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Everything posted by SANTAN



    Ahhhhhhhhh. I had no clue about the voice acting but the second I read that it hit me. Going to need to rewatch this after reading this thread.
  2. I thought he was going to say the fans would riot or go for the board but naw it's "go bust". Surely in part of this grand conspiracy they could've let celtc at least get to the league cup final?
  3. That's a fair post but the career politicians is a slight side step from the conversation that you've quoted me from. The quote I was responding to is "you cannot sit there and say that they do not have the best interests of scotland at heart." To me, this is an incredibly naive thing to think about any politician. Perhaps less about the career element it's more about believing in the integrity of someone's argument because it chimes with yours rather than applying the same level of scrutiny to all politicians no matter what the argument is about. It's like someone supporting Brexit because "Bojo will stick up for are British people" imo.
  4. The kid acted fine, the lines were a bit shite but he was good.
  5. No. What makes you think I'm making that case?
  6. From the same fan base that pissed their pants when John Boyega picked up a lightsabre...not having that at all.
  7. Is their anything specific in my apparant lack of knowledge you'd like to point out. I can't remember discussing anything of the sort with yourself. You're clearly very shite at analysing language unless this other guy is somehow similar to me, let me guess, he doesn't circle jerk and he doesn't support SI?
  8. Then perhaps stop assuming things, it just makes you look silly and close minded.
  9. Shut up norman you old fool. Go back to the BRALT where your types belong.
  10. Can I just confirm, I don't think we've spoke but going by the above you'd be strongly against Scottish Independence, am I correct in that assumption?
  11. Jar Jar was a good character. Hated by old men that somehow forgot the existence of Ewoks and got all raging that they had some light relief in the film.
  12. How profound. Why is mocking someones blind loyalty towards a political group and their naive assertion that the politicians truly deeply care for the country rather than funnily enough, being career politicians seen as trolling but when someone mocks something I've said it's fair game? Imagine actually believing all politicians are self serving sleekit people but not the ones that happen to be selling the ideology you support. I think that's a pertinent point and someone is entitled to come along and reply "wow that's tragic" all they like, I wouldn't call it trolling. I would say daily checking of ones profile to down vote could be considered trolling but oddly yet again it's not that that anyone is focussed on, it is the guy with the opposing views.. I'm sure you would rather this place was a united front as it helps to convince you the rest of the country supports SI but I'm here to be your little reality check and to burst that bubble. The circle jerk is no more as I have broken the chain, sitting their with trousers on whilst the majority of you (trousers at the ankles) look around stunned at the audacity.
  13. You thought my green dot to red dot ration was bad thus far.. The correct Star Wars order in best films to worst coming from someone that watched them all for the first time in 2019. 3, 6, 9, 5, 1, 7, 4, 8, 2
  14. I'm not a fan of the cat man but at the same time being a Rangers fan I'm particularly accustomed to not necessarily identifying or relating to the more "eccentric" types in our fan base and I'm comfortable being a Unionist even if Galloway also happens to be. The next percentage points up for grabs comes after the Euros...
  15. I used to laugh at bird watchers as a youngster but the older I get the more I find myself getting intrigued by the birds in my garden. What's a good onramp bird watcher thing to check out as i embrace the fact I'm into that shit.
  16. I tried that one time and I was shocked how much of a weak human being I am. I do some weight lifting and I'm relatively in shape so I thought it would be easy but that day I discovered muscles I never knew I had.
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