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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. He also cost a young lad the chance of going as he was told he couldn't go due to numbers (to accommodate Stokes).
  2. Stokes just didn’t turn up at the airport? Bad stuff from him. Miller is there apparently.
  3. Am I right in saying that City have a social club in Lochend? Surely no one goes there per/post match? Seems mental to continue the link when you don’t really play anywhere near there.
  4. Absolutely excellent day today. What really struck me, over previous times I’ve seen Scotland, was how good the fielding was. Some really good work. Burnt to f**k now.
  5. Fair play to you for believing what footballers say. Fair play.
  6. Only a matter of time till £dinburgh $ity are found out for this shameful overspending. I heard they sold Meadowbank and cashed in to sign players like Henderson and Smith on £900 a week. Have sent a letter to the City council about it. That is before we even mention the social club profits!! Building a new stadium in the grounds of the castle is the latest rumour.
  7. Really surprising that players would rather play in the Capital than some backwater town near Tweedmouth.
  8. Long shot but I’ve got a spare ticket for the Scotland England game at the Grange next Sunday if anyone is interested. Face value, obv.
  9. Been caught on Snapchat having a Tommy Tank in the dressing room, allegedly. Heard he is a keen urine drinker as well. Sounds like he would be better suited to a life in rugby.
  10. That might be true if Aberdeen city centre wasn't a complete shithole. Avoiding Union Street/King Street/George Street can only be seen as a positive.
  11. As a semi regular attendee of Aberdeen games (10/15 a season) and someone who lives pretty close to King Street it will completely change going to an Aberdeen game for me. I wont be able to pop to the Kings then the Scotia prior to kick off, I wont really be able to make a last minute decision to walk along - however that's my own situation. I have always travelled by public travel to Cowdenbeath games and getting there early and going to pubs, walking to the game is a major attraction for me. It is part of the reason why I love going to football, if I am honest. I hate going to Livingston, Falkirk etc in these soulless stadiums but I still go. However, Pittodrie is a dive. The South stand is terrible - the entrance, the facilities (worst planned toilets in Scotland) everything. I like the Main Stand but it is falling to pieces and a bit of a lottery whether you will see all of the game. So, Aberdeen need a new ground and there aren't many locations available. They also need a training base, obviously, as their current training facilities are embarrassing. The plans looks good imo and it could be a real centre of excellence for the NE. As stated by many the ground itself HAS to be done right. If the club f**k that up they will never recover. The site isn't ideal, I am out that way quite a lot and, while it isn't that much of a pain to get to by car, going by public transport doesn't really appeal to me. I would hope Colin Cameron type landlords would put on busses for regulars. Ensure that people remain town centre drinkers. Also, Aberdeen have a hell of a lot of history so I hope they put a decent wee museum in. Celebrate football in the NE and try to encourage more people to come up here. Finally, the fans have to get behind this.
  12. Some pretty staggering views from both sides. Simon, as usual, articulately puts across valid points that people who 'disagree' with him struggle to rebut. Suprised City have taken the decision to sign him though. Not sure it's worth the hassle. The primitive 'burn the beast!!1!' views from the usual suspects are entirely predictable. Football is a morally fucked game anyway.
  13. I wonder if Ross McMillan is still one of the best players in the Scottish lower leagues?
  14. He didn't even prove himself at Arbroath. He doesn't deserve a 'job like Inverness'.
  15. It will be Jack Ross but you should do everything you can to bring in Alex Neil.
  16. Why stop there? We should limit the number of foreign employees working at a club as well. "75% of the pie staff should be born within 10 miles of the ground" "1 in 3 club shop workers must hold a British Passport".
  17. McBride would likely be the last to play for one of the clubs. Crawford and Clarke proceeding him. Pat Clarke probably playing the most games for each of the teams.
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