say... Light work. Morelos belter incoming.
  12. The bottom line is that whether rightly or wrongly once in a generation is still a contentious issue as proven by such debates. Can the previous members that laughed it off concede on this point?
  13. I seem to be the only Rangers fan confident about this one. Morelos to score 2 and Hagi with the 3rd.
  14. A good post and I respect your motives even if we have differing views on some issues. My post was more about if you could understand how I view this place and why I do so, if we were to have a conversation not on here we would agree on more than we would disagree I reckon, well until we got to Football at least!
  15. See how evil you presumably view the Tories and such, imagine going into ToryHQForum and trying to have a serious discussion , would you bother? I'm sure you wouldn't bother doing to troll either but still each to their own.
  16. So despite you accepting it, you'd support flat out denying it? Not very democratic. I think the democratic element of this discussion was covered in 2014 and it's unfair to say a generation has past so I wouldn't lose any sleep over respecting democratic decisions considering by defintion allowing a second wouldn't respect the terms of the first.
  17. You're reading something that's not there. I've got plenty fair places for discussion I dont have any hope in this cesspit, I was responding to the guy that seemed confused over this.
  18. I'm going to guess this guy has everyone else in this thread on ignore then?
  19. Why would I want to try anything different when I'm content?
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