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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. Fucking hell the sound during the St Mirren game was abysmal. Better quality on FIFA 98. Almost unwatchable.
  2. No he wasn't. He was justifying it and making jokes about it "I did a few of them in my day haha". He was was making out it somewhat acceptable for an older player to try and injure a younger one. Scandalous.
  3. He then went on about Celtic having a big cup tie at the weekend, do Hibs not? Someone needs to call Bonner up on this shite. People like him and Smith should not be anywhere near a national broadcast. Willie Miller and Neil McCann both defending Allan McGregor too - Miller's comments in particular were pretty poor.
  4. I don't believe referees as biased either. I do think conditions/atmosphere can affect decision making but I don't believe any referee goes out to actively advantage one side or the other.
  5. The interview with Steve Conroy was quite something. Absolutely unbelievable line of questioning. The line “Do you think it’s a concern that there’s more Rangers supporting referees than Celtic?” was a particular low point. Sums up this country.
  6. I agree that the correct decision has been reached but only because Bohs agreed to it. To ‘kick them out’ against their will would have been completely unfair. What a fucking shambles.
  7. Well no but you can see why they have done it. I can’t imagine many travelled over on Saturday morning for the game. And even if you did you’d still travel even if it was called off at 9am.
  8. So you want teams kicked out of a tournament due to frost?
  9. On what precedent can they possibly remove Bohemians from the tournament? To do so would be inappropriate.
  10. But that doesn’t add up. The distance travelled was so far that everyone that was going would have set off long before any inspection could take place. 1.30 seems perfectly rationale to try and give the game every chance. A lot of poor takes re the actual postponement of the games. Games are off all the time, it happens. Yes it can be disappointing but you can’t do anything about it. The criticism should all be vented towards the tournament organisers. It’s been a complete shambles and I really don’t know how they overcome this issue as EF have a Scottish cup game next week. Anyone suggestion the Irish/non-British team should be kicked from the competition is an idiot.
  11. Hopefully no East Fife fans turned up to North Berwick for this one.
  12. Very strange window from Aberdeen. To only have a squad of 21 is madness. Especially when 3 of them have very little first team experience, Devlin and Hoban (maybe Wilson too) are injury risks and he clearly doesn’t overly rate or trust Gleeson to start many games.
  13. Intrigued to see how Newell does for you. Well fans have proclaimed him hopeless and speculated that his signing was a favour to his old man.
  14. Anyone else want to have a shot at a ‘witty’ reply?
  15. What a state to get yourself in over what appears to be a perfectly legitimate approach!!!
  16. Hasn't played for about 5 years, if he's kept himself in decent condition he might be alright as a back up goalkeeper but I'm sure there's better options kicking about. I wasn’t meaning for Cowden, apologies. I was just wondering how he was for your lot?
  17. Well obviously, however McIness has signed Stewart so he must have some sort of plan to utilise him and make Aberdeen a better side than prior to his signing. You’d rather have Stewart in your side every day of the week though.
  18. Are you seriously suggesting May is a better player than Stewart?
  19. Please just mute people then you’ll no longer have to worry.
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