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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. That's correct. It goes into the prize fund based upon your final league standings.
  2. Sacha Opinel. Jesus Christ, I saw him play for Crawley (or something) and he tried to fight with everyone. Blast from the past.
  3. The only club that was ever 'sent' anywhere was, in fact Livi, when they got punted to the third. As said Rangers were liquidated.
  4. Hearts aren't interested in him anymore. In the Evening News.
  5. Does anyone even know what that cost would be
  6. Must have missed that, he wasn't on the initial list they tweeted. In reality these lists mean nothing as they only determine where people are putting money, he's high profile on the back of the Rangers game so will draw more bets. He won't get it.
  7. Based on what? Genuinely curious where you've plucked that from.
  8. I see all the Raith players are away on some fancy dress jolly up today #ballers
  9. If it's on TV it's a good draw - which I'm sure it will be. No one can say otherwise.
  10. Where's that amazing, loyal Tynecastle crowd today? Not turning up because you don't expect to win?
  11. No I wasnt. My point is, clearly, that your chairman was wrong to make unsubstantiated claims about other clubs which don't even tell 1/2 the story. He shouldn't have mentioned us. In doing so he's manipulated you.
  12. And my original point was you're being completely manipulated by being given this information. Do you understand? Everything I've stated is relevant. Match day income isn't the only income clubs receive so why only mention that? Do you not like dealing in the full picture. It's like saying 'I won £200 on football coupons today'. Great if your outlay way £5. Shit if it was £300. Still, you seem happy to be fed mis information and lap it up.
  13. If it's all about income and attendances I trust you'll build a 60,000 stadium. Think of the advantage you'll have over everyone!
  14. What? You've just contradicted your whole argument. Your chairman seems to have insider insider infornation into our finances - as does everyone commenting on it. Unless you're all just thick as shit and believe anything you're told. You have an advantage over us when it comes to income and expenditure, to say otherwise is wrong.
  15. You have the occasional international team training there, that must be worth a few quid. You also have a ground that can accommodate live football, we can't. All things being equal we would give an arm and a leg to have your set up and your ground - even though I don't like it. To say we have an advantage and make out like we are in some way more fortunate than you is plain wrong and deceitful.
  16. You have an advantage that you own your ground. That you keep money from catering ect. That you don't pay extraordinary amounts of rent to use your ground. That you can accommodate more hospitality guests. That you have a bar for more income. That you rent out your ground for other matches. But yeah us having a larger ground that costs us a fortune to upkeep is definitely an advantage over you. As I said, picking and choosing information to make you look worse off.
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