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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. I'm convinced his whole rise to Twitter prominence is all part of a wider break up story and he's very much just a scorned man. He reminds me of wannabe edgelords, the type of guy to say "yeah but what about ba ba black sheep"
  2. Bit harsh on the other poster that made the joke..
  3. Lol, it was a continuation of a joke from the Indy thread..
  4. Tbf if I didn't get so many it would make me doubt my initial thoughts on the level of discourse in here so as always it's nice to be proven correct.
  5. I dunno I viewed at is the only person on here that could see I was getting red dotted constantly over nothing so seemed to back me up so to speak. Clearly the man is interested in balance or he is indeed trying to rile people up.
  6. In comparison to the existence of an Independent Scotland?
  7. So its pathetic and immature that somebody red dotted posts they didn't like and green dotted posts they did like whilst I get 20 red dots a day when people wake up and you don't find that pathetic or immature? Integrity in this place is in the gutter.
  8. The difference was you were the only one who said they set out to annoy someone, I'm not going to assume others' motivations. The last few pages have been a low point though, even for a thread such as this. Yeah but a lot of people quite clearly do it without outright saying it though but fair play.
  9. Yeah the post I was responding to was easy obvious hits to be fair.
  10. I called someone else out for a similar thing a day or two ago so careful with your assumptions. If anyone else admits doing it I'll likely respond in a similar fashion. Well it's kinda obvious people are doing that to me constantly here. I don't mind though just thought it was odd I was the one you would call out for that considering the last few pages of discussion..
  11. Doesn't matter how it goes to be honest when talking about Scottish Independence.. early to say though considering we're still at the negotiating table with the EU.
  12. Well I did kinda make that point from the off. You also invited me to think about that and i responded at the time that i disagree, our main issue here seems to be disagreeing on who the onus is on, as I've said I'm content with the status quo that I believe in so dont feel any need to convince anyone on the merits of the Union (especially not on here) if you want to tell me some positives to Indy that could convince me then you're welcome otherwise as I said I'm content with my stances.
  13. If trying to wind someone up on a forum is such sad patter I'm amazed you've not noticed any of it other than my response to someone trying to wind me up. Baffling.
  14. Birthday card pish. Keep stuff like this for your diary please.
  15. Jesus, this is tedious. Something that is alive and enduring is definitely more thriving than something that lives as merely a fantasy. I implore you guys to brush up on your reading comprehension rather than have me explaining every simple thing at length to you..
  16. Of course. Another 300 years at least.
  17. I know you did and i said i didnt have to. Put down the thesaurus, that is the worst sentence I've ever read on a forum. There's no way you speak like that "recalibration of your perception of reality" - you could've just said "you're wrong". Anyway as I said I'm content, enjoy the Union.
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