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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. Only idiots think attendances have any real significance. So that adds up.
  2. Always had John Hughes down as a Celtic fan. Anyway, this has to be the most predictable story in Scottish football this season. Everyone, who knows Scottish football, knew exactly how this was going to transpire - you only need to look at the comments on here when he was appointed. This all reflects extremely badly on the Raith board. P.S we would let you speak to Fox if you were interested. PM me for further details.
  3. He will be playing low level junior soon with the hundreds of others like him who have ability (with one foot) but don't have the application, desire or awareness to make it at a decent level.
  4. The boy that worked behind the bar in there still kicking about?
  5. Definitely Todo. Best pub to watch the 12:30 game this Saturday then? Does your newly adopted social club have live football or will I head to the Hoppy. While I am here, what has happened to the Edinburgh City Social club that was next to the theatre? I have been in a few times and couldn't believe the sheer size of the place. Has it been sold for flats?
  6. Aye things will change over the next few weeks but right now I would expect you to finish comfortably above 9th place - Livi.
  7. Question. With the way things are shaping up would you consider 9th a failure?
  8. What have the Pars done that is 'significant' since the 60s?
  9. Where do you train? Cutting your training days form 4 to 2 a week would be a massive saving.
  10. You're a goal scorer away from having a team that could potentially really challenge Morton, Falkirk, Queens and Raith for 4th place. Perhaps even St Mirren - depending on signings. Best of luck and f**k Alloa.
  11. It's broad and narrow, anything else is incorrect. I assume Raith copied this from Hearts?
  12. Aye but to be fair it is a Pars thread so they are entitled to post about their team here.
  13. Championship. He looked like a handy EoS player, no more.
  14. Aaah just realised you're all talking about the guy from Edinburgh City. Watched them against Brora and he looked bang average. A bit of nuisance at that level and worked hard but no where near the level required. Runs the ball out of play.
  15. You're clearly trying to replicate our defence that conceded 92 goals last season
  16. Are Stenny ever not 'cutting' their budget? Seems to always be peddled out.
  17. Two seasons ago. Around the time we were conceding from corners every week as our manager was a fucking moron,
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