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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. Twitter has turned very Celtic. I hope they get scudded out of Europe and someone cuts Ryan Christie in half. That’s better.
  2. Cracking draw in the next round so desperate to get through.
  3. Getting through is obviously the priority. The fact it’s an artificial pitch will help as it won’t be a mud bath like Stenny and Albion have to face. No idea how recently they relaid the pitch though as I was there about 7 years ago and it was artificial then. Good setup there but the place is a hole.
  4. I would assume to combat any claustrophobia.
  5. Shh don’t share our secrets or everyone will do it.
  6. Yeah, all 42 SPFL teams either have a millionaire backing them or an average gate of 40k. Always forget about that.
  7. Is the Melchester deep dive as good as it sounds? I’ve never paid for a podcast as I’ve had sex but considering this.
  8. Who cares where it’s posted ffs. The League 2 forum is hardly a hotbed of activity.
  9. Why shouldn’t he? He’s the perfect person to mark him - unless you’re saying he’s poor defensively. Your two centre backs should be marking their strongest headers / standing in the dangerous area to attack the ball.
  10. Ikpeazu has been excellent - it’s like he’s playing against Aberdeen here. A real handful when he’s on his game. Clancy’s has been very inconsistent with his bookings.
  11. Not for me. It’s never a booking in a million years imo.
  12. The commentator once again going with the “Meshino’s first goal for Hearts” line. I guess no one bothered to correct him the first time.
  13. That’s embarrassing from them. Think they are so big time and have ideas way above their station. Glad you gave them a scudding.
  14. Did Meshino not score against Motherwell? Lol @ “Tav”
  15. As long as we win the replay no one remembers this. Broxburn is a hole btw.
  16. I’m too angry at this witty response to event contemplate a retort of my own. You win this round gravity!
  17. Lower league clubs hate every other club. We don’t need your premiership sycophantic and patronising gush.
  18. Wouldn’t give the juniors any airtime tbh. Interesting that all the fans of the ‘ junior’ club admitted their best day was playing in an SFA competition. Not an SJFA competition. Escape room bit was pointless especially when it was a complete no mark like Davies or Davis or whatever it is. He seemed a nice enough guy but had nothing to offer. It was a good episode all the same. Enjoyed the majority of it. Edit: the writing that appears on screen feels about 20 years out of date and isn’t very amusing.
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