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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. Following discussion on the Cowden thread, ahead of Saturday, is there a pub closer to AP than the Doo’cot? Not that Village garbage please.
  2. I suspect there is no truth in it. A game plus training (even once a week) is at least 8 hours a week. Excluding any travel.
  3. I’m going to call bullshit on that. Surely that’s way below minimum wage? Got to love this (made up) ‘informed’ garbage.
  4. The HiHi with good Pie(pie)s? Must be a change in supplier from when I was last there.
  5. St Johnstone fans covering up that sugar daddy Brown has been bankrolling them for years eh. Head in the sand stuff imo.
  6. Jimmy Nicholl? Seriously. What an abysmal decision that would be to give him any job other than the mascot.
  7. How many competitive games have QP played at Lesser Hampden? I was at a game versus Cowden, circa 15 years ago, but I am wondering if there has been many others?
  8. Tempted to go along to the Linlithgow game next Saturday. Chance to tick off a ground and see the Fort in action.
  9. I've always travelled to games by public transport so very rarely listened to it but the times I have I have enjoyed it. However, it has become more and more difficult to listen to recently, partly due to the decline in the show itself but also partly due to some excellent Scottish football Podcasts that are comparable. For example the Terrace can be extremely amusing but at the same time the guys are knowledgeable and you genuinely feel their passion for the game in Scotland. It is a decent alternative and it is nice to have shows about Scottish football but it's time is nearly up I feel. Hopefully a more modern show can replace it. For what it is worth that Kat Harvey is absolutely abysmal to listen to. She doesn't understand most of the jokes and the ones she tries to join in she gets it all wrong. Sportsound is abysmal too. Totally down to the guests that they pander to. Get 'biscuits' etc to f**k.
  10. Moving to Aberdeen in 2013 has made me appreciate ‘chippy sauce’ as much as I appreciate my family. I inject it into my bloodstream whenever I’m back in Edinburgh.
  11. Yeah, had enough trips to Glasgow for football to know not to wear any colours at all!
  12. Best pubs around Hampden then? Going to get through early and walk down from Queen Street so fancy taking in a few pubs towards the ground. Hopefully you plucky amateur fans have a few suggestions. Looking for one in particular my old man ‘remembers’ from the late 80s but he can’t think where so hopefully he’s not going senile and we find it.
  13. It’s sad to see Albion Rovers in this state, years ago the Rovers fan on here (Sesame street character) was a real good c**t. Loved going through to Coatbridge as well however with the new relegation play off there’s no place for sympathy and it’s almost you guys or us (ideally Berwick Rangers). Hopefully you get it all sorted but it doesn’t look good.
  14. The sooner Scottish football rids itself of Sportsound and Sky’s coverage the better.
  15. You’re not going to get an argument from me. You’re bang on.
  16. It isn’t a dick move at all. It’s only a dick move if you’re showboating. You’d rather lose 16-0 than 7-0 with a team just moving the ball around?
  17. This is bang on. Nobody gets anything from the game. As an aside I’ve been involved in amateur games where we have played very weak opposition in cups and as soon as the score gets to 6/7/8 you demand that you just keep the ball. To continue to be ruthless is a dick move - especially when you’re full time against absolute dross.
  18. Seems Hibs are the only club to pay VAT on transfer income. Someone better let the Revenue know!
  19. Im sure once Balatoni starts playing you’ll stop conceding so many goals.
  20. So glad you brought this to the world’s attention. ATS is the worst signature I’ve ever seen in my life.
  21. Considine was very late with the header - he 100% had eyes for the ball but was so late. Not his fault though. I assumed Aberdeen reserves would use that facility but, as you say, the pitch may make them reconsider. Thought Aberdeen looked poor though. Cove caused them a lot of problems.
  22. Any one think the pitch was horrendous? Really bad injury though. Hopefully he’s still got a head on his shoulders after it.
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