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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. What a fucking idiot McFadden is. “It’s the final all of Scottish football fans wanted to see”. I couldn’t think of anything worse - I’d rather watch Gomes’s leg break on repeat.
  2. No issues with vegetarianism at all. I’ve not had red meat since February and not missed it at all. We eat too much meat, no doubt about it. People are starting to care more about their food and where it comes from and that can only be a good thing. Palm oil etc. There’s a big play on social equality, rightly so (Tories are bad etc) but there is still an arrogance and ignorance towards the environment imo. It’s a big problem.
  3. Someone did say they were now looking at redeveloping Pittodrie but I can’t see that happening.
  4. That’s not the point he was making though. They could have pushed through plans for a training complex pretty easily and with minimal costs. They wouldn’t have gone to the time and vast sums of money to get plans with a stadium approved if they weren’t serious.
  5. He scored a deflected goal against Hibs you know!
  6. Morelos has now committed 5 fouls I think. Will he get booked?
  7. Hearts need more ineffectual, nothing players imo. Bozanic, Wighton, Meshino and Clare aren’t quite enough.
  8. He is in his own way. I don’t particularly like him but he definitely has a sense of humour.
  9. Agree with the above. Cowan is clearly a bit of an idiot but he’s entertaining enough with his “yer da’ style humour. Cosgrove is a pompous ignorant goon.
  10. And on the latest episode of Michael Stewart acting like a bellend.
  11. I am SHOCKED Marsh has fallen out with a member of staff.
  12. Just watched this. Decent episode. The ending was honking though - I’ve not seen much of that guy but I don’t get what’s he’s meant to be, Is it meant to be funny? His whole bit just seems to revolve around being Scottish. Still he seems popular enough but it’s sure as hell not for me.
  13. Is Craig Wighton really starting in place of Uche? That will be quite something.
  14. Genuinely thought that report was a wind up. Absolutely baffling that a club sanctions a complete illiterate loony to write their reports.
  15. Why do you sing a song about being from the Highlands? Cove is fucking miles from the Highlands.
  16. Yeah Cove were just too quick for us. Felt we should have done more after taking the lead but it wasn’t to be. Glass funds so much spare it causes a hell of a lot of problems. Shame he’s prone to a dive. Cox needs to settle.
  17. Cant really disagree with that. I guess "rivalries" in 30 years will look very different with the changing face of Scottish football.
  18. Absolutely no fucking idea what you are on about. As long as you are having fun I guess.
  19. Fair play to that goon Currie. He managed to figure out AND clarify to the listeners that an email saying “Robinson of Motherwell for me” meant Stephen Robinson. Also learnt that Preston knows Hearts season ticket holders that have been since they were two years old! Respect.
  20. There’s absolutely no doubt that Berwick snd Cowdenbeath are rivals. Not only has there been 30+ years of animosity off the field we have also had a lot of encounters on it. Obviously it depends on how you want to define “rivals” but, as someone with no geographical links to Fife since I was 6, I’d consider you bigger rivals than East Fife or the Pars.
  21. Excuse me? You literally mention us in one of your songs.
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